

This API covers the User-category calls in version 3.3 of the Cryptosx Exchange software. It includes calls required for log-in and authentication.

API calls can be made via WSS:// The calls have been organized roughly to correspond to similar functions you would find in other trading venues.

Revised calls

Generally, upper- and lowercase is not important for the key-value pairs inside a request or response. If an otherwise well formed call returns an unexpected error, check the case of the key-value pairs in the request.


Some integer Request values are now strings

Old AuthenticateUser Request

    "UserName": "",
} or
    "APIKey": "",
    "Signature": "",
    "Nonce": 12345

New AuthenticateUser Request

    "UserName": "",
    "Password": ""
} or 
    "APIKey": "",
    "Signature": "",
    "UserId": "1",
    "Nonce": "12345"


The userId and instrumentId have been eliminated from the Request.

Old CancelAllOrders Request

    "AccountId": 0,
    "UserId": 0,
    "OMSId": 0,
    "InstrumentId": 0

New CancelAllOrders Request

    "AccountId": 0,
    "OMSId": 0


AccountId added to Request.

Old CancelOrder Request

    "OMSId": 0,
    "OrderId": 0,
    "ClientOrderId": 0

New CancelOrder Request

    "OMSId": 0,
    "AccountId": 0,
    "OrderId": 0,
    "ClientOrderId": 0


Now separate Response objects for BidResult and AskResult in Response

Old CancelQuote Response

    "BidResult": "",
    "AskResult": ""

New CancelQuote Response

 "BidResult": {
 "result": true,
  "errormsg": "",
  "errorcode": 0,
  "detail": "",
 "AskResult": {
  "result": true,
   "errormsg": "",
   "errorcode": 0,
   "detail": "",


Revised Request structure; separate Response objects for BidResult and AskResult[

Old CreateQuote Request

    "BidQuoteId": 1,
    "BidRequest": "",
    "AskQuoteId": 1,
    "AskRequest": "" 

New CreateQuote Request

 "OMSId": 0,
 "AccountId": 0,
 "InstrumentId": 0,
 "Bid": 0,
 "BidQty": 0,
 "Ask": 0,
 "AskQty": 0,

Old CreateQuote Response

    "BidQuoteId": 1,
    "BidRequest": "",
    "AskQuoteId": 1,
    "AskRequest": ""

New CreateQuote Response

 /"BidResult": {
 / /"result": true,
 / /"errormsg": "",
 / /"errorcode": 0,
 / /"detail": "",
 /"AskResult": {
 / /"result": true,
 / /"errormsg": "",
 / /"errorcode": 0,
 / /"detail": "",


accountHandle removed from Request.

Old GetAccountInfo Request

    "omsId": 0,
    "accountId": 0,
    "accountHandle": ""

New GetAccountInfo Request



Extended Response structure

Old GetAccountTrades Response


New GetAccountTrades Response

        "omsId": 0,
        "executionId": 0,
        "tradeId": 0,
        "orderId": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "subAccountId": 0,
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "instrumentId": 0,
        "side": 0,
        "quantity": 0.0,
        "remainingQuantity": 0.0,
        "price": 0.0,
        "value": 0.0,
        "tradeTime": 0,
        "counterParty": null,
        "orderTradeRevision": 0,
        "direction": 0,
        "isBlockTrade": false,
        "tradeTimeMS": 0,
        "fee": 0.0,
        "feeProductId": 0,
        "orderOriginator": 0


transactionType and referenceType have changed to integer in Response.

Old GetAccountTransactions Response

        "TransactionId": 0,
        "OMSId": 0,
        "AccountId": 0,
        "CR": 0,
        "DR": 0,
        "CounterParty": 0,
        "TransactionType": {
        "Options": [
            "Hold" ]
        "ReferenceId": 0,
        "ReferenceType": {
            "Options": [
              "MarginHold" ]
            "ProductId": 0,
            "Balance": 0,
            "TimeStamp": 0,

New GetAccountTransactions Response



priceIncrement added to Response

Old GetInstrument Response


New GetInstrument Response

    "omsId": 0,
    "instrumentId": 0,
    "symbol": null,
    "product1": 0,
    "product1Symbol": null,
    "product2": 0,
    "product2Symbol": null,
    "instrumentType": 0,
    "venueInstrumentId": 0,
    "venueId": 0,
    "sortIndex": 0,
    "sessionStatus": 0,
    "previousSessionStatus": 0,
    "sessionStatusDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "selfTradePrevention": false,
    "quantityIncrement": 0.0,
    "priceIncrement": 0.0


priceIncrement added to Response

Old GetInstruments Response


New GetInstruments Response

        "omsId":0 ,
        "instrumentId": 0,
        "symbol": "",
        "product1": 0,
        "product1Symbol": "",
        "product2": 0,
        "product2Symbol": "",
        "instrumentType": 0,
        "venueInstrumentId": 0,
        "venueId":0,"sortIndex": 0,
        "sessionStatus": 0,
        "previousSessionStatus": 0,
        "sessionStatusDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "selfTradePrevention": false,
        "quantityIncrement": 0.0,
        "priceIncrement": 0.0


Expanded and reorganized Response structure

Old GetOpenOrders Response


New GetOpenOrders Response

        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0


Expanded and reorganized Response structure

Old GetOpenQuotes Response


New GetOpenQuotes Response

    "bid": {
        "omsId": 0,
        "side": 0,
        "orderId": 0,
        "price": 0.0,
        "quantity": 0.0,
        "displayQuantity": 0.0,
        "instrument": 0,
        "account": 0,
        "orderType": 0,
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "orderState": 0
    "ask": {
        "omsId": 0,
        "side": 0,
        "orderId": 0,
        "price": 0.0,
        "quantity": 0.0,
        "displayQuantity": 0.0,
        "instrument": 0,
        "account": 0,
        "orderType": 0,
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "orderState": 0


Expanded and reorganized Response structure

Old GetOpenTradeReports Response


New GetOpenTradeReports Response

        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0


Expanded and reorganized Response structure

Old GetOrderHistory Response


New GetOrderHistory Response

        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0


Expanded and reorganized Response structure

Old GetOrderHistoryByOrderId Response


New GetOrderHistoryByOrderId Response

        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0


Expanded and reorganized Response structure

Old GetOrdersHistory Response


New GetOrdersHistory Response

        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0


Expanded and reorganized Response structure

Old GetOrderStatus Response


New GetOrderStatus Response

        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0


Extended Response structure

Old GetTradesHistory Response


New GetTradesHistory Response

        "omsId": 0,
        "executionId": 0,
        "tradeId": 0,
        "orderId": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "subAccountId": 0,
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "instrumentId": 0,
        "side": 0,
        "quantity": 0.0,
        "remainingQuantity": 0.0,
        "price": 0.0,
        "value": 0.0,
        "tradeTime": 0,
        "counterParty": null,
        "orderTradeRevision": 0,
        "direction": 0,
        "isBlockTrade": false,
        "tradeTimeMS": 0,
        "fee": 0.0,
        "feeProductId": 0,
        "orderOriginator": 0


Request: timeInOrder removed; quantity, PegPriceType changed to integer enumerations

Old SendOrder Request

    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "OMSId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1,
    "TimeInForce": 1,
    "ClientOrderId": 1,
    "OrderIdOCO": 0, 
    "Side": 0,
    "quantity": "1",
    "OrderType": 2,
    "PegPriceType": "3",
    "LimitPrice": 8800 

New SendOrder Request

     "InstrumentId": 1,
     "OMSId": 1,
     "AccountId": 1,
     "TimeInForce": 1,
     "ClientOrderId": 1,
     "OrderIdOCO": 0,
     "UseDisplayQuantity": false,
     "Side": 0,
     "quantity": 1,
     "OrderType": 2,
     "PegPriceType": 3,
     "LimitPrice": 8800


Request alternative available; changed to comma-separated data from numerical key-value pairs in the Response.

Old SubscribeLevel2 Request

    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "Depth": 10

New SubscribeLevel2 Request

    "OMSId":  1,
    "InstrumentId": 0
    "Depth":  10 
    "OMSId":  1,
    "Symbol": "BTCUSD",
    "Depth":  10 

Old SubscribeLevel2 Response

        0: 1,
        1: 1,
        2: 1534865075981,
        3: 0,
        4: 6415.01,
        5: 1,
        6: 6399.79,
        7: 1, 
        8: 1.49364749, 
        9: 0

New SubscribeLevel2 Response

        0, // MDUpdateId        
        1, // AccountId
        123,// ActionDateTime in Posix format X 1000
        0,   // ActionType 0 (New), 1 (Update), 2(Delete)
        0.0, // LastTradePrice
        0, // OrderId
        0.0, //Price
        0,  // ProductPairCode
        0.0, // Quantity
        0, // Side

Previously unrevealed calls


InstrumentId changed to ProductId in Request

Old AddProductAttributes Request

    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "KeyName": key,
    "KeyValue": "value"

New AddProductAttributes Request

    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1,
    "KeyName": key,
    "KeyValue": "value"


InstrumentIds now an array in Request

Old AddUserInstrumentPermissionsBulk Request

    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "UserId": 1

New AddUserInstrumentPermissions Bulk Request

    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentIds": [1,2],
    "UserId": [1,2]


ProductIds now an array in Request

Old AddUserProductPermissionsBulk Request


New AddUserProductPermissionsBulk Request

    "omsid": 0,
    "productids": [1,2],
    "userids": [1,2]


Request requires only OMSId and instrumentId

Old GetEarliestTickTime Request

    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "FromDate": date

New GetEarliestTickTime

    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "OMSId": 1


InstrumentId changed to ProductId in Request

Old RemoveProductAttributes Request

    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1, 
    "KeyName": key, 
    "KeyValue": "value" 

New RemoveProductAttributes Request

    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1,
    "KeyName": "key",
    "KeyValue": "value"

Background Information

This section provides important information about the Cryptosx Exchange software.

Message Frame

A JSON-formatted frame object.

    "m": 0,
    "i": 0,
    "n":"function name",

Wrap all calls in a JSON-formatted frame object. Responses from the server are similarly wrapped. The API calls are documented as payloads by function name.

Key Value
m message type integer. The type of the message. One of:
0 request
1 reply
2 subscribe-to event
3 event
4 unsubscribe-from event
5 error
i sequence number long integer. The sequence number identifies an individual request or request-and-response pair, to your application.

The system requires a non-zero sequence number, but the numbering scheme you use is up to you. No arbitrary sequence numbering scheme is enforced by Cryptosx.

Best Practices: A client-generated API call (of message types 0, 2, and 4) should:
Carry an even sequence number
Begin at the start of each user session
Be unique within each user session.
Begin with 2 (as in 2, 4, 6, 8)

Message types 1 (reply), 3 (event), and 5 (error) are generated by the server. These messages echo the sequence number of the message to which they respond. See the example, following.
n function name string. The function name is the name of the function being called or that the server is responding to. The server echoes your call. See the example, following.
o payload Payload is a JSON-formatted string containing the data being sent with the message. Payload may consist of request parameters (key-value pairs) or response parameters.

Example 1

Example 1

var frame =
    "n":"function name",

var requestPayload =

frame.o = json.Stringify(requestPayload);
// Stringify escapes the payload's quotation marks automatically.
WS.Send(json.Sringify(frame)); // WS.Send escapes the frame

When sending a request in the frame to the software using JavaScript, a call looks like Example 1.

Example 2

Example 2

var frame = json.Parse(wsMessage);

if (frame.m == 1) // message of type reply
    //This is a reply
    if (frame.n == "WebAuthenticateUser")
        var LoginReply = json.Parse(frame.o);
        if (loginReply.Authenticated)
            var user = LoginReplay.User;

When receiving a frame from the software, use the frame to determine the context, and then unwrap the content, as in Example 2.

Standard response objects and common error codes

A response to an API call usually consists of a specific response, but both successful and unsuccessful responses may consist of a generic response object that verifies only that the call was received, and not that the action requested by the call took place. A generic response to an unsuccessful call provides an error code. A generic response looks like Example 3.

Example 3

Example 3

    "errorcode": 0,
Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, result is true; otherwise it is false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. The content of this key is usually null.


The Cryptosx software consists of several modules that include the Order Management System (OMS), the matching engine, and the Asset Manager. During installation, each is assigned an ID.

The Order Management System is the mechanism that manages access to the trading venue. The OMS controls permissions, accounts, and users. The OMS must be specified in many calls.

The order book resides on the Cryptosx matching engine.

A trading venue is a combination of OMS and matching engine that creates a place to access the market and trade. A venue maintains its order book and matching engine, and may access several Order Management Systems.

The Asset Manager controls the deposit and withdrawal of funds belonging to an account. These funds can be denominated in any product that the trading venue allows.

Users, Accounts, and Permissions

The Cryptosx software differentiates between user and account. A user is the person who logs in; an account represents the funds and trading that the user does — much like a bank account represents funds and checks.

As with a bank account, an individual user may have multiple Exchange accounts. Similarly, multiple users may trade through a single account. There may be users who have trading access to one set of accounts that overlap (but do not duplicate) the set of accounts that another user can access. There may be a many-to-many relationship where two or more users have access to a set of accounts.

The use case for this kind of "joint tenancy" is an active trading desk where a specific individual may not always be present. If User A will not be present, User B can monitor and trade on the market. User A may wish to cancel his pending trades for a specific account or instrument, but not those of his trading partner under the same account or for the same instrument.

Permissions handle the rules that determine what a user can access and do with orders, cancellations, and the other tasks of a trading venue. Most permissions encompass tasks such as trading, depositing, or withdrawing funds; but a permission can be set for each API call for each individual in the venue.

An administrator with Operator permission sets up a user's permissions on the OMS when the user joins the trading venue, and only an administrator with Operator permission or above can change them. A full discussion of permissions is not part of this API.

Products and Instruments

In Cryptosx software, a product is an asset that is tradable or paid out. A product might be a national currency, a crypto-currency, or something else such as a commodity. For example, a product might be a US Dollar or a New Zealand Dollar or a BitCoin or an ounce of gold. Transaction and withdrawal fees are denominated in products. (Products may be referred to as assets in some API calls.)

An instrument is a pair of exchanged products (or fractions of them). For example, US Dollar for BitCoin. In conventional investment parlance, a stock or a bond is called an instrument, but implicit in that is the potential exchange of one product for another (stock for dollars). Cryptosx software thinks of that exchange as explicit, and separates product from instrument.

Quotes and Orders

The Cryptosx API includes calls related to both quotes and orders. Quoting is not enabled for the retail end user of Cryptosx software. Only registered market participants or marketmakers may quote. Your trading venue may offer quotes separately from orders.

In this version of the Cryptosx matching engine software, quotes and orders are synonymous. They both can buy or sell. This is because the matching engine (like most matching engines) requires a "firm quote" — a guaranteed bid or ask.

For both quotes and orders, trading priority is the same, and no preference is given one over the other. In code, the matching engine flags a quote for eventual regulatory and compliance rules, but for current software operation and trade execution, quotes and orders behave equivalently.

Best Practices/Quotes and Orders

Use the order-related API calls in preference to quote-related calls unless you specifically require quote-related calls.

Time– and Date-Stamp Formats

Cryptosx software uses two different time– and date-stamp formats, POSIX and Microsoft Ticks. Where the value of a time field key is an integer or long, the value is in POSIX format; when the value of a time field key is a string, it is in Microsoft Ticks format (also called datetime).

The Trading Day

Most Cryptosx installations operate 24-hour computer-based trading venues. The trading day runs from UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight (essentially, London time, but without any summertime offset), regardless of the nominal location of the venue. Values such as open or close are those values as of UTC Midnight. Values for day, month, or annual periods run from UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight.


These calls correspond roughly to the Users function of the Exchange Admin and Admin Guide.


Category: Activation
Permissions: Public
Call Type: Synchronous



Completes the second half of a two-factor authentication by sending the 2FA code while registering for the exchange.

Key Value
Code string. The alphanumeric code you received for authentication.


  "Activated": true,
Key Value
Activated Boolean. True if the activation code is accepted; false if not.
Error string. Error message from the server.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Associates a user affiliate tag to a user. An affiliate tag allows a user to encourage others to join the exchange and provides a way to track those new members back to the initiating user.


Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the user operates.
userId integer. The user's ID.
affiliateId integer. The affiliate ID.
affiliateTag string. The alphanumeric tag used to identify new affiliating members.


Key Value
result Boolean. True signifies that the server has received the request to associate the affiliate tag with a specific user (not that it has done so); false signifies an error.
errormsg string. A successful response returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful response returns one of the following messages: Not Authorized (errorcode 20), Invalid Request (errorcode 100), Operation Failed (errorcode 101), Server Error (errorcode 102), Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful response returns 0. An unsuccessful response returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Company
Call Type: Synchronous

Adds permission to trade in a single instrument to a user, with the user and instrument specified by ID.


  "OMSId": 1,
  "InstrumentId": 1,
  "UserId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the user operates and the instrument resides.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument the user should have permission to trade.
UserId integer. The ID of the user being granted permission to trade in the instrument.


Key Value
result Boolean. True signifies that the server has received the request to add the instrument permission to a specific user (not that it has done so); false signifies an error.
errormsg string. A successful response returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful response returns one of the following messages: Not Authorized (errorcode 20), Invalid Request (errorcode 100), Operation Failed (errorcode 101), Server Error (errorcode 102), Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful response returns 0. An unsuccessful response returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Company
Call Type: Synchronous

Adds permissions for multiple users to multiple instruments in a batch.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentIds": [1,2]
    "UserId": [1,2]

The set of instrument IDs are granted as permission to trade to the set of user IDs.

Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the users operate and the instruments are traded.
InstrumentIds integer array. A comma-separated array of the IDs of multiple instruments whose permission to trade is being granted to the list of users.
UserId integer array. A comma-separated array of the ID of the multiple users who are being granted permission to trade in the list of instruments.


    "result": "true",
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
Key Value
result Boolean. If true, the permission change was received by the server; if false, the permission change was not received by the server. A result of true does not mean that the permissions have been changed, only that they were received.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the quote returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful receipt returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns on of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Company
Call Type: Synchronous

Adds a single product permission to a user.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1,
    "UserId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the user operates and the product trades.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product whose permission to trade is being added to the user.
UserId integer. The ID of the user who is gaining the permission to trade in the product.



A successful response means that the system has received AddUserProductPermissions, not that the product permission has been successfully added. To find out if the permission has been added, use GetUserPermissions.

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt returns true; an unsuccessful receipt (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful receipt returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Company
Call Type: Synchronous

Adds multiple product permissions to multiple users.


    "omsid": 0,
    "productids": [1,2],
    "userids": [1,2]
Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the users operate and the products trade.
productIds integer array. A comma-separated list of the IDs of the products whose permission to trade is being added to the list of users.
userIds integer array. A comma-separated list of the IDs of the users who are gaining the permissions to trade in the list of products.


  "result": true,
  "errormsg": null,
  "errorcode": 0,
  "detail": null

A successful response means that the system has received AddUserProductPermissionsBulk, not that the product permissions have been successfully added. To find out if the permission has been added, use GetUserPermissions.

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt returns true; an unsuccessful receipt (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful receipt returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: Authentication
Permissions: Public
Call Type: Synchronous


  "Code": "YourCode"

Completes the second part of a two-factor authentication by sending the authentication token from the non-Cryptosx authentication system to the Order Management System. The call returns a verification that the user logging in has been authenticated, and a token.

Here is how the two-factor authentication process works:

  1. Call webauthenticateuser. The response includes values for TwoFAType and TwoFAToken. For example, TwoFAType may return "Google," and the TwoFAToken then returns a Google-appropriate token (which in this case would be a QR code).
  2. Enter the TwoFAToken into the two-factor authentication program, for example, Google Authenticator. The authentication program returns a different token.
  3. Call authenticate2FA with the token you received from the two-factor authentication program (shown as YourCode in the Request example below).
Key Value
Code string. Code holds the token obtained from the other authentication source.


  "Authenticated": true,
  "SessionToken": "YourSessionToken"
Key Value
Authenticated Boolean. A successful authentication returns true. Unsuccessful returns false.
SessionToken string. The SessionToken is valid during the current session for connections from the same IP address. If the connection is interrupted during the session, you can sign back in using the SessionToken instead of repeating the full two-factor authentication process. A session lasts one hour after the last-detected activity or until logout.

To send a session token to re-establish an interrupted session:

  "SessionToken": "YourSessionToken"


Category: Authentication
Permissions: Public
CallType: Synchronous


Use this request call

  "UserName": "",
  "Password": ""

Or you can use this request call

  "APIKey": "28c68ac3fcfafc3d4e8d653fe57e5baf",
  "Signature": "29c15c42e4fabcc9e229421e148e647903927c503ab4578ada55bb13a63a9636",
  "UserId": "96",
  "Nonce": "2247733562"

Authenticates a user for the current websocket session.

Key Value
Username string. The user's assigned user name.
Password string. The user's assigned password.


Key Value
APIKey string. This is an Cryptosx-generated key used in user-identification.
Signature string. A long, alphanumeric string generated by Cryptosx by using the APIKey and Nonce.
UserId string. The ID of the user, stated as a string.
Nonce string. Any arbitrary number or random string used with the APIKey to generate a signature.


  { "userId": 0,
    "userName": "",
    "email": "",
    "emailVerified": false,
    "accountId": 0,
    "omsId": 0,
    "use2FA": false
  "authenticated": false,
  "locked": false,
  "requires2FA": false,
  "twoFAType": "",
  "twoFAToken": ""

Key Value
user JSON user object (below)
authenticated Boolean. True if the user is authenticated; false otherwise.
locked Boolean. True if this affiliated user is currently locked; false otherwise. A user may be locked by trying to log in too many times in rapid succession. He must be unlocked by an admin.
requires2FA Boolean. True if the user must use two-factor authentication; false otherwise.
twoFAType string. Returns the type of 2FA this user requires. For example, "Google."
twoFAToken string. Returns an appropriate token. In the case of Google, this is a QR code.

JSON user object:

Key Value
userId integer. The ID of the user being authenticated on the exchange.
userName string. The name of the user.
email string. The email address of the user.
emailVerified Boolean. Whether the email address has been verified by the registration process or directly by an Admin.
accountId integer. The ID of the account with which the user is associated (each user has a default account).
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System with which the user and account are associated.
use2FA Boolean. True if the user must use 2FA to log in; false otherwise.


Category: Users
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

You can generate or schedule a variety of reports through this API on demand. This call cancels a scheduled report by its report ID. GetUserReportTickets can provide a list of GUIDs for scheduled reports.


  "UserReportId": guid-as-a-string //GUID not GUIDE
Key Value
UserReport string. The GUID is a globally unique ID string that identifies the user report to be canceled. The Order Management System provides this ID when you create a report.


  "result": true,
  "errormsg": "",
  "errorcode": 0,
  "detail": "",

The response to CancelUserReport verifies that the call was received, not that the user report has been canceled successfully. Individual event updates sent to the user show cancellations. To verify that a report has been canceled, call GetUserReportTickets or GetUserReportWriterResultRecords.

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the cancellation returns true; and unsuccessful receipt of the cancellation (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the cancellation returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful receipt returns one of the following messages: Not Authorized (errorcode 20, Invalid Request (errorcode 100), Operation Failed (errorcode 101), Server Error (errorcode 102), Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the cancellation returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

EnableXP2FA is a custom two-factor-authentication scheme (like Google 2FA). It generates 2FA code and has the ability to verify these codes.


  "Phone": "",
Key Value
Phone string. A 13-digit Brazilian phone number. Example: +5511965536992
Capability string. Method of validation. Possible values are:
OTP (an app)


  "Enabled2FA": true,
Key Value
Enabled2FA Boolean. True if XP two-factor authentication is enabled; false if not.
Activate2FA Boolean. True if XP two-factor authentication is to be activated; false if not.


Category: User
Permissions: Public
Call Type: Synchronous

Provides a current Level 2 snapshot of a specific instrument trading on an Order Management System to a user-determined market depth. The Level 2 snapshot allows the user to specify the level of market depth information on either side of the bid and ask.


  "OMSId": 1,
  "InstrumentId": 1,
  "Depth": 100 
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the instrument is traded.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument that is the subject of the snapshot.
Depth integer. Depth of the market — the number of buyers and sellers at greater or lesser prices in the order book for the instrument. Defaults to 100.


        0, // MDUpdateId        
        1, // AccountId
        123,// ActionDateTime in Posix format X 1000
        0,   // ActionType 0 (New), 1 (Update), 2(Delete)
        0.0, // LastTradePrice
        0, // OrderId
        0.0, //Price
        0,  // ProductPairCode
        0.0, // Quantity
        0, // Side

// This is how the response is sent:


The response is an array of elements for one specific instrument, the number of elements corresponding to the market depth specified in the Request. It is sent as an uncommented, comma-delimited list of numbers. The example is commented. The Level2UpdateEvent contains the same data, but is sent by the OMS whenever trades occur. To receive Level2UpdateEvents, a user must subscribe to Level2UpdateEvents.

Key Value
MDUpdateID integer. Market Data Update ID. This sequential ID identifies the order in which the update was created.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account trading the instrument.
ActionDateTime long integer.. ActionDateTime identifies the time and date that the snapshot was taken or the event occurred, in POSIX format X 1000 (milliseconds since 1 January 1970).
ActionType integer. L2 information provides price data. This value shows whether this data is:
0 new
1 update
2 deletion
LastTradePrice real. The price at which the instrument was last traded.
OrderId integer. The ID of the order.
Price real. Bid or Ask price for the Quantity (see Quantity below).
ProductPairCode integer. ProductPairCode is the same value and used for the same purpose as InstrumentID. The two are completely equivalent. InstrumentId 47 = ProductPairCode 47.
Quantity real. Quantity available at a given Bid or Ask price (see Price above).
Side integer. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short (reserved for future use)
3 Unknown (error condition)


Category: User
Permissions: GetLevel1, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Provides a current Level 1 snapshot (best bid, best offer) of a specific instrument trading on an Order Management System. The Level 1 snapshot does not allow the user to specify the level of market depth information on either side of the bid and ask.


Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the OMS on which the snapshot will be taken.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument whose Level 1 market snapshot will be taken.


productPairCode is the same as InstrumentId. The two are synonymous and refer to the same object.

  "exchangeId": 0,
  "productPairCode": 0,
  "bestBid": 0.0,
  "bestOffer": 0.0,
  "volume": 0.0,
  "lastTradedPx": 0.0,
  "lastTradedVolume": 0.0,
  "lastTradeTime": 0,
  "timeStamp": 0,
  "bidQty": 0.0,
  "askQty": 0.0,
  "bidOrderCt": 0,
  "askOrderCt": 0,
  "sessionOpen": 0.0,
  "sessionHigh": 0.0,
  "sessionLow": 0.0,
  "sessionClose": 0.0,
  "currentDayVolume": 0.0,
  "currentDayNumTrades": 0.0,
  "currentDayPxChange": 0.0,
  "rolling24HrVolume": 0.0,
  "rolling24NumTrades": 0.0,
  "rolling24HrPxChange": 0.0,
  "rolling24HrPxChangePercent": 0.0
Key Value
exchangeId integer. The ID of the exchange whose snapshot was taken.
productPairCode integer. The ID of the instrument (the product pair) whose prices, bids, asks, and volumes are being reported.
bestBid real. The current best bid for the instrument (product pair).
bestOffer real. The current best offer for the instrument (product pair).
volume real. The unit volume of the instrument traded, either during a true session (with a market open and close), or in 24-hour markets, it is the period from UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight, regardless of the nominal location of the market.
lastTradedPX real. The last-traded price for the instrument.
lastTradedVolume real. The last quantity that was traded.
lastTradeTime real. The last time that the instrument was traded.
timeStamp real. The date and time of this snapshot.
bidQty real. The quantity currently being bid.
askQty real. The quantity currently being asked.
bidOrderCt integer. The count of bid orders.
askOrderCt integer. The count of ask orders.
sessionOpen real. Opening price. In markets with openings and closings, this is the opening price for the current session; in 24-hour markets, it is the price as of UTC Midnight beginning the current day.
sessionHigh real. Highest price during the trading day, either during a true session (openings and closings) or UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight.
sessionLow real. Lowest price during the trading day, either during a true session (openings and closings) or UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight.
sessionClose real. The closing price. In markets that open and close, this is the closing price for the current or most recent session; for 24-hour markets, it is the price as of the most recent UTC Midnight.
currentDayVolume real. The unit volume of the instrument that is the subject of the snapshot, either during a true session (openings and closings) or in 24-hour markets, during the period UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight.
currentDayNumTrades integer. The number of trades during the current day, either during a true session (openings and closings) or in a 24-hour market the period from UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight.
currentDayPxChange real. Change in price over the current session or from UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight.
rolling24HrVolume real. Unit volume of the instrument over the past 24 hours, regardless of time zone. This value recalculates continuously.
rolling24HrNumTrades real. Number of trades during the past 24 hours, regardless of time zone. This value recalculates continuously.
rolling24HrPxChange real. Price change during the past 24 hours, regardless of time zone. This value recalculates continuously.
rolling24HrPxChangePercent real. Percent change in price during the past 24 hours.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns a list of account information for all accounts belonging to the specified user.


  "OMSId": 0,
  "UserId": 0,
  "UserName": "",
Key Value
OMSId integer. The Order Management System on which the user has one ore more accounts.
UserId integer. The ID of the user whose accounts you want to return.
UserName string. The name of the user.


Returns a JSON list of account objects; one for each account associated with the user.

  "OMSID": 0,
  "AccountId": 0,
  "AccountName": "",
  "AccountHandle": "",
  "FirmId": "",
  "FirmName": "",
  "AccountType": {
  "FeeGroupID": 0,
  "ParentID": 0,
  "RiskType": {
    "Options": [
  "VerificationLevel": 0,
  "FeeProductType": {
    "Options": [
  "FeeProduct": 0,
  "RefererId": 0,
  "SupportedVenueIds": [
Key Value
OMSID integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the account resides.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account for which information was requested.
AccountName string. The name of the account.
AccountHandle string. AccountHandle is a unique user-assigned name that is checked at create time by the Order Management System.
FirmId string. An arbitrary identifier assigned by a trading venue operator to a trading firm as part of the initial company, user, and account set up process. For example, Smith Financial Partners might have the ID SMFP.
FirmName string. A longer, non-unique version of the trading firm’s name; for example, Smith Financial Partners.
AccountType string. The type of the account for which information is being returned. One of:

Responses for this string/value pair for Market Participants are almost exclusively Asset.
FeeGroupID integer. Defines account attributes relating to how fees are calculated and assessed. Set by trading venue operator.
ParentID integer. Reserved for future development.
RiskType string. One of:
Unkown (an error condition)

Returns Normal for virtually all market participants. Other types indicate account configurations assignable by the trading venue operator.
VerificationLevel Integer. Verification level ID (how much verification does this account require) defined by and set by the trading venue operator for this account.
FeeProductType string. One of:

Transaction fees may be charged by a trading venue operator. This value shows whether fees for this account’s trades are charged in the product being traded (BaseProduct, for example BitCoin) or whether the account has a preferred fee-paying product (SingleProduct, for example USD) to use in all cases and regardless of product being traded.
FeeProduct integer. The ID of the preferred fee product, if SingleProduct is the value of FeeProductType.
RefererId integer. Captures the ID of the person who referred this account to the trading venue, usually for marketing purposes.
SupportedVenueIds integer array. Comma-separated array. Reserved for future expansion. Currently returns 0.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns a list of account IDs for a given user. More than one user may be associated with a given account.


  "omsId": 0,
  "userId": 0,
  "userName": "",
Key Value
OMSId integer. The Order Management System on which the user has one ore more accounts.
UserId integer. The ID of the user whose accounts you want to return.
UserName string. The name of the user.


The response returns list of comma-separated account IDs.

  0, // a list of account IDs


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Gets a count of users who have been referred to the exchange by the identified user.


Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the user operates.
UserId integer. The ID of the user.


Key Value
Count integer. The count of exchange users who have been referred to the exchange by the user identified by UserId in the request.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an array of affiliate tags associated with the identified user. The exchange can use an affiliate tag to identify new users who join the exchange as a result of a recommendation from the identified user. A user may have multiple affiliate tags.


  "userId": 0,
  "omsId": 0
Key Value
userId integer. The ID of the user whose affiliate tag you want to retrieve.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the user operates.


The response is an array of affiliate tag information, with an object for each affiliate tag associated with the user.

     "omsId": 0,
     "userId": 0,
     "affiliateId": 0,
     "affiliateTag": ""
Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the user operates. This echoes the omsId in the request.
userId integer. The ID of the user whose affiliate tag is returned. Echoes the userId in the request.
affiliateId integer. The ID of the affiliate.
affiliateTag string. The tag that the user can share.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an array of user report tickets for a specific user ID. A user report ticket identifies a report requested or subscribed to by a user. Reports can run once or periodically.


  "UserId":  1 
Key Value
UserId integer. The ID of the user whose user report tickets will be returned.


The response returns an array of tickets, each ticket representing a report.

      "RequestingUser": 0,
      "OMSId": 0,
      "reportFlavor": {
        "Options": [
       "createTime": "0001-01-01T05:00:00Z",
       "initialRunTime": "0001-01-01T05:00:00Z",
       "intervalStartTime": "0001-01-01T05:00:00Z",
       "intervalEndTime": "0001-01-01T05:00:00Z",
       "RequestStatus": {
         "Options": [
       "ReportFrequency": {
         "Options": [
       "intervalDuration": 0,
       "RequestId": "I2nCtvyY8UuHsoSyrLe2QA==",
       "lastInstanceId": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==",
       "accountIds": [
Key Value
RequestingUser integer. The User ID of the person requesting the report.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the report was run.
reportFlavor string. The type of report. One of
createTime string. The time and date at which the request for the report was made, Microsoft Ticks format.
initialRunTime string. The time and date at which the report was first run, Microsoft Ticks format.
intervalStartTime string. The start of the period that the report will cover, Microsoft Ticks format.
intervalEndTime string. The end of the period that the report will cover, Microsoft Ticks format.
RequestStatus string. The status of the request for the report. Each status returns one of:
ReportFrequency string. When the report runs:
intervalDuration long integer. The period that the report looks backward relative to the run date, in POSIX format. The system calculates intervalDuration between intervalStartTime and intervalEndTime and reports it in POSIX format. For example, say that you specify a 90-day start-to-end-date window for a report. The intervalDuration value returns a value equivalent to 90 days and represents the backward-looking period of the report. Say that you have set up a weekly report to look back 90 days. When the report runs again in a week's time, it again looks back 90 days -- but now those 90 days are offset by a week from the first report.
RequestId string. The ID of the original request. Request IDs are long strings unique within the Order Management System.
lastInstanceId string. For scheduled reports, the report ID of the most recent previously run report. This will be null for a Generate~Report call, because generated reports are all on-demand.
accountIds integer array. A comma-delimited array of account IDs whose trades are reported in the trade activity report.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

The call returns an array of user report writer results. The results are the details of when reports have been run and the status of each report run.

Users with Trading permission can request user report writer result records only for their own user IDs; users with Operator permission can request any user's report writer result records.


Key Value
userId integer. The ID of the user whose report writer result records will be returned.
depth integer. The count of records to be returned, beginning at startIndex and working backwards into the past. For example, for a startIndex of 100 and a depth of 50 GetUserReportWriterResultRecords will return records numbered between 100 and 149, inclusive. The value of depth defaults to 50.
startIndex integer. The record number at which the call starts returning records; from there, record return moves into the past. The most recent record is record 0. The value of startIndex defaults to 50.


        "reportDescriptiveHeader":"TradeActivity|onDemand|2018-08-10T04:00:00.000Z|2018-08-10T05:00:00.000Z|2018-08-17T17:57:51.852Z|2018-08-17T17:57:56.840Z|0.19634 seconds"
Key Value
RequestingUser Integer. ID of the user requesting the report writer result records.
urtTicketId string. An alphanumeric string containing the unique report ID of the report.
descriptorId string. A GUID (globally-unique identifier) that describes the report separately from the report ticket.
resultStatus string. The status of each run of the reports. One of:
0 NotStarted
1 NotComplete
2 ErrorComplete
3 SuccessComplete
4 Cancelled
reportExecutionStartTime string. The time that the report writer began execution, in Microsoft Ticks format.
reportExecutionCompleteTime string. The time that the report writer completed the report, in Microsoft Ticks format.
reportOutputFilePathname string. The pathname (location) of the report output file.
reportDescriptiveHeader string. A string describing the report.


Category: Authentication
Permissions: Public
Call Type: Synchronous

LogOut ends the current websocket session.


There is no payload for a LogOut request.

{ }


Key Value
result Boolean. A successful logout returns true; an unsuccessful logout (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful logout returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful logout returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)

Not Authorized and Resource Not Found are unlikely errors for a LogOut.
errorcode integer. A successful logout returns 0. An unsuccessful logout returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Company
Call Type: Synchronous

Removes a single product permission from a user. A product permission is a permission to trade in the product.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1,
    "UserId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the user operates.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product whose permission you are removing from the user.
UserId integer. The ID of the user for whom you are removing the product permission.


Key Value
result Boolean. True signifies that the server has received the request to associate the affiliate tag with a specific user (not that it has done so); false signifies an error.
errormsg string. A successful response returns null; the errormsg parameter for a successful response returns on of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errocode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful response returns 0. An unsuccessful response returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Subscribes the user to notifications about the status of account-level events: orders, trades, position updates, deposits, and withdrawals for a specific account on the Order Management System (OMS). The subscription reports all events associated with a given account; there is no filter at the call level to subscribe to some events and not others.

Account event information is supplied in comma-separated-value (CSV) format. For specific CSV formatting information, see the APEX Extract CSV Data Dictionary, available from Cryptosx.


  "AccountId":  1,
  "OMSId":  1 
Key Value
AccountId integer. The ID of the account for the logged-in user.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System to which the account belongs.


  "Subscribe":  true 
Key Value
Subscribe Boolean. A successful subscription returns true; otherwise, false.

The Events

When you call SubscribeAccountEvents, you subscribe to all of the following list of events. The Order Management System may supply them at irregular intervals and in any order; software must listen for these events. The system sends each of these events in a message frame.


AccountPositionEvent The balance in your account changes.

    "OMSId":4, //The OMSId. [Integer]
    "AccountId":4, // account id number. [Integer]
    "ProductSymbol":"BTC", //The Product Symbol for this balance message. [String]
    "ProductId":1, //The Product Id for this balance message. [Integer]
    "Amount":10499.1,  //The total balance in the account for the specified product. [Dec]
    "Hold": 2.1,  //The total amount of the balance that is on hold. Your available                          //balance for trading and withdraw is (Amount - Hold). [Decimal]
    "PendingDeposits":0, //Total Deposits Pending for the specified product. [Decimal]
    "PendingWithdraws":0, //Total Withdrawals Pending for the specified product. [Decimal]
    "TotalDayDeposits":0, //The total 24-hour deposits for the specified product. UTC. [Dec]
    "TotalDayWithdraws":0 //The total 24-hour withdraws for the specified product. UTC [Dec]

Trigger: The balance in your account changes.


CancelAllOrdersRejectEvent All orders for your account are rejected.

    "OMSId": 1, // OMS ID [Integer]
    "AccountId": 4, // ID of the account being tracked [Integer]
    "InstrumentId": 0, // ID of the instrument in the order [Long Integer]
    "Status": "Rejected", // Accepted/Rejected [String]
    "RejectReason": "Instrument not found." // Reason for rejection [String]

Trigger: All orders for your account are rejected.


CancelOrderRejectEvent Your order is canceled.

    "OMSId": 1, //OMS Id [Integer] Always 1
    "AccountId": 4, //Your Account ID. [Integer]
    "OrderId": 1, //The Order ID from your Cancel request. [64 Bit Integer]
    "OrderRevision": 0, //The Revision of the Order, if any was found. [64 Bit Integer]
    "OrderType": "Unknown", // See "Order Types" in Introduction
    "InstrumentId": 1,  // The InstrumentId from your Cancel request. [Integer]
    "Status": "Rejected", //Always "Rejected" [String]
    "RejectReason": "Order Not Found" //A message describing the reason for the rejection.          // [String]

Trigger: Your order is canceled.


CancelReplaceOrderRejectEvent Your order is rejected even if a cancel-replace order was placed.

    "OMSId": 1, // ID of the OMS [integer]
    "AccountId": 4, // ID of the account [integer]
    "OrderId": 9342, // The ID of the rejected order [integer]
    "ClientOrderId": 1234, // The client-supplied order ID [long integer]
    "LimitPrice": 99.1, // The limit price of the order.
    "OrderIdOCO": 0, // The ID of the other ordre to cancel if this is executed.
    "OrderType": "Limit", // See "Order Types" in Introduction.
    "PegPriceType": "Bid", // Where to peg the stop/trailing order.
    "OrderIdToReplace": 9333, // The ID of the order being cancelled and replaced.
    "InstrumentId": 1, // ID of the instrument traded in the order.
    "ReferencePrice": 99.1, // used internally.
    "Quantity": 1.0, // Quantity of the replacement order
    "Side": "Buy", // Side of the order: Buy, Sell, Short (future)
    "StopPrice":0, // The price at which to execute the new order.
    "TimeInForce":"GTC", // Period when new order can be executed.
    "Status":"Rejected", // Status of the order  always "rejected"
    "RejectReason":"Order Not Found" // Reason the order was rejected.

Trigger: Your order is rejected even if a cancel-replace order was placed.


MarketStateUpdate The market state is altered administratively.

    "ExchangeId":1, // Exchange Id [Integer]
    "VenueAdapterId":1,  // Internal [Integer]
    "VenueInstrumentId":1, // Instrument Id on a specific venue [Integer]
        // Market State Action [String] Values are 
        // "Pause", "Resume", "Halt", "ReOpen"
        // Previous Market Status for Instrument [String] Values are
        // "Running", "Paused", "Stopped", "Starting"
        // Market Status for Instrument [String] Values are 
        // "Running", "Paused", "Stopped", "Starting"
        // ISO 8601 format UTC time zone

Trigger: The market state is altered administratively.


NewOrderRejectEvent An order associated with your account is rejected.

    "OMSId": 1, //OMS Id [Integer] Always 1
    "AccountId": 4, //Your Account Id [Integer]
    "ClientOrderId": 1234, //Your Client Order Id [64 Bit Integer]
    "Status": "Rejected", //Always "Rejected"
    "RejectReason": "No More Market" //A message describing the reason for the reject.

Trigger: An order associated with your account is rejected.


OrderStateEvent The status changes for an order associated with your account.

        // The side of your order. [String] Values are "Sell", 
        // "Buy", "Short"
    "OrderId": 9849, //The Server-Assigned Order Id. [64-bit Integer]
    "Price": 97, //The Price of your order. [Decimal]
        // The Quantity (Remaining if partially or fully executed) of 
        // your order. [Decimal]
    "Instrument":1, // The InstrumentId your order is for. [Integer]
    "Account":4, // Your AccountId [Integer]
        // The type of order. [String] Values are "Market", "Limit",
        // "StopMarket", "StopLimit", "TrailingStopMarket", and
        // "TrailingStopLimit"
    "ClientOrderId":0, // Your client order id. [64-bit Integer]
    "OrderState":"Working", // The current state of the order. [String]
            // Values are "Working", "Rejected", "FullyExecuted", "Canceled",
            // "Expired"
    "ReceiveTime":0, // Timestamp in POSIX format
    "OrigQuantity":1, // The original quantity of your order. [Decimal]
    "QuantityExecuted":0, // The total executed quantity. [Decimal]
    "AvgPrice":0, // Avergage executed price. [Decimal]
        // The reason for the order state change. [String] Values are 
        // "NewInputAccepted", "NewInputRejected", "OtherRejected",
        // "Expired", "Trade", SystemCanceled BelowMinimum", 
        // "SystemCanceled NoMoreMarket", "UserModified"

Trigger: The status changes for an order associated with your account.


OrderTradeEvent An order associated with your account results in a trade.

    "OMSId":1, //OMS Id [Integer]
    "TradeId":213, //Trade Id [64-bit Integer]
    "OrderId":9848, //Order Id [64-bit Integer]
    "AccountId":4, //Your Account Id [Integer]
    "ClientOrderId":0, //Your client order id. [64-bit Integer]
    "InstrumentId":1, //Instrument Id [Integer]
    "Side":"Buy", //[String] Values are "Buy", "Sell", "Short" (future)
    "Quantity":0.01, //Quantity [Decimal]
    "Price":95,  //Price [Decimal]
    "Value":0.95,  //Value [Decimal]
    "TradeTime":635978008210426109, // TimeStamp in Microsoft ticks format
        // The Counterparty of the trade. The counterparty is always 
        // the clearing account. [Integer]
    "OrderTradeRevision":1, //Usually 1 
    "Direction":"NoChange" //"Uptick", "Downtick", "NoChange"

Trigger: An order associated with your account results in a trade.


PendingDepositUpdate Deposit pending on your account.

    "AccountId": 4, // Your account id number. [Integer]
    "AssetId": 1, // The ProductId of the pending deposit. [Integer]
    "TotalPendingDepositValue": 0.01 //The value of the pending deposit. [Decimal]
    "Requires2FA": false,
    "TwoFAType": "",
    "TwoFAToken": "",

Trigger: Deposit pending on your account.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, Level1MarketData
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves the latest Level 1 Ticker information and then subscribes the user to ongoing Level 1 market data event updates for one specific instrument.

The SubscribeLevel1 call responds with the Level 1 response shown below. The OMS then periodically sends in the same format as this response Leve1UpdateEvent information when best-bid/best-offer issue, until you send the UnsubscribeLevel1 call.

Only a user with Operator permission can issue Level1MarketData permission using the call **AddUserMarketDataPermission.*


You can identify the instrument with its ID or with its market symbol (string).

    "OMSId":  1,
    "InstrumentId": 0


    "OMSId":  1,
    "Symbol": "BTCUSD"
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument trades.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument you’re tracking. Conditionally optional.
Symbol string. The symbol of the instrument you’re tracking. Conditionally optional.


The SubscribeLevel1 response and Level1UpdateEvent both provide the same information.

  "OMSId": 1,
  "InstrumentId": 1,
  "BestBid": 6423.57,
  "BestOffer": 6436.53,
  "LastTradedPx": 6423.57,
  "LastTradedQty": 0.96183964,
  "LastTradeTime": 1534862990343,
  "SessionOpen": 6249.64,
  "SessionHigh": 11111,
  "SessionLow": 4433,
  "SessionClose": 6249.64,
  "Volume": 0.96183964,
  "CurrentDayVolume": 3516.31668185,
  "CurrentDayNumTrades": 8529,
  "CurrentDayPxChange": 173.93,
  "Rolling24HrVolume": 4319.63870783,
  "Rolling24NumTrades": 10585,
  "Rolling24HrPxChange": -0.4165607307408487,
  "TimeStamp": "1534862990358"
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument trades.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument being tracked.
BestBid real. The current best bid for the instrument.
BestOffer real. The current best offer for the instrument.
LastTradedPx real. The last-traded price for the instrument.
LastTradedQty real. The last-traded quantity for the instrument.
LastTradeTime long integer. The time of the last trade, in POSIX format.
SessionOpen real. Opening price. In markets with openings and closings, this is the opening price for the current session; in 24-hour markets, it is the price as of UTC Midnight.
SessionHigh real. Highest price during the trading day, either during a session with opening and closing prices or UTC midnight to UTC midnight.
SessionLow real. Lowest price during the trading day, either during a session with opening and closing prices or UTC midnight to UTC midnight.
SessionClose real. The closing price. In markets with openings and closings, this is the closing price for the current session; in 24-hour markets, it is the price as of UTC Midnight.
Volume real. The unit volume of the instrument traded, either during a session with openings and closings or in 24-hour markets, the period from UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight.
CurrentDayVolume real. The unit volume of the instrument traded either during a session with openings and closings or in 24-hour markets, the period from UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight.
CurrentDayNumTrades integer. The number of trades during the current day, either during a session with openings and closings or in 24-hour markets, the period from UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight.
CurrentDayPxChange real. Current day price change, either during a trading session or UTC Midnight to UTC midnight.
Rolling24HrVolume real. Unit volume of the instrument during the past 24 hours, regardless of time zone. Recalculates continuously.
Rolling24HrNumTrades integer. Number of trades during the past 24 hours, regardless of time zone. Recalculates continuously.
Rolling24HrPxChange real. Price change during the past 24 hours, regardless of time zone. Recalculates continuously.
TimeStamp long integer. The time this information was provided, in POSIX format.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, Level2MarketData
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves the latest Level 2 Ticker information and then subscribes the user to Level 2 market data event updates for one specific instrument. Level 2 allows the user to specify the level of market depth information on either side of the bid and ask. The SubscribeLevel2 call responds with the Level 2 response shown below. The OMS then periodically sends Level2UpdateEvent information in the same format as this response until you send the UnsubscribeLevel2 call.

Only a user with Operator permission can issue a Level2MarketData permission using the call AddUserMarketDataPermission.


    "OMSId":  1,
    "InstrumentId": 0
    "Depth":  10 


    "OMSId":  1,
    "Symbol": "BTCUSD"
    "Depth":  10 
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument trades.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument you’re tracking. Conditionally optional.
Symbol string. The symbol of the instrument you’re tracking. Conditionally optional.
Depth integer. The depth of the order book. The example request returns 10 price levels on each side of the market.


        0, // MDUpdateId        
        1, // AccountId
        123,// ActionDateTime in Posix format X 1000
        0,   // ActionType 0 (New), 1 (Update), 2(Delete)
        0.0, // LastTradePrice
        0, // OrderId
        0.0, //Price
        0,  // ProductPairCode
        0.0, // Quantity
        0, // Side

The response is an array of elements for one specific instrument, the number of elements corresponding to the market depth specified in the Request. It is sent as an uncommented, comma-delimited list of numbers. The example is commented.

Key Value
MDUpdateID integer. Market Data Update ID. This sequential ID identifies the order in which the update was created.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account trading the instrument.
ActionDateTime long integer.. ActionDateTime identifies the time and date that the snapshot was taken or the event occurred, in POSIX format X 1000 (milliseconds since 1 January 1970).
ActionType integer. L2 information provides price data. This value shows whether this data is:
0 new
1 update
2 deletion
LastTradePrice real. The price at which the instrument was last traded.
OrderId integer. The ID of the order.
Price real. Bid or Ask price for the Quantity (see Quantity below).
ProductPairCode integer. ProductPairCode is the same value and used for the same purpose as InstrumentID. The two are completely equivalent. InstrumentId 47 = ProductPairCode 47.
Quantity real. Quantity available at a given Bid or Ask price (see Price above).
Side integer. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short (reserved for future use)
3 Unknown (error condition)


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, Level1MarketData
Call Type: Synchronous

Subscribes a user to a Ticker Market Data Feed for a specific instrument and interval. SubscribeTicker sends a response object as described below, and then periodically returns a TickerDataUpdateEvent that matches the content of the response object.

Only a user with Operator permission can issue a Level1MarketData permission using the call AddUserMarketDataPermission.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "Interval": 60,
    "IncludeLastCount": 100 
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System
InstrumentId long integer. The ID of the instrument whose information you want to track.
Interval integer. Specifies in seconds how frequently to obtain ticker updates. Default is 60 — one minute.
IncludeLastCount integer. The limit of records returned in the ticker history. The default is 100.


  [1501603632000, \\DateTime - UTC - Milliseconds since 1/1/1970
   2700.33, \\High 
   2701.2687.01, \\Low
   2687.01, \\Open
   2687.01, \\Close
   24.86100992, \\Volume
   0, \\Inside Bid Price
   2870.95, \\Inside Ask Price
   1], \\InstrumentId


The response returns an array of objects , each object an unlabeled, comma-delimited array of numbers. The Open price and Close price are those at the beginning of the tick — the Interval time subscribed to in the request. For 24-hour exchanges, the trading day runs from UTC midnight to UTC midnight; highs, lows, opens, closes, and volumes consider that midnight-to-midnight period to be the trading day. The data order is:

A typical response might look like this: [[1510719222970.21,6943.51,6890.27,6898.41,6891.16,0,6890.98,6891.98,1,1510718681956.34]],


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, Level1MarketData
Call Type: Synchronous

Subscribes an authenticated user to the Trades Market Data Feed for a specific instrument. Each trade has two sides: Buy and Sell.

SubscribeTrades returns the response documented here for your immediate information, then periodically sends the OrderTradeEvent documented in SubscribeAccountEvents.

Only a user with Operator permission can issue the permission Level1MarketData using the call AddUserMarketDataPermission.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "IncludeLastCount": 100 
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument is traded.
InstrumentId long integer. The ID of the instrument whose trades will be reported.
IncludeLastCount integer. Specifies the number of previous trades to retrieve in the immediate snapshot. Default is 100.


Numerical keys reduce package transmission load. See Response table for an explanation.

         0: 1713390,
         1: 1,
         2: 0.25643269,
         3: 6419.77,
         4: 203100209,
         5: 203101083,
         6: 1534863265752,
         7: 2,
         8: 1,
         9: 0,
         10: 0

The response returns an array of trades. The keys of each trade are numbers to reduce payload traffic.

Key Value
0 (TradeId) integer. The ID of this trade.
1 (ProductPairCode) integer. ProductPairCode is the same number and used for the same purpose as InstrumentID. The two are completely equivalent in value. InstrumentId 47 = ProductPairCode 47.
2 (Quantity) real. The quantity of the instrument traded.
3 (Price) real. The price at which the instrument traded.
4 (Order1) integer. The ID of the first order that resulted in the trade, either Buy or Sell.
5 (Order2) integer. The ID of the second order that resulted in the trade, either Buy or Sell.
6 (Tradetime) long integer. UTC trade time in Total Milliseconds. POSIX format.
7 (Direction) integer. Effect of the trade on the instrument’s market price. One of:
0 NoChange
1 UpTick
2 DownTick
8 (TakerSide) integer. Which side of the trade took liquidity? One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell

The maker side of the trade provides liquidity by placing the order on the book (this can be a buy or a sell order). The other, taker, side takes the liquidity. It, too, can be buy-side or sell-side.
9 (BlockTrade) Boolean. Was this a privately negotiated trade that was reported to the OMS? A private trade returns 1 (true); otherwise 0 (false). Default is false. Block trades are not supported in exchange version 3.1
10 (order1ClientId or order2ClientId) integer. The client-supplied order ID for the trade. Internal logic determines whether the program reports the order1ClientId or the order2ClientId.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, Level1MarketData
Call Type: Synchronous

Unsubscribes the user from a Level 1 Market Data Feed subscription.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the user has subscribed to a Level 1 market data feed.
InstrumentId long integer. The ID of the instrument being tracked by the Level 1 market data feed.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": null,
    "detail": null
Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns true; and unsuccessful receipt (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful request returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, Level2MarketData
Call Type: Synchronous

Unsubscribes the user from a Level 2 Market Data Feed subscription.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the user has subscribed to a Level 2 market data feed.
InstrumentId long integer. The ID of the instrument being tracked by the Level 2 market data feed.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": null,
    "detail": null
Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns true; and unsuccessful receipt (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful request returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, Level1MarketData
Call Type: Synchronous

Unsubscribes the user from a Ticker Market Data Fee.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the user has subscribed to a ticker market data feed.
InstrumentId long integer. The ID of the instrument being tracked by the ticker market data feed.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": null,
    "detail": null
Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns true; and unsuccessful receipt (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful request returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, Level1MarketData
Call Type: Synchronous

Unsubscribes the user from a Trades Market Data Feed


    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the user has subscribed to a trades market data feed.
InstrumentId long integer. The ID of the instrument being tracked by the trades market data feed.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": null,
    "detail": null
Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns true; and unsuccessful receipt (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful request returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Updates the user affiliate tag with new or revised information. An affiliate tag allows a user to encourage others to join the exchange and provides a way to track those new members back to the initiating user.


Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the user and his affiliate tag operates.
userId integer. The ID of the user whose affiliate tag you are modifying.
affiliateId integer. The ID of the affiliate.
affiliateTag string. The alphanumeric tag used to identify new affiliating members.


Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns true; and unsuccessful receipt (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful request returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the unsubscribe request returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


These calls correspond roughly to the Accounts function of the Exchange Admin and Admin Guide.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Creates an immediate report on historical trade activity on a specific Order Management System for a list of accounts during a specified time interval.

A user with Trading permission can only generate reports for accounts with which he is associated; a user with Operator permission can generate reports for accounts associated with others.

The Trade Activity Report is delivered as a comma-separated (CSV) file. For specific CSV formatting information, see the APEX Extract CSV Data Dictionary, available from Cryptosx.


    "accountIdList": [
        0 // one or more Account IDs
    "omsId": 0,
    "startTime": "0001-01-01T05:00:00Z",
    "endTime": "0001-01-01T05:00:00Z",
Key Value
accountIdList integer array. A comma-delimited array of one ore more account IDs, each valid on a single Order Management System for the authenticated user. The account user may not be the only user of the account.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the array of account IDs exist.
startTime string. startTime identifies the time and date for the historic beginning of the trade activity report.
endTime string. endTime identifies the time and date for the historic end of the trade activity report.


  "reportFlavor": {
         "Options": [
  "RequestStatus": {
         "Options": [
  "ReportFrequency": {
         "Options":  [

Similar objects are returned for Generate~Report and Schedule~Report calls. As a result, for an on-demand Generate~Report call, some string-value pairs such as initialRunTime may return the current time and ReportFrequency will always return OnDemand because the report is only generated once and on demand.

Key Value
RequestingUser integer. The User ID of the person requesting the trade activity report. This confirms the ID of the authenticated user who made the request by returning it as part of the response.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the trade activity report will be run.
reportFlavor string. The type of report to be generated. One of:

The reportFlavor string confirms the nature of the call.
createTime string. The time and date on which the request for the trade activity report was made.
initialRunTime string. The time and date at which the trade activity report was first run.
intervalStartTime string. The start of the period that the report will cover.
intervalEndTime string. The end of the period that the report will cover.
RequestStatus string. The status of the request for the trade activity report. A Generate~Report request will always return Submitted. Each request returns one of:
ReportFrequency string. When the report runs. For a Generate~Report call, this is always OnDemand. One of:
intervalDuration long integer. The period that the report covers relative to the run date. The Generate~Report call requires a start time and an end time. The Cryptosx software calculates the difference between them as intervalDuration.

For example, say that you specify a 90-day start-date-to-end-date window for a report. The intervalDuration value returns a value equivalent to 90 days. If you have called Generate~Report, that value simply confirms the length of time that the on-demand report covers.
RequestId string. The ID of the original request. Request IDs are long strings unique within the Order Management System.
lastInstanceId string. For scheduled reports, the report ID of the most recent previously run report. Will be null for a Generate~Report call, because generated reports are on-demand.
accountIds integer array. A comma-delimited array of account IDs whose trades are reported in the trade activity report.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Generates an immediate report on account transaction activity for a list of accounts under a single Order Management System during a specified time. A user with Trading permission can only generate reports for accounts with which he is associated; a user with Operator permission can generate reports for accounts associated with others. There can be multiple users associated with an account.

The Transaction Activity Report is delivered as a comma-separated (CSV) file. For specific CSV formatting information, see the APEX Extract CSV Data Dictionary, available from Cryptosx.


    "accountIdList": [
    "omsId": 0,
    "startTime": "0001-01-01T05:00:00Z",
    "endTime": "0001-01-01T05:00:00Z",
Key Value
accountIdList integer array. A comma-delimited array of one ore more account IDs, each valid on the same Order Management System on which the user is authenticated.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the array of account IDs exist.
startTime string. startTime identifies the time and date for the beginning of the transaction activity report, in ISO 8601 format.
endTime string. endTime identifies the time and date for the end of the transaction activity report, in ISO 8601 format.


  "reportFlavor": {
         "Options":  [
  "RequestStatus": {
         "Options": [
  "ReportFrequency": {
         "Options":  [

Similar objects are returned for Generate~Report and Schedule~Report calls. As a result, for an on-demand Generate~Report call, some string-value pairs such as initialRunTime may return the current time and ReportFrequency will always return OnDemand because the report is only generated once and on demand.

Key Value
RequestingUser integer. The User ID of the person requesting the transaction activity report. This confirms the ID of the authenticated user who made the request by returning it as part of the response.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the transaction activity report will be run.
reportFlavor string. The type of report to be generated. One of:

The reportFlavor string confirms the nature of the call.
createTime string. The time and date on which the request for the trade activity report was made.
initialRunTime string. The time and date at which the trade activity report was first run. Returns the current time for a Generate~Report call.
intervalStartTime string. The start of the period that the report will cover.
intervalEndTime string. The end of the period that the report will cover.
RequestStatus string. The status of the request for the trade activity report. A Generate~Report request will always return Submitted. Each request returns one of:
ReportFrequency string. When the report runs. For a Generate~Report call, this is always OnDemand.
intervalDuration long integer. The period that the report covers relative to the run date. The Generate~Report call requires a start time and an end time. The Cryptosx software calculates the difference between them as intervalDuration.

For example, say that you specify a 90-day start-date-to-end-date window for a report. The intervalDuration value returns a value equivalent to 90 days. If you have called Generate~Report, that value simply confirms the length of time that the on-demand report covers.
RequestId string. The ID of the original request. Request IDs are long strings unique within the Order Management System.
lastInstanceId string. For scheduled reports, the report ID of the most recent previously run report. Will be null for a Generate~Report call, because generated reports are on-demand.
accountIds integer array. A comma-delimited array of account IDs whose trades are reported in the trade activity report.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Generates an immediate report on all company treasury activities related to the trading venue — those withdrawals, transfers, and funds movements that are unrelated to specific trades — over a specified period.

A user with Trading permission can only generate reports for accounts with which he is associated; a user with Operator permission can generate reports for accounts associated with others. There can be multiple users associated with an account.

The Trade Activity Report is delivered as a comma-separated (CSV) file. For specific CSV formatting information, see the APEX Extract CSV Data Dictionary, available from Cryptosx.


    "accountIdList": [
    "omsId": 0,
    "startTime": "0001-01-01T05:00:00Z",
    "endTime": "0001-01-01T05:00:00Z",
Key Value
accountIdList integer array. A comma-delimited array of one ore more account IDs, each valid on a single Order Management System. For a user with Trading permission, the user must be associated with the accounts. The account user might not be the only user of the account.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the array of account IDs exists.
startTime string. startTime identifies the time and date for the historic beginning of the trade activity report.
endTime string. endTime identifies the time and date for the historic end of the trade activity report


    "reportFlavor": {
         "Options":  [
    "RequestStatus": {
         "Options":  [
    "ReportFrequency": {
         "Options":  [

Similar objects are returned for Generate~Report and Schedule~Report calls. As a result, for an on-demand Generate~Report call, some string-value pairs such as initialRunTime may return the current time and ReportFrequency will always return OnDemand because the report is only generated once and on demand.

Key Value
RequestingUser integer. The User ID of the person requesting the treasury activity report. This confirms the ID of the authenticated user who made the request by returning it as part of the response.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the transaction activity report will be run. Note capitalization change from the request.
reportFlavor string. The type of report to be generated. One of:

The reportFlavor string confirms the nature of the call.
createTime string. The time and date on which the request for the trade activity report was made.
initialRunTime string. The time and date at which the trade activity report was first run. Returns the current time for a Generate~Report call.
intervalStartTime string. The start of the period that the report will cover.
intervalEndTime string. The end of the period that the report will cover.
RequestStatus string. The status of the request for the trade activity report. A Generate~Report request will always return Submitted. Each request returns one of:
ReportFrequency string. When the report runs. For a Generate~Report call, this is always OnDemand.
intervalDuration long integer. The period that the report covers relative to the run date. The Generate~Report call requires a start time and an end time. The Cryptosx software calculates the difference between them as intervalDuration.

For example, say that you specify a 90-day start-date-to-end-date window for a report. The intervalDuration value returns a value equivalent to 90 days. If you have called Generate~Report, that value simply confirms the length of time that the on-demand report covers.
RequestId string. The ID of the original request. Request IDs are long strings unique within the Order Management System.
lastInstanceId string. For scheduled reports, the report ID of the most recent previously run report. Will be null for a Generate~Report call, because generated reports are on-demand.
accountIds integer array. A comma-delimited array of account IDs whose trades are reported in the trade activity report.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns detailed information about one specific account and existing on a specific Order Management System.


Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the account exists.
accountId integer. The ID of the account on the Order Management System for which information will be returned.


    "accountType": {
      "Options": [
       "Asset", // 0 
       "Liability", // 1
       "ProfitLoss" // 2
    "riskType": {
      "Options": [
         "Unknown", // 0
         "Normal", // 1
         "NoRiskCheck", // 2
        "NoTrading" // 3
    "feeProductType": {
      "Options": [
       "BaseProduct", // 0
       "SingleProduct" // 1

Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the account resides.
accountId integer. The ID of the account for which information was requested.
accountName string. A non-unique name for the account assigned by the user.
accountHandle string. accountHandle is a unique user-assigned name that is checked at create time by the Order Management System to assure its uniqueness.
firmId string. An arbitrary identifier assigned by a trading venue operator to a trading firm as part of the initial company, user, and account set up process. For example, Smith Financial Partners might have the ID SMFP.
firmName string. A longer, non-unique version of the trading firm’s name; for example, Smith Financial Partners.
accountType integer. The type of the account for which information is being returned. One of:
Asset (0)
Liability (1)
ProfitLoss (2)

Responses for this string/value pair for Market Participants are almost exclusively Asset.
feeGroupID integer. Defines account attributes relating to how fees are calculated and assessed. Set by trading venue operator.
parentID integer. Reserved for future development.
riskType integer. One of:
Unkown (0) (an error condition)
Normal (1)
NoRiskCheck (2)
NoTrading (3)

Returns Normal for virtually all market participants. Other types indicate account configurations assignable by the trading venue operator.
verificationLevel integer. Verification level limits the amounts of deposits and withdrawals. It is defined by and set by the trading venue operator for each account and is part of the KYC ("Know Your Customer") process, which may be automated or manual. An account can earn a higher Verification Level over time.
feeProductType string. One of:

Trading fees may be charged by a trading venue operator. (Withdrawal fees may also be charged, but that is a separate setting dependent on product and instrument.) This value shows whether fees for this account’s trades are charged in the product being traded (BaseProduct, for example BitCoin) or whether the account has a preferred fee-paying product (SingleProduct, for example USD) to use in all cases and regardless of product being traded.
feeProduct integer. The ID of the preferred fee product, if any. Defaults to 0.
refererId integer. Captures the ID of the entity who referred this account to the trading venue, usually captured for marketing purposes.
loyaltyProductId integer. The Loyalty Token is a parallel fee structure that replaces the general set of transaction fees. An exchange can promote activity on a specific cryptocurrency token by offering discounted transaction fees denominated in that token to customers who choose that fee structure. This key is the ID of the loyalty product chosen by the Exchange. There can be one Loyalty Token per OMS.
loyaltyEnabled Boolean. If true, this account has accepted the Loyalty Token fee structure. If false, the account has not accepted it. The default setting is false.
marginEnabled Boolean. If true, this account can trade on margin. If false, the account cannot trade on margin. The default is false.
liabilityAccountId integer. The ID of the liability account associated with the account named in the accountId key. A liability account is necessary for this account to trade on margin. Used internally.
lendingAccountId integer. The ID of the lending account associated with the account named in the accountId key. A lending account is necessary for this account to trade on margin. Used internally.
profitLossAccountId integer. The ID of the profit-and-loss account associated with the account named in the accountId key. A profit-and-loss account is necessary for this account to trade on margin. Used internally.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves a single ledger entry for an account by the ID of the ledger entry. You can obtain a list of ledger entry IDs for a specific account with the call GetLedgerEntriesByAccount.


    "AccountLedgerEntryId": 1
Key Value
AccountLedgerEntryId integer. The ID of the ledger entry you want returned.


    "AccountId": 0,
    "ProductId": 0,
    "CR_Amt": 0,
    "DR_Amt": 0,
    "EnteredBy": 0,
    "Comments": null,
    "OneSidedTransaction": 0,
    "AccountLedgerEntryId": 0

The response is list of fields describing the ledger entry.

Key Value
AccountId integer. The ID of the account for which the ledger entry was made.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product being deposited or withdrawn.
CR_Amt real. Credit entry. The amount of funds entering the account.
DR_Amt real. Debit entry. The amount of funds leaving the account.
EnteredBy integer. The ID of the user who made the ledger entry.
Comments string. Any comment previously entered about the ledger entry.
oneSidedTransaction byte. Used for a manual entry when the user must make either a deposit or a withdrawal entry.
AccountLedgerEntryId long integer. The ID of this ledger entry.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves a list of positions (balances) for a specific user account running under a specific Order Management System. The trading day runs from UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight.

Users with Trading or AccountReadOnly permission must specify an account ID with which they're associated on the Order Management System. Users with Operator permission can specify other accounts.


  "OMSId": 1
Key Value
AccountId integer. The ID of the authenticated user’s account on the Order Management System for which positions will be returned.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System to which the user belongs. A user will belong only to one OMS.



The response returns an array of one or more positions for the account. This example response has returned two positions.

Key Value
omsId Integer. The ID of the Order Management System (OMS) to which the user belongs. A user will only ever belong to one Order Management System. Note the change in capitalization from the request.
accountId integer. Returns the ID of the user’s account to which the positions belong. Note the change in capitalization from the request.
productSymbol string. The symbol of the product on this account’s side of the trade. For example:
BTC — BitCoin
USD — US Dollar
NZD — New Zealand Dollar

Many other values are possible depending on the nature of the trading venue.
productId integer. The ID of the product being traded. The system assigns product IDs as they are entered into the system. Use GetProduct to return information about the product by its ID.
amount real. Unit amount of the product; for example, 10 or 138.5.
hold real. Amount of currency held and not available for trade. A pending trade of 100 units at $1 each will reduce the amount in the account available for trading by $100 and produce a $100 hold. Amounts on hold cannot be withdrawn while a trade is pending.
pendingDeposits real. Deposits accepted but not yet cleared for trade.
pendingWithdraws real. Withdrawals acknowledged but not yet cleared from the account. Amounts in PendingWithdraws are not available for trade.
totalDayDeposits real. Total deposits on today’s date. The trading day runs between UTC Midnight and UTC Midnight.
totalMonthDeposits real. Total deposits for the month as of today's date.
totalYearDeposits real. Total deposits for the year as of today's date.
totalYearDepositNotional real. Yearly amount for deposit of crypto-currencies. It is usually calculated as
value = (Amount * Bid/Ask Price). 10 BitCoin each at $6700 equals $67000.
totalDayWithdraws real. Total withdrawals on today’s date. The trading day runs between UTC Midnight and UTC Midnight.
totalMonthWithdraws real. Total withdrawals during this month to date. The trading day runs between UTC Midnight and UTC Midnight — likewise a month begins at UTC Midnight on the first day of the month.
totalYearWithdraws real. Total withdrawals during the current year to date.
totalYearWithdrawNotional real. Yearly withdrawals for crypto-currencies. It is usually calculated as
value = (Amount * Bid/Ask Price). 10 BitCoin each at $6700 equals $67000.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves an array of an account's ledger entries by account ID.


    "AccountId": 1
Key Value
AccountId integer. The ID of the account whose ledger entries you want to retrieve.



The response consists of an array, each element describing a ledger entry.

Key Value
accountId integer. The ID of the account into which the ledger entry was made.
productId integer. The ID of the product being credited or debited to the account.
cR_Amt real. Credit amount. Funds entering the account.
dR_Amt real. Debit amount. Funds leaving the account.
enteredBy integer. The ID of the person who made the ledger entry.
comments string. Any comment made on the ledger entry.
oneSidedTransaction byte. Used for a manual entry when the user must make either a deposit or a withdrawal entry.
accountLedgerEntryId long integer. The ID of the ledger entry for the account.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, Withdraw, Deposit
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns a list of product symbols (BTC, USD, etc.) upon which the account named by AccountId is allowed to execute treasury operations.

Users with Trading, Withdraw, and Deposit permission must be associated with the account named by AccountId. Users with Operator permission can request the list of treasury products for any account.


    "AccountId": 1,
    "OMSId": 1
Key Value
AccountId integer. The ID of the account whose permitted treasury products will be returned.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the account operates.


An array of code symbol lists.

[ { "LTC", "BTC", "USD" }, ]

The response returns an array of code symbol lists.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Schedules a series of trade activity reports to run for a list of accounts on a single Order Management System, starting at a specific date/time, and covering a specific time duration. The reports will run periodically until canceled.

Users with Trading permission can schedule reports for accounts with which they are associated; users with Operator permissions can schedule reports for any accounts.

Trade Activity Reports are delivered in comma-separated-value (CSV) format. For specific CSV formatting information, see the APEX Extract CSV Data Dictionary, available from Cryptosx.


  "frequency": {
         "Options": [
            "OnDemand", // 0 
            "Hourly", // 1
            "Daily", // 2
            "Weekly", // 3
            "Monthly", // 4
            "Annual" // 5
Key Value
frequency integer. How often the report will run. One of:
0 OnDemand
1 Hourly
2 Daily
3 Weekly
4 Monthly
5 Annually
accountIdList integer array. Comma-separated integers; each element an account ID on the Order Management System whose trade activity will be reported on. All accounts must be from the same OMS.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the accounts named in the list reside.
beginTime string. The time at which the periodic reports begin; the day and time when you want reporting to start, in Microsoft Ticks format.
intervalDuration integer. The length of time prior to the run time that the report covers, in days. For example, 90 for 90 days. Whatever the report's frequency, it looks back 90 days. A monthly report, for example, would look back 90 days; an annual report would look back 90 days.


    "reportFlavor": { // enumerated string
         "Options": [
    "RequestStatus": { // enumerated string
         "Options": [
    "ReportFrequency": { // enumerated string
         "Options": [

The response returns an object confirming the settings in the call.

Key Value
RequestingUser integer. The User ID of the person requesting the trade activity report. This confirms the ID of the authenticated user who made the request by returning it as part of the response.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the trade activity report will be run.
reportFlavor enumerated string. The type of report to be generated. One of:

The reportFlavor string confirms the nature of the call.
createTime string. The time and date on which the request for the trade activity report was made, in Microsoft Ticks format.
initialRunTime string. The time and date at which the trade activity report was first run, in Microsoft Ticks format.
intervalStartTime string. The start of the period that the report will cover, in Microsoft Ticks format.
intervalEndTime string. The end of the period that the report will cover, in Microsoft Ticks format.
RequestStatus enumerated string. The status of the request for the trade activity report. Each request returns one of:
ReportFrequency enumerated string. When the report runs:
intervalDuration long integer. The period that the report covers relative to the run date, in POSIX format. The call specifies a start time and an intervalDuration.

For example, say that you schedule a weekly report with a 90-day intervalDuration value. intervalDuration represents the backward-looking period of the report. When the report runs again in a week’s time, it again looks back 90 days — but now those 90 days are offset by a week from the first report.
RequestId string. The ID of the original request. Request IDs are long strings unique within the Order Management System.
lastInstanceId string. For scheduled reports, the report ID of the most recent previously run report.
accountIds integer array. A comma-delimited array of account IDs whose trades are reported in the trade activity report.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Schedules a series of transaction activity reports for a list of accounts on a single Order Management System, starting at a specific date/time, and covering a specific time interval (90 days, for example). The reports run periodically until canceled.

Users with Trading permission can schedule transaction activity reports only for accounts with which they are associated; users with Operator permission can schedule transaction activity reports for any account.

Transaction Activity Reports are delivered in comma-separated-value (CSV) format. For specific CSV formatting information, see the APEX Extract CSV Data Dictionary, available from Cryptosx.


  "frequency": 0,
  "accountIdList": [1],
  "omsId": 1,
  "beginTime": "2018-08-10T04:00:00.000Z",
  "intervalDuration": 10
Key Value
frequency integer: How often the report will run. Expressed as an integer that maps to this list:
0 OnDemand
1 Hourly
2 Daily
3 Weekly
4 Monthly
5 Annually
accountIdList integer array. Comma-separated integers; each element is an account ID whose transaction activity will be reported on. All accounts must be from the same OMS.
omsId integer. The Order Management System on which the accounts named in the list reside.
beginTime string. The time from which the transaction activities will be reported, in Microsoft Ticks format.
intervalDuration integer. The length of time prior to the run time that the report covers, in days. For example, 90 means 90 days. Whenever the report runs, it looks back 90 days.


    "RequestingUser": 1,
    "OMSId": 1,
    "reportFlavor": "Transaction",
    "createTime": "2018-08-17T18:02:23Z",
    "initialRunTime": "2018-08-10T04:00:00Z",
    "intervalStartTime": "2018-08-10T04:00:00Z",
    "intervalEndTime": "2018-08-10T05:00:00Z",
    "RequestStatus": "Submitted",
    "ReportFrequency": "Hourly",
    "intervalDuration": 36000000000,
    "RequestId": "I2nCtvyY8UuHsoSyrLe2QA==",
    "lastInstanceId": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==",
    "accountIds": [1]

Similar objects are returned for Generate~Report and Schedule~Report calls.

Key Value
RequestingUser integer. The User ID of the person requesting the transaction activity report. This confirms the ID of the authenticated user who made the request by returning it as part of the response.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the transaction activity report will be run.
reportFlavor string. The type of report to be generated. One of:

The reportFlavor string confirms the nature of the call.
createTime string. The time and date on which the request for the transaction activity report was made, in Microsoft Ticks format.
initialRunTime string. The time and date at which the transaction activity report was first run, in Microsoft Ticks format.
intervalStartTime string. The start of the period that the report will cover, in Microsoft Ticks format.
intervalEndTime string. The end of the period that the report will cover, in Microsoft Ticks format.
requestStatus string. The status of the request for the transaction activity report. Each request returns one of:
ReportFrequency string. When the report runs:
intervalDuration long integer. The period that the report covers relative to the run date, in POSIX format. For example, say that you schedule a weekly report with a 90-day intervalDuration value. intervalDuration represents the backward-looking period of the report. When the report runs again in a week’s time, it again looks back 90 days — but now those 90 days are offset by a week from the first report.
RequestId string. The ID of the original request. Request IDs are long strings unique within the Order Management System.
lastInstanceId string. For scheduled reports, the report ID of the most recent previously run report.
accountIds integer array. A comma-delimited array of account IDs whose trades are reported in the trade activity report.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Schedules a series of treasury activity reports for a list of accounts on a single Order Management System, starting at a specific date/time, and covering a specific time interval. Treasury activities are non-trading transactions such as deposits and withdrawals. The reports runs periodically until canceled.

A user with Trading permission may schedule reports only for accounts with which he is associated; a user with Operator permission may schedule reports for any accounts.

The Treasury Activity Report itself is delivered as a comma-separated-value (CSV) file. For specific CSV formatting information, see the APEX Extract CSV Data Dictionary, available from Cryptosx.



Key Value
frequency integer. How often the report will run. A number represents one of:
0 OnDemand
1 Hourly
2 Daily
3 Weekly
4 Monthly
5 Annually
accountIdList integer array. Comma-separated integers; each element is an account ID whose treasury activity will be reported on. All accounts must be from the same OMS.
omsId integer. The Order Management System on which the accounts named in the list reside.
beginTime string. The time from which the treasury activities will be reported, in Microsoft Ticks format.
intervalDuration integer. The length of time prior to the run time that the report covers. For example, 90 days. Whenever the report runs, it looks back 90 days.



Similar objects are returned for Generate~Report and Schedule~Report calls.

Key Value
RequestingUser integer. The User ID of the person requesting the treasury activity report. This confirms the ID of the authenticated user who made the request by returning it as part of the response.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the treasury activity report will be run.
reportFlavor string. The type of report to be generated. One of:

The reportFlavor string confirms the nature of the call.
createTime string. The time and date on which the request for the treasury activity report was made, in Microsoft Ticks format.
initialRunTime string. The time and date at which the treasury activity report was first run, in Microsoft Ticks format.
intervalStartTime string. The start of the period that the report will cover, in Microsoft Ticks format.
intervalEndTime string. The end of the period that the report will cover, in Microsoft Ticks format.
requestStatus string. The status of the request for the treasury activity report. One of:
ReportFrequency string. When the report runs. Note that frequency in the request is an integer; but ReportFrequency in the response is a string.
intervalDuration long integer. The period that the report covers relative to the run date, in POSIX format.

For example, say that you schedule a weekly report with a 90-day intervalDuration value. intervalDuration represents the backward-looking period of the report. When the report runs again in a week’s time, it again looks back 90 days — but now those 90 days are offset by a week from the first report.
RequestId string. The ID of the original request. Request IDs are long strings unique within the Order Management System.
lastInstanceId string. For scheduled reports, the report ID of the most recent previously run report.
accountIds integer array. A comma-delimited array of account IDs whose trades are reported in the trade activity report.


These calls correspond roughly to the Trades function of the Exchange Admin and Admin Guide.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Requests the details on up to 200 past trade executions for a single specific account and Order Management System, starting at index i, where i is an integer identifying a specific execution in reverse order; that is, the most recent execution has an index of 0, and increments by one as trade executions recede into the past.

Users with Trading or AccountReadOnly permission may access trade information only for accounts with which they are associated; users with Operator permission may access trade information for any account.

The operator of the trading venue determines how long to retain an accessible trading history before archiving.


    "OMSId": 0,
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System to which the user belongs. A user will belong to only one OMS.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account.
StartIndex integer. The starting index into the history of trades, beginning from 0 (the most recent trade).
Count integer. The number of trades to return. The system can return up to 200 trades.


        "omsId": 0,
        "executionId": 0,
        "tradeId": 0,
        "orderId": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "subAccountId": 0,
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "instrumentId": 0,
        "side": 0,
        "quantity": 0.0,
        "remainingQuantity": 0.0,
        "price": 0.0,
        "value": 0.0,
        "tradeTime": 0,
        "counterParty": null,
        "orderTradeRevision": 0,
        "direction": 0,
        "isBlockTrade": false,
        "tradeTimeMS": 0,
        "fee": 0.0,
        "feeProductId": 0,
        "orderOriginator": 0

The response is an array of objects, each of which represents the account’s side of a trade (either buy or sell).

Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System to which the account belongs.
executionId integer. The ID of this account's side of the trade. Every trade has two sides.
tradeId integer. The ID of the overall trade.
orderId long integer. The ID of the order causing the trade (buy or sell).
accountId integer. The ID of the account that made the trade (buy or sell).
subAccountId integer. Not currently used; reserved for future use. Defaults to 0.
clientOrderId integer. An ID supplied by the client to identify the order (like a purchase order number). The clientOrderId defaults to 0 if not supplied.
instrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument being traded. An instrument comprises two products, for example Dollars and BitCoin.
side integer. A number representing one of the following potential sides of a trade:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown (an error condition)
quantity real. The unit quantity of this side of the trade.
remainingQuantity real. The number of units remaining to be traded by the order after this execution. This number is not revealed to the other party in the trade. This value is also known as "leave size" or "leave quantity."
price real. The unit price at which the instrument traded.
value real. The total value of the deal. The system calculates this as:
unit price X quantity executed.
tradeTime long integer. The date and time stamp of the trade, in POSIX format.
counterParty string. The ID of the other party in a block trade. Usually, IDs are stated as integers; this value is an integer written as a string.
orderTradeRevision integer. The revision number of this trade; usually 1.
direction integer. The effect of the trade on the instrument's market price. One of:
0 No change
1 Uptick
2 DownTick
isBlockTrade Boolean. A value of true means that this trade was a block trade; a value of false that it was not a block trade.
tradeTimeMS long integer. The date and time that the trade took place, in milliseconds and POSIX format. All dates and times are UTC.
fee real. Any fee levied against the trade by the Exchange.
feeProductId integer. The ID of the product in which the fee was levied.
orderOriginator integer. The ID of the user who initiated the trade.


Category: User
Permissions: Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns a list of transactions for a specific account on an Order Management System. The owner of the trading venue determines how long to retain order history before archiving. The caller must be associated with the account named in AccountId.


  "OMSId": 1,
  "AccountId": 1,
  "Depth": 200
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System from which the account’s transactions will be returned.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account for which transactions will be returned. If not specified, the call returns transactions for the default account for the logged-in user.
Depth integer. The number of transactions that will be returned, starting with the most recent transaction.



The response returns an array of transaction objects. Note capitalization changes from the request.

Key Value
transactionId Integer. The ID of the transaction.
omsId Integer. The ID of the Order Management System under which the requested transactions took place.
accountId Integer. The single account under which the transactions took place.
cr real. Credit entry for the account on the order book. Funds entering an account.
dr real. Debit entry for the account on the order book. Funds leaving an account.
counterparty long integer. The corresponding party in a trade.
transactionType integer. A number representing the type of transaction:
1 Fee
2 Trade
3 Other
4 Reverse
5 Hold
6 Rebate
7 MarginAcquisition
8 MarginRelinquish
referenceId long integer. The ID of the action or event that triggered this transaction.
referenceType integer. A number representing the type of action or event that triggered this transaction. One of:
1 Trade
2 Deposit
3 Withdraw
4 Transfer
5 OrderHold
6 WithdrawHold
7 DepositHold
8 MarginHold
9 ManualHold
10 ManualEntry
11 MarginAcquisition
12 MarginRelinquish
13 MarginQuoteHold
productId integer. The ID of the product on this account’s side of the transaction. For example, in a dollars-for-BitCoin transaction, one side will have the product Dollar and the other side will have the product BitCoin. Use GetProduct to return information about a product based on its ID.
balance real. The balance in the account after the transaction.
timeStamp long integer. Time at which the transaction took place, in POSIX format.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves an array of open trade information for the account named in AccountId.

Users with Trading or AccountReadOnly permission must be associated with the named account; users with Operator permission can retrieve open trade reports on any account.


  "OMSId": 1,
  "AccountId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the account operates.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account whose open trade information will be returned.


        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0

The call GetOpenTradeReports returns an array containing all four types of orders for the named account. The call returns an empty array if there are no open trades for the account.

Key Value
Side string. The side of a trade. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown (an error condition)
OrderId long integer. The ID of the open order. The OrderID is unique in each Order Management System.
Price real. The price at which the buy or sell has been ordered.
Quantity real. The quantity of the product to be bought or sold.
DisplayQuantity real. The quantity available to buy or sell that is publicly displayed to the market. To display a displayQuantity value, an order must be a Limit order with a reserve.
Instrument integer. ID of the instrument being traded. The call GetInstruments can supply the instrument IDs that are available.
orderType string. Describes the type of order this is. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Market order
2 Limit
3 StopMarket
4 StopLimit
5 TrailingStopMarket
6 TrailingStopLimit
7 BlockTrade
ClientOrderId integer. An ID supplied by the client to identify the order (like a purchase order number). The ClientOrderId defaults to 0 if not supplied.
OrderState string. The current state of the order. One of:
0 Unknown
1 Working
2 Rejected
3 Canceled
4 Expired
5 Fully Executed.
ReceiveTime long integer. Time stamp of the order in POSIX format.
ReceiveTimeTicks long integer. Time stamp of the order in POSIX format.
OrigQuantity real. If the open order has been changed or partially filled, this value shows the original quantity of the order.
QuantityExecuted real. If the open order has been at least partially executed, this value shows the amount that has been executed.
AvgPrice real. The average executed price for the instrument in the order.
CounterPartyId integer. The ID of the other party in an off-market trade.
ChangeReason string. If the order has been changed, this string value holds the reason. One of:
0 Unknown
1 NewInputAccepted
2 NewInputRejected
3 OtherRejected
4 Expired
5 Trade
6 SystemCanceled_NoMoreMarket
7 SystemCanceled_BelowMinimum
8 SystemCanceled_PriceCollar
9 SystemCanceled_MarginFailed
100 UserModified
OrigOrderId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original order.
OrigClOrdId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original client order ID.
EnteredBy integer. The user ID of the person who entered the order.
IsQuote Boolean. If this order is a quote, the value for IsQuote is true, else false.
InsideAsk real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Ask price.
InsideAskSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Ask quote.
InsideBid real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Bid price.
InsideBidSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Bid quote.
LastTradePrice real. The last price that this instrument traded at.
RejectReason string. If this open order has been rejected, this string holds the reason for the rejection.
IsLockedIn Boolean. For a block trade, if both parties to the block trade agree that one of the parties will report the trade for both sides, this value is true. Othersise, false.
CancelReason string. If this order has been canceled, this string holds the cancelation reason.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the order took place.


Category: User
Permissions: Public
Call Type: Synchronous

Requests a ticker history (high, low, open, close, volume, bid, ask, ID) of a specific instrument from a given date to the present. You will need to format the returned data per your requirements.

Because permission is Public, any user can retrieve the ticker history for any instrument on the OMS.


    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "Interval": 60,
    "FromDate": "2018-07-18",
    "ToDate": "2018-07-19",
Key Value
InstrumentId integer. The ID of a specific instrument. The current Order Management System is assumed.
Interval integer. The time between ticks, in seconds. For example, a value of 60 returns ticker array elements between FromDate to ToDate in 60-second increments.
FromDate string. Oldest date from which the ticker history will start, in Micrisoft Ticks format. The report moves toward ToDate from this point.
ToDate string. Most recent date, at which the ticker history will end, in Microsoft Ticks format.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the ticker history comes from.


The response is an array of arrays of comma-separated, but unlabeled, numbers. This sample shows comments applied to identify the data being returned (comments are not part of the response; the second array shows how the data actually is reported):

    1501603632000, \\DateTime - UTC - Milliseconds since 1/1/1970 - POSIX format
    2700.33, \\High
    2687.01, \\Low
    2687.01, \\Open
    2687.01, \\Close
    24.86100992,  \\Volume
    0,  \\Inside Bid Price
    2870.95,  \\Inside Ask Price
    1 \\InstrumentId

The response returns an array of arrays dating from the FromDate value of the request to the ToDate. The data are returned oldest-date first. The data returned in the arrays are not labeled.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves a list of trades for a specified account, order ID, user, instrument, or starting and ending time stamp. The returned list begins at start index i, where i is an integer identifying a specific trade in reverse order; that is, the most recent trade has an index of 0. “Depth” is the count of trades to report backwards from StartIndex.

Users with Trading permission can retrieve trade history for accounts with which they are associated; users with Operator permission can retrieve trade history for any account.


All values in the request other than omsId are optional.

    "omsId": 0,
    "accountId": 0,
    "instrumentId": 0,
    "tradeId": 0,
    "orderId": 0,
    "userId": 0,
    "startTimestamp": 0,
    "endTimestamp": 0,
    "depth": 100,
    "startIndex": 0,
    "executionId": 0
Key Value
omsId Integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the trades took place. If no other values are specified, GetTradesHistory returns the trades associated with the default account for the logged-in user on this Order Management System. Required key and value.
accountId Integer. The account ID that made the trades. If no account ID is supplied, the system assumes the default account for the logged-in user making the call.
instrumentId long integer. The ID of the instrument whose trade history is reported. If no instrument ID is included, the system returns trades for all instruments associated with the account ID and OMS.
tradeId integer. The ID of a specific trade. If you specify TradeId, GetTradesHistory can return all states for a single trade.
orderId integer. The ID of the order resulting in the trade. If specified, the call returns all trades associated with the order.
userId integer. The ID of the logged-in user. If not specified, the call returns trades associated with the users belonging to the default account for the logged-in user of this OMS.
startTimeStamp long integer. The historical date and time at which to begin the trade report, in POSIX format. If not specified, reverts to the start date of this account on the trading venue.
endTimeStamp long integer. Date at which to end the trade report, in POSIX format.
depth integer. In this case, the count of trades to return, counting from the StartIndex. If Depth is not specified, returns all trades between BeginTimeStamp and EndTimeStamp, beginning at StartIndex.
startIndex integer. The starting index into the history of trades, from 0 (the most recent trade) and moving backwards in time. If not specified, defaults to 0.
executionId integer. The ID of the individual buy or sell execution. If not specified, returns all.


        "omsId": 0,
        "executionId": 0,
        "tradeId": 0,
        "orderId": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "subAccountId": 0,
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "instrumentId": 0,
        "side": 0,
        "quantity": 0.0,
        "remainingQuantity": 0.0,
        "price": 0.0,
        "value": 0.0,
        "tradeTime": 0,
        "counterParty": null,
        "orderTradeRevision": 0,
        "direction": 0,
        "isBlockTrade": false,
        "tradeTimeMS": 0,
        "fee": 0.0,
        "feeProductId": 0,
        "orderOriginator": 0

The response is an array of objects, each element of which represents the account’s side of a trade (either buy or sell).

Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System to which the account belongs.
executionId integer. The ID of this account's side of the trade. Every trade has two sides.
tradeId integer. The ID of the overall trade.
orderId long integer. The ID of the order causing the trade (buy or sell).
accountId integer. The ID of the account that made the trade (buy or sell).
subAccountId integer. Not currently used; reserved for future use. Defaults to 0.
clientOrderId integer. An ID supplied by the client to identify the order (like a purchase order number). The clientOrderId defaults to 0 if not supplied.
instrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument being traded. An instrument comprises two products, for example Dollars and BitCoin.
side integer. A number representing one of the following potential sides of a trade:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown (an error condition)
quantity real. The unit quantity of this side of the trade.
remainingQuantity real. The number of units remaining to be traded by the order after this execution. This number is not revealed to the other party in the trade. This value is also known as "leave size" or "leave quantity."
price real. The unit price at which the instrument traded.
value real. The total value of the deal. The system calculates this as:
unit price X quantity executed.
tradeTime long integer. The date and time stamp of the trade, in POSIX format.
counterParty string. The ID of the other party in a block trade. Usually, IDs are stated as integers; this value is an integer written as a string.
orderTradeRevision integer. The revision number of this trade; usually 1.
direction integer. The effect of the trade on the instrument's market price. One of:
0 No change
1 Uptick
2 DownTick
isBlockTrade Boolean. A value of true means that this trade was a block trade; a value of false that it was not a block trade.
tradeTimeMS long integer. The date and time that the trade took place, in milliseconds and POSIX format. All dates and times are UTC.
fee real. Any fee levied against the trade by the Exchange.
feeProductId integer. The ID of the product in which the fee was levied.
orderOriginator integer. The ID of the user who initiated the trade.

OMS Orders

These calls correspond roughly to the OMS Orders function of the Exchange Admin and Admin Guide.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Cancels all open matching orders for the specified account on an Order Management System.

A user with Trading permission can cancel orders for himselfd; a user with Operator permissions can cancel orders for any account, instrument, or user.


  "AccountId": 0,
  "OMSId": 0
Key Value
AccountId integer. The account for which all orders are being canceled. Conditionally optional.
OMSId integer. The Order Management System under which the account operates. Required.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": ""

The Response is a standard response object.

Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, result is true; otherwise it is false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Cancels an open order that has been placed but has not yet been fully executed.

A user with Trading permission can cancel an order only for an account with which he is associated; a user with Operator permission can cancel an order for any account.


  "OMSId": 0,
  "AccountId": 0,  // conditionally optional
  "ClientOrderId": 0,  // conditionally optional
  "OrderId": 0,    // conditionally optional

The OMS ID and the Order ID precisely identify the order you wish to cancel. The Order ID is unique across an OMS.

If you specify the OMS ID and the Account ID, you must also specify at least the Client Order ID. The OMS is unable to identify the order using only the OMS ID and the Client Order ID, as the Client Order ID may not be unique.

Key Value
OMSId integer. The Order Management System on which the order exists. Required.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account under which the order was placed. Conditionally optional.
ClientOrderId long integer. A user-assigned ID for the order (like a purchase-order number assigned by a company). ClientOrderId defaults to 0. Conditionally optional.
OrderId long integer. The order to be canceled. Conditionally optional.


  "result": true,
  "errormsg": "",
  "errorcode": 0,
  "detail": "",

The response to CancelOrder verifies that the call was received, not that the order has been canceled successfully. Individual event updates to the user show order cancellation. To verify that an order has been canceled, call GetOrderStatus or GetOpenOrders.

Key Value
result Boolean. Returns true if the call to cancel the order has been successfully received, otherwise returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of a call to cancel an order returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful call to cancel an order returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successfully received call to cancel an order returns 0. An unsuccessfully received call to cancel an order returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. The contents of this parameter are usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Marketmaker
Call Type: Synchronous

Cancels a quote that has not been executed yet.


    "omsId": 0,
    "accountId": 0,
    "instrumentId": 0,
    "bidQuoteId": 0,
    "askQuoteId": 0

You must identify the quote to be canceled by both BidQuoteId and AskQuoteId, which were supplied by the system when the quote was created. You can optionally identify the canceled quote using AccountId and InstrumentId. If the call does not include AccountId, the call assumes the default AccountId for the logged-in user; if the call does not include InstrumentId, the call operates on any instruments quoted by the account.

Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the quote was requested. Required.
accountId integer. The ID of the account that requested the quote. Conditionally optional.
instrumentId long integer. The ID of the instrument being quoted. Conditionally optional.
bidQuoteId integer. The ID of the bid quote. Required.
askQuoteId integer. The ID of the ask quote. Required.


  "BidResult": "{
    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": "",
  "AskResult": "{
    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": "",

Returns two json objects, one for Bid and one for Ask.

The response to CancelQuote verifies that the call was received, not that the quote has been canceled successfully. Individual event updates to the user show quotes as they cancel. To verify that a quote has been canceled, use GetOpenQuotes.

Key Value
BidResult object. Returns a response object for Bid (see below).
AskResult object. Returns a response object for Ask.

Objects for both BidResult and AskResult:

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the cancelation returns true; and unsuccessful receipt of the cancelation (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the cancelation returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful receipt returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the cancelation returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

CancelReplaceOrder is a single API call that both cancels an existing order and replaces it with a new order. Canceling one order and replacing it with another also cancels the order’s priority in the order book. You can use ModifyOrder to preserve priority in the book; but ModifyOrder only allows a reduction in order quantity.


Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the order is being canceled and replaced by another order.
orderIdToReplace long integer. The ID of the order to replace with this order.
clientOrderId long integer. A user-assigned ID for the new, replacement order (like a purchase-order number assigned by a company). This ID is useful for recognizing future states related to this order. If unspecified, ClientOrderId defaults to 0.
orderType integer. An integer representing the type of the replacement order:
0 Unknown
1 Market
2 Limit
3 StopMarket
4 StopLimit
5 TrailingStopMarket
6 TrailingStopLimit
7 BlockTrade
side integer. An integer representing the side of the replacement order:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown (error condition)
accountId integer. The ID of the account under which the original order was placed and the new order will be placed.
instrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument being traded.
useDisplayQuantity Boolean. The display quantity is the quantity of a product shown to the market to buy or sell. A larger quantity may be wanted or available, but it may disadvantageous to display it when buying or selling. The display quantity is set when placing an order (using SendOrder or CancelReplaceOrder for instance). If you enter a Limit order with reserve, you must set useDisplayQuantity to true.
displayQuantity real. The quantity of a product that is available to buy or sell that is publicly displayed to the market.
limitPrice real. The price at which to execute the new order, if the new order is a limit order.
stopPrice real. The price at which to execute the new order, if the order is a stop order.
referencePrice real. The reference price of the instrument in the order.
pegPriceType integer. An integer that represents the type of price you set in a stop/trailing order to "peg the stop."
0 Unknown (error condition)
1 Last
2 Bid
3 Ask
4 Midpoint
timeInForce integer. An integer that represents the period during which the new order is executable. One of:
0 Unknown (error condition)
1 GTC (good 'til canceled, the default)
2 OPG (execute as close to opening price as possible)
3 IOC (immediate or canceled)
4 FOK (fill or kill — fill the order immediately, or cancel it immediately)
5 GTX (good 'til executed)
6 GTD (good 'til date)
orderIdOCO integer. One Cancels the Other — If the order being canceled in this call is order A, and the order replacing order A in this call is order B, then OrderIdOCO refers to an order C that is currently open. If order C executes, then order B is canceled. You can also set up order C to watch order B in this way, but that will require an update to order C.
quantity real. The amount of the order (either buy or sell).


  "replacementOrderId": 1234,
  "replacementClOrdId": 1561,
  "origOrderId": 5678,
  "origClOrdId": 91011,

The response returns the new replacement order ID and echoes back any replacement client ID you have supplied, along with the original order ID and the original client order ID.

Key Value
replacementOrderId integer. The order ID assigned to the replacement order by the server.
replacementClOrdId long integer. Echoes the contents of the clientOrderId value from the request.
origOrderId integer. Echoes orderIdToReplace, which is the original order you are replacing.
origClOrdId long integer. Provides the client order ID of the original order (not specified in the requesting call).


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, MarketMaker
Call Type: Synchronous

TK call and response may change

Creates a quote. A quote expresses a willingness to buy or sell at a given price. Both a quote and an order will execute. Only a user with Operator or MarketMaker permission can create a quote.


  "OMSId": 0,
  "AccountId": 0,
  "InstrumentId": 0,
  "Bid": 0,
  "BidQty": 0,
  "Ask": 0,
  "AskQty": 0,
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the quote is being created. Required.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account in which the quote is being created. If the call provides no AccountId, the system assumes the default account ID for the logged-in user on the OMS.
InstrumentId long integer. The ID of the instrument being quoted. Required.
Bid real. The bid price. Required.
BidQty real. The quantity of the bid. Required.
Ask real. The ask price. Required.
AskQty real. The quantity of the ask. Required.


  "BidResult": {
    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": "",
  "AskResult": {
    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": "",
Key Value
BidResult object. Returns a response object for Bid (see below).
AskResult object. Returns a response object for Ask.

Objects for both BidResult and AskResult:

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the cancelation returns true; and unsuccessful receipt of the cancelation (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the cancelation returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful receipt returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the cancelation returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an array of 0 or more orders that have not yet been filled (open orders) for a single account on a specific Order Management System. The call returns an empty array if an account has no open orders.

A user with Trading or AccountReadOnly permission must be associated with the account named by AccountId; a user with Operator permissoin can get open orders for any account.


  "OMSId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System to which the user belongs. A user will belong only to one OMS.
AccountId integer. The ID of the authenticated user’s account.


        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0

The call GetOpenOrders returns an array containing both buy-side and a sell-side open orders for the named account. The call returns an empty array if there are no open orders for the account.

Key Value
Side string. The side of a trade. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown (an error condition)
OrderId long integer. The ID of the open order. The OrderID is unique in each Order Management System.
Price real. The price at which the buy or sell has been ordered.
Quantity real. The quantity of the product to be bought or sold.
DisplayQuantity real. The quantity available to buy or sell that is publicly displayed to the market. To display a displayQuantity value, an order must be a Limit order with a reserve.
Instrument integer. ID of the instrument being traded. The call GetInstruments can supply the instrument IDs that are available.
orderType string. Describes the type of order this is. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Market order
2 Limit
3 StopMarket
4 StopLimit
5 TrailingStopMarket
6 TrailingStopLimit
7 BlockTrade
ClientOrderId integer. An ID supplied by the client to identify the order (like a purchase order number). The ClientOrderId defaults to 0 if not supplied.
OrderState string. The current state of the order. One of:
0 Unknown
1 Working
2 Rejected
3 Canceled
4 Expired
5 Fully Executed.
ReceiveTime long integer. Time stamp of the order in POSIX format x 1000 (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 in UTC time zone).
ReceiveTimeTicks long integer. Time stamp of the order Microsoft Ticks format and UTC time zone. Note: Microsoft Ticks format is usually provided as a string. Here it is provided as a long integer.
OrigQuantity real. If the open order has been changed or partially filled, this value shows the original quantity of the order.
QuantityExecuted real. If the open order has been at least partially executed, this value shows the amount that has been executed.
AvgPrice real. The average executed price for the instrument in the order.
CounterPartyId integer. The ID of the other party in an off-market trade.
ChangeReason string. If the order has been changed, this string value holds the reason. One of:
0 Unknown
1 NewInputAccepted
2 NewInputRejected
3 OtherRejected
4 Expired
5 Trade
6 SystemCanceled_NoMoreMarket
7 SystemCanceled_BelowMinimum
8 SystemCanceled_PriceCollar
9 SystemCanceled_MarginFailed
100 UserModified
OrigOrderId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original order.
OrigClOrdId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original client order ID.
EnteredBy integer. The user ID of the person who entered the order.
IsQuote Boolean. If this order is a quote, the value for IsQuote is true, else false.
InsideAsk real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Ask price.
InsideAskSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Ask quote.
InsideBid real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Bid price.
InsideBidSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Bid quote.
LastTradePrice real. The last price that this instrument traded at.
RejectReason string. If this open order has been rejected, this string holds the reason for the rejection.
IsLockedIn Boolean. For a block trade, if both parties to the block trade agree that one of the parties will report the trade for both sides, this value is true. Othersise, false.
CancelReason string. If this order has been canceled, this string holds the cancelation reason.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the order took place.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, MarketMaker
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns the current bid and ask quotes for a given instrument ID and account ID.


  "omsId": 0,
  "accountId": 0,
  "instrumentId": 0,
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the instrument is traded whose quote may be open.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account whose open quotes will be returned.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument being quoted.


    "bid": {
        "omsId": 0,
        "side": 0,
        "orderId": 0,
        "price": 0.0,
        "quantity": 0.0,
        "displayQuantity": 0.0,
        "instrument": 0,
        "account": 0,
        "orderType": 0,
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "orderState": 0
    "ask": {
        "omsId": 0,
        "side": 0,
        "orderId": 0,
        "price": 0.0,
        "quantity": 0.0,
        "displayQuantity": 0.0,
        "instrument": 0,
        "account": 0,
        "orderType": 0,
        "clientOrderId": 0,
        "orderState": 0

Returns a JSON object comprising a bid and an ask object. Both object comprise the same key-value pairs.

Key Value
bid Bid object (see below)
ask Ask object (see below)

Bid and Ask objects differ only in the values for the keys.

Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System containing the open quotes.
side integer. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown (error condition)
orderId long integer. The ID of this quote. Quotes and orders are both executable, but only Operators and MarketMakers may quote.
price real. Price of the Bid/Ask quote.
quantity real. Quantity of the Bid/Ask quote.
displayQuantity real. The quantity available to buy or sell that is publicly displayed to the market. To display a DisplayQuantity value, an order must be a Limit order with a reserve.
instrument integer. The ID of the instrument being quoted.
account integer. The ID of the account quoting the instrument.
orderType integer. A number describing the type of order (or in this case, quote). One of:
0 Unknown
1 Market
2 Limit
3 StopMarket
4 StopLimit
5 TrailingStopMarket
6 TrailingStopLimit
7 BlockTrade
cientOrderId long integer. A user-assigned ID for the quote (like a purchase-order number assigned by a company). ClientOrderId defaults to 0.
orderState integer. A number describing the current state of the order. One of:
0 Unknown
1 Working
2 Rejected
3 Canceled
4 Expired
5 FullyExecuted

An open quote will probably have an OrderState of Working.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an estimate of the transaction fee for a specific order side, instrument, and order type. Fees are set and calculated by the operator of the trading venue.

The exchange generally deducts fees from the "receiving" side of the trade (although an operator can modify this). There are two products in every trade (and in every instrument); for example, the instrument BTCUSD comprises a BitCoin product and a US dollar product. Placing a buy order on the book causes fees to be deducted from Product 1, in this case, BitCoin; placing a sell order causes fees to be deducted from Product 2, in this case, US dollar.

A user with Trading permission can get fee estimates for any account that user is associated with and for any instrument or product that that account can trade; a user with Operator permission can get fee estimates for any account, instrument, or product.


Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the trade would take place.
accountId integer. The ID of the account requesting the fee estimate.
instrumentId integer. The proposed instrument against which a trading fee would be charged.
productId integer. The ID of the product (currency) in which the fee will be denominated.
amount real. The quantity of the proposed trade for which the Order Management System would charge a fee.
price real. The price at which the proposed trade would take place. Supply your price for a limit order; the exact price is difficult to know before execution.
orderType integer.. The type of the proposed order. One of:
0 Unknown
1 Market
2 Limit
3 StopMarket
4 StopLimit
5 TrailingStopMarket
6 TrailingStopLimit
7 BlockTrade
makerTaker integer. Depending on the venue, there may be different fees for a maker (one who places the order on the books, either buy or sell) or taker (one who accepts the order, either buy or sell). If the user places a large order that is only partially filled, he is a partial maker.
0 Unknown
1 Maker
2 Taker
side integer. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown


  "OrderFee":  0.01,
  "ProductId":  1 
Key Value
OrderFee real. The estimated fee for the trade as described. The minimum value is 0.01.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product (currency) in which the fee is denominated.


Category: User
Permissions: Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns a complete list of all orders, both open and executed, for a specific account on the specified Order Management System. The account named in the request must be associated with the calling user.


  "OMSId":  1,
  "AccountId":  1 
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the orders were placed.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account whose orders will be returned


        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0

The call GetOrderHistory returns an array containing both buy-side and a sell-side orders for the named account. The call returns an empty array if there are no open orders for the account.

Key Value
Side string. The side of a trade. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown (an error condition)
OrderId long integer. The ID of the open order. The OrderID is unique in each Order Management System.
Price real. The price at which the buy or sell has been ordered.
Quantity real. The quantity of the product to be bought or sold.
DisplayQuantity real. The quantity available to buy or sell that is publicly displayed to the market. To display a displayQuantity value, an order must be a Limit order with a reserve.
Instrument integer. ID of the instrument being traded. The call GetInstruments can supply the instrument IDs that are available.
orderType string. Describes the type of order this is. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Market order
2 Limit
3 StopMarket
4 StopLimit
5 TrailingStopMarket
6 TrailingStopLimit
7 BlockTrade
ClientOrderId integer. An ID supplied by the client to identify the order (like a purchase order number). The ClientOrderId defaults to 0 if not supplied.
OrderState string. The current state of the order. One of:
0 Unknown
1 Working
2 Rejected
3 Canceled
4 Expired
5 Fully Executed.
ReceiveTime long integer. Time stamp of the order in POSIX format x 1000 (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 in UTC time zone).
ReceiveTimeTicks long integer. Time stamp of the order Microsoft Ticks format and UTC time zone. Note: Microsoft Ticks format is usually provided as a string. Here it is provided as a long integer.
OrigQuantity real. If the open order has been changed or partially filled, this value shows the original quantity of the order.
QuantityExecuted real. If the open order has been at least partially executed, this value shows the amount that has been executed.
AvgPrice real. The average executed price for the instrument in the order.
CounterPartyId integer. The ID of the other party in an off-market trade.
ChangeReason string. If the order has been changed, this string value holds the reason. One of:
0 Unknown
1 NewInputAccepted
2 NewInputRejected
3 OtherRejected
4 Expired
5 Trade
6 SystemCanceled_NoMoreMarket
7 SystemCanceled_BelowMinimum
8 SystemCanceled_PriceCollar
9 SystemCanceled_MarginFailed
100 UserModified
OrigOrderId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original order.
OrigClOrdId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original client order ID.
EnteredBy integer. The user ID of the person who entered the order.
IsQuote Boolean. If this order is a quote, the value for IsQuote is true, else false.
InsideAsk real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Ask price.
InsideAskSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Ask quote.
InsideBid real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Bid price.
InsideBidSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Bid quote.
LastTradePrice real. The last price that this instrument traded at.
RejectReason string. If this open order has been rejected, this string holds the reason for the rejection.
IsLockedIn Boolean. For a block trade, if both parties to the block trade agree that one of the parties will report the trade for both sides, this value is true. Othersise, false.
CancelReason string. If this order has been canceled, this string holds the cancelation reason.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the order took place.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves the full order history of a specific order by its order ID, including any changes.

A user with Trading permission can retrieve an order history only for the user's accounts and instruments; a user with Operator permission can retrieve all accounts and instruments.


  "omsId": 0,
  "orderId": 0
Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the account's order history resides.
orderId long integer. The ID of the of the order whose history you want to return.


        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0

The call GetOrderHistoryByOrderId returns an array containing all four types of orders for the named account. The call returns an empty array if there are no orders for the account.

Key Value
Side string. The side of a trade. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown (an error condition)
OrderId long integer. The ID of the open order. The OrderID is unique in each Order Management System.
Price real. The price at which the buy or sell has been ordered.
Quantity real. The quantity of the product to be bought or sold.
DisplayQuantity real. The quantity available to buy or sell that is publicly displayed to the market. To display a displayQuantity value, an order must be a Limit order with a reserve.
Instrument integer. ID of the instrument being traded. The call GetInstruments can supply the instrument IDs that are available.
orderType string. Describes the type of order this is. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Market order
2 Limit
3 StopMarket
4 StopLimit
5 TrailingStopMarket
6 TrailingStopLimit
7 BlockTrade
ClientOrderId integer. An ID supplied by the client to identify the order (like a purchase order number). The ClientOrderId defaults to 0 if not supplied.
OrderState string. The current state of the order. One of:
0 Unknown
1 Working
2 Rejected
3 Canceled
4 Expired
5 Fully Executed.
ReceiveTime long integer. Time stamp of the order in POSIX format x 1000 (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 in UTC time zone).
ReceiveTimeTicks long integer. Time stamp of the order Microsoft Ticks format and UTC time zone. Note: Microsoft Ticks format is usually provided as a string. Here it is provided as a long integer.
OrigQuantity real. If the open order has been changed or partially filled, this value shows the original quantity of the order.
QuantityExecuted real. If the open order has been at least partially executed, this value shows the amount that has been executed.
AvgPrice real. The average executed price for the instrument in the order.
CounterPartyId integer. The ID of the other party in an off-market trade.
ChangeReason string. If the order has been changed, this string value holds the reason. One of:
0 Unknown
1 NewInputAccepted
2 NewInputRejected
3 OtherRejected
4 Expired
5 Trade
6 SystemCanceled_NoMoreMarket
7 SystemCanceled_BelowMinimum
8 SystemCanceled_PriceCollar
9 SystemCanceled_MarginFailed
100 UserModified
OrigOrderId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original order.
OrigClOrdId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original client order ID.
EnteredBy integer. The user ID of the person who entered the order.
IsQuote Boolean. If this order is a quote, the value for IsQuote is true, else false.
InsideAsk real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Ask price.
InsideAskSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Ask quote.
InsideBid real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Bid price.
InsideBidSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Bid quote.
LastTradePrice real. The last price that this instrument traded at.
RejectReason string. If this open order has been rejected, this string holds the reason for the rejection.
IsLockedIn Boolean. For a block trade, if both parties to the block trade agree that one of the parties will report the trade for both sides, this value is true. Othersise, false.
CancelReason string. If this order has been canceled, this string holds the cancelation reason.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the order took place.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves an array of multiple orders (hence, GetOrdersHistory with plural Orders) for the specified account, order ID, user, instrument, or time stamp. The history starts at index i, where i is an integer identifying a specific order (the most recent order has an index of 0). “Depth” is the count of trades to report backwards from startIndex. All values in the call other than OMSId are optional.

For example, if depth = 200 and startIndex = 0, the history returns 200 orders into the past starting with the most recent (0) order. If depth = 200 and startIndex = 100, the history returns 200 orders into the past starting at 100 orders in the past.

The owner of the trading venue determines how long to retain order history before archiving.

A user with Trading permission can retrieve a history only for accounts with which the user is associated; a user with Operator permission can retrieve a history for any user or account.


    "omsId": 0,
    "accountId": 0,
    "clientOrderId": 0,
    "originalOrderId": 0,
    "originalClientOrderId": 0,
    "userId": 0,
    "instrumentId": 0,
    "startTimestamp": 0,
    "endTimestamp": 0,
    "depth": 100,
    "startIndex": 0

All values other than OMSId are optional. If account ID is not supplied, the Exchange assumes the default account of the user issuing the call.

Key Value
omsId Integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the orders took place. Required. If no other values are specified, the call returns the orders associated with the default account for the logged-in user on this Order Management System.
accountId Integer. The account ID that made the trades. A user with Trading permission must be associated with this account, although other users also can be associated with the account. If no account ID is supplied, the system assumes the default account for the logged-in user.
clientOrderId long integer. A user-assigned ID for the order (like a purchase-order number assigned by a company). clientOrderId defaults to 0.
originalOrderId long integer. The original ID of the order. If specified, the call returns changed orders associated with this order ID.
originalClientOrderId long integer. If the order has been changed, shows the original client order ID, a value that the client can create (much like a purchase order).
userId integer. The ID of the user whose account orders will be returned. If not specified, the call returns the orders of the logged-in user.
instrumentId long integer. The ID of the instrument named in the order. If not specified, the call returns orders for all instruments traded by this account.
startTimestamp long integer. Date and time at which to begin the orders history, in POSIX format.
endTimestamp long integer. Date and time at which to end the orders report, in POSIX format.
depth integer. In this case, the count of orders to return, counting from the StartIndex. If not specified, returns all orders between BeginTimeStamp and EndTimeStamp, beginning at StartIndex and working backwards.
startIndex integer. The starting index into the order history, from 0 (the most recent trade) and moving backwards in time. If not specified, defaults to 0.


        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0

The call GetOrdersHistory returns an array containing all four types of orders for the named account. The call returns an empty array if there are no orders for the account.

Key Value
Side string. The side of a trade. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown (an error condition)
OrderId long integer. The ID of the open order. The OrderID is unique in each Order Management System.
Price real. The price at which the buy or sell has been ordered.
Quantity real. The quantity of the product to be bought or sold.
DisplayQuantity real. The quantity available to buy or sell that is publicly displayed to the market. To display a displayQuantity value, an order must be a Limit order with a reserve.
Instrument integer. ID of the instrument being traded. The call GetInstruments can supply the instrument IDs that are available.
orderType string. Describes the type of order this is. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Market order
2 Limit
3 StopMarket
4 StopLimit
5 TrailingStopMarket
6 TrailingStopLimit
7 BlockTrade
ClientOrderId integer. An ID supplied by the client to identify the order (like a purchase order number). The ClientOrderId defaults to 0 if not supplied.
OrderState string. The current state of the order. One of:
0 Unknown
1 Working
2 Rejected
3 Canceled
4 Expired
5 Fully Executed.
ReceiveTime long integer. Time stamp of the order in POSIX format x 1000 (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 in UTC time zone).
ReceiveTimeTicks long integer. Time stamp of the order Microsoft Ticks format and UTC time zone. Note: Microsoft Ticks format is usually provided as a string. Here it is provided as a long integer.
OrigQuantity real. If the open order has been changed or partially filled, this value shows the original quantity of the order.
QuantityExecuted real. If the open order has been at least partially executed, this value shows the amount that has been executed.
AvgPrice real. The average executed price for the instrument in the order.
CounterPartyId integer. The ID of the other party in an off-market trade.
ChangeReason string. If the order has been changed, this string value holds the reason. One of:
0 Unknown
1 NewInputAccepted
2 NewInputRejected
3 OtherRejected
4 Expired
5 Trade
6 SystemCanceled_NoMoreMarket
7 SystemCanceled_BelowMinimum
8 SystemCanceled_PriceCollar
9 SystemCanceled_MarginFailed
100 UserModified
OrigOrderId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original order.
OrigClOrdId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original client order ID.
EnteredBy integer. The user ID of the person who entered the order.
IsQuote Boolean. If this order is a quote, the value for IsQuote is true, else false.
InsideAsk real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Ask price.
InsideAskSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Ask quote.
InsideBid real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Bid price.
InsideBidSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Bid quote.
LastTradePrice real. The last price that this instrument traded at.
RejectReason string. If this open order has been rejected, this string holds the reason for the rejection.
IsLockedIn Boolean. For a block trade, if both parties to the block trade agree that one of the parties will report the trade for both sides, this value is true. Othersise, false.
CancelReason string. If this order has been canceled, this string holds the cancelation reason.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the order took place.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves the status information for a single order.

A user with Trading permission can retrieve status information for accounts and orders with which the user is associated; a user with Operator permission can retreive status information for any account or order ID.


  "omsId": 0,
  "accountId": 0,
  "orderId": 0,
Key Value
omsId Integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the order was placed.
accountId integer. The ID of the account under which the order was placed.
orderId integer. The ID of the order whose status will be returned.


        "Side": "Buy",
        "OrderId": 0,
        "Price":  0.0,
        "Quantity":  0.0,
        "DisplayQuantity":  0.0,
        "Instrument": 0,
        "Account": 0,
        "OrderType": "Unknown",
        "ClientOrderId": 0,
        "OrderState": "Unknown",
        "ReceiveTime": 0,
        "ReceiveTimeTicks": 0,
        "OrigQuantity": 0.0,
        "QuantityExecuted": 0.0,
        "AvgPrice": 0.0,
        "CounterPartyId": 0,
        "ChangeReason": "Unknown",
        "OrigOrderId": 0,
        "OrigClOrdId": 0,
        "EnteredBy": 0,
        "IsQuote": false,
        "InsideAsk": 0.0,
        "InsideAskSize": 0.0,
        "InsideBid": 0.0,
        "InsideBidSize": 0.0,
        "LastTradePrice": 0.0,
        "RejectReason": "",
        "IsLockedIn": false,
        "CancelReason": "",
        "OMSId": 0

The call GetOrderStatus returns an array containing both buy-side and a sell-side open orders for the named account. The call returns an empty array if there are no open orders for the account.

Key Value
Side string. The side of a trade. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown (an error condition)
OrderId long integer. The ID of the open order. The OrderID is unique in each Order Management System.
Price real. The price at which the buy or sell has been ordered.
Quantity real. The quantity of the product to be bought or sold.
DisplayQuantity real. The quantity available to buy or sell that is publicly displayed to the market. To display a displayQuantity value, an order must be a Limit order with a reserve.
Instrument integer. ID of the instrument being traded. The call GetInstruments can supply the instrument IDs that are available.
orderType string. Describes the type of order this is. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Market order
2 Limit
3 StopMarket
4 StopLimit
5 TrailingStopMarket
6 TrailingStopLimit
7 BlockTrade
ClientOrderId integer. An ID supplied by the client to identify the order (like a purchase order number). The ClientOrderId defaults to 0 if not supplied.
OrderState string. The current state of the order. One of:
0 Unknown
1 Working
2 Rejected
3 Canceled
4 Expired
5 Fully Executed.
ReceiveTime long integer. Time stamp of the order in POSIX format x 1000 (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 in UTC time zone).
ReceiveTimeTicks long integer. Time stamp of the order Microsoft Ticks format and UTC time zone. Note: Microsoft Ticks format is usually provided as a string. Here it is provided as a long integer.
OrigQuantity real. If the open order has been changed or partially filled, this value shows the original quantity of the order.
QuantityExecuted real. If the open order has been at least partially executed, this value shows the amount that has been executed.
AvgPrice real. The average executed price for the instrument in the order.
CounterPartyId integer. The ID of the other party in an off-market trade.
ChangeReason string. If the order has been changed, this string value holds the reason. One of:
0 Unknown
1 NewInputAccepted
2 NewInputRejected
3 OtherRejected
4 Expired
5 Trade
6 SystemCanceled_NoMoreMarket
7 SystemCanceled_BelowMinimum
8 SystemCanceled_PriceCollar
9 SystemCanceled_MarginFailed
100 UserModified
OrigOrderId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original order.
OrigClOrdId integer. If the order has been changed, this is the ID of the original client order ID.
EnteredBy integer. The user ID of the person who entered the order.
IsQuote Boolean. If this order is a quote, the value for IsQuote is true, else false.
InsideAsk real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Ask price.
InsideAskSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Ask quote.
InsideBid real. If this order is a quote, this value is the Inside Bid price.
InsideBidSize real. If this order is a quote, this value is the quantity of the Inside Bid quote.
LastTradePrice real. The last price that this instrument traded at.
RejectReason string. If this open order has been rejected, this string holds the reason for the rejection.
IsLockedIn Boolean. For a block trade, if both parties to the block trade agree that one of the parties will report the trade for both sides, this value is true. Othersise, false.
CancelReason string. If this order has been canceled, this string holds the cancelation reason.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the order took place.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Reduces an order’s quantity without losing priority in the order book. An order’s quantity can only be reduced. The other call that can modify an order — CancelReplaceOrder — resets order book priority, but you can use it to increase an order.


  "OMSId": 0,
  "OrderId": 0,
  "InstrumentId": 0,
  "PreviousOrderRevision": 0,
  "Quantity": 0 
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the original order was placed.
OrderId long integer. The ID of the order to be modified. The ID was supplied by the server when the order was created.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument traded in the order.
PreviousOrderRevision integer. The order revision number at the time you make the modification order. This ensures that you have the latest order state at the time you make the request.
Quantity real. The new quantity of the order. This value can only be reduced from a previous quantity.


  "result": false,
  "errormsg": "",
  "errorcode": 0,
  "detail": "",

The response acknowledges the successful receipt of your request to modify an order; it does not indicate that the order has been modified. To find if an order has been modified, check using GetOpenOrders and GetOrderHistory.

Key Value
result Boolean. The successful receipt of a modify order request returns true; otherwise, returns false. This is the acknowledgment of receipt of the request to modify, not a confirmation that the modification has taken place.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of a modify request returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful request returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. The receipt of a successful request to modify returns 0. An unsuccessful request returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Asynchronous

Creates an order.

Anyone submitting an order should also subscribe to the various market data and event feeds, or call GeOpenOrders or GetOrderStatus to monitor the status of the order. If the order is not in a state to be executed, GetOpenOrders will not return it.

A user with Trading permission can create an order only for those accounts and instruments with which the user is associated; a user with Operator permissions can create an order for any account and instrument.


     "InstrumentId": 1,
     "OMSId": 1,
     "AccountId": 1,
     "TimeInForce": 1,
     "ClientOrderId": 1,
     "OrderIdOCO": 0,
     "UseDisplayQuantity": false,
     "Side": 0,
     "quantity": 1,
     "OrderType": 2,
     "PegPriceType": 3,
     "LimitPrice": 8800
Key Value
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument being traded.
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the instrument is being traded.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account placing the order.
TimeInForce integer. An integer that represents the period during which the new order is executable. One of:
0 Unknown (error condition)
1 GTC (good 'til canceled, the default)
2 OPG (execute as close to opening price as possible)
3 IOC (immediate or canceled)
4 FOK (fill-or-kill — fill immediately or kill immediately)
5 GTX (good 'til executed)
6 GTD (good 'til date)
ClientOrderId long integer. A user-assigned ID for the order (like a purchase-order number assigned by a company). This ID is useful for recognizing future states related to this order. ClientOrderId defaults to 0.
OrderIdOCO long integer. The order ID if One Cancels the Other — If this order is order A, OrderIdOCO refers to the order ID of an order B (which is not the order being created by this call). If order B executes, then order A created by this call is canceled. You can also set up order B to watch order A in the same way, but that may require an update to order B to make it watch this one, which could have implications for priority in the order book. See CancelReplaceOrder and ModifyOrder.
UseDisplayQuantity Boolean. If you enter a Limit order with a reserve, you must set UseDisplayQuantity to true.
Side integer. A number representing on of the following potential sides of a trade. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 unknown (an error condition)
Quantity real. The quantity of the instrument being ordered.
OrderType integer. A number representing the nature of the order. One of:
0 Unknown
1 Market
2 Limit
3 StopMarket
4 StopLimit
5 TrailingStopMarket
6 TrailingStopLimit
7 BlockTrade.
PegPriceType integer. When entering a stop/trailing order, set PegPriceType to an integer that corresponds to the type of price that pegs the stop:
1 Last
2 Bid
3 Ask
4 Midpoint
LimitPrice real. The price at which to execute the order, if the order is a Limit order.


  "status": "Accepted",
  "errormsg": "",
  "OrderId": 123 // Server order id
Key Value
status string. If the order is accepted by the system, it returns "Accepted," if not it returns "Rejected."
errormsg string. Any error message the server returns.
OrderId long integer. The ID assigned to the order by the server. This allows you to track the order.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Asynchronous

Reports an off-market trade has occurred between two parties.

Once reported, you can follow the trade using GetAccountTrades or GetTradesHistory.


Key Value
accountId integer. The ID of the account making the report of the block trade.
counterPartyId Integer. The ID of the other party in the off-market trade.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the block trade is to be reported.
clientOrderId long integer. The client-provided ID for the trade (much like a client-provided purchase order number).
quantity real. The quantity on the instrument that was traded.
limitPrice real. The price at which to execute the block trade.
instrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument being traded.
timestamp long integer. The time that the block trade was submitted, in POSIX format.
side integer. A number that represents the side of the transaction associated with accountId. One of:
0 Buy
1 Sell
2 Short
3 Unknown (error condition)
lockedIn Boolean. True if both parties to the block trade agree that one of the parties will report the trade for both sides. Otherwise, false.


    "OrderId": 22
Key Value
status string. If the order is accepted by the system, it returns "Accepted," if not, it returns "Rejected." One of:
errormsg string. Any error message that the server returns.
OrderId long integer. The ID assigned to the order by the server. This allows you to track the order later.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, MarketMaker
Call Type: Synchronous

Updates an existing quote. Quoting is not enabled for the retail end user of the Cryptosx software. Only registered market participants or market makers may quote.


    "OMSId": 0,
    "AccountId": 0,
    "InstrumentId": 0,
    "BidQuoteId": 0,
    "Bid": 0,
    "BidQTY": 0,
    "AskQuoteId": 0,
    "Ask": 0,
    "AskQTY": 0,
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the quote is located.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account whose quote will be updated.
InstrumentId long integer. The ID of the instrument whose quote is being updated.
BidQuoteId integer. The ID of the original bid quote being updated.
Bid real. The new amount of the bid quote.
BidQTY real. The new quantity of the bid quote.
AskQuoteId integer. The ID of the original ask quote being updated.
Ask real. The new amount of the ask quote.
AskQTY real. The new quantity of the ask quote.


  "BidResult": {
    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": "",
  "AskResult": {
    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": "",
Key Value
BidResult object. Returns a response object for Bid (see below).
AskResult object. Returns a response object for Ask.

Objects for both BidResult and AskResult:

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the update returns true; and unsuccessful receipt of the update (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the update returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful receipt returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the update returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


These calls correspond roughly to the Products function of the Exchange Admin and Admin Guide.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Company
Call Type: Synchronous

Adds a single key-value pair product attribute to a product.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1,
    "KeyName": key,
    "KeyValue": "value"
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the product is traded.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product whose attributes are being set.
KeyName string. The key portion of the key-value pair attribute being set.
KeyValue string. The value portion of the key-value pair attribute being set.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": ""

The response shows that the system has received the request to add product attributes, not that the attributes have been added. To see if an attribute has successfully been added, use GetProductAttributes.

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the request returns true; and unsuccessful receipt (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the request returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful request returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the request returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Public
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves the details about a specific product on the trading venue. A product is an asset that is tradable or paid out.


  "OMSId":  1,
  "ProductId":  1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System that includes the product.
ProductId long integer. The ID of the product on the specified Order Management System.


Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System that offers the product.
productId long integer. The ID of the product.
product string. “Nickname” or shortened name of the product. For example, NZD (New Zealand Dollar).
productFullName string. Full and official name of the product. For example, New Zealand Dollar.
productType string. The nature of the product. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 NationalCurrency
2 CryptoCurrency
3 Contract
decimalPlaces integer. The number of decimal places in which the product is divided. The maximum is 8. For example, US Dollars are divided into 100 units, or 2 decimal places. Other products may be different. Burundi Francs use 0 decimal places and the Rial Omani uses 3.
tickSize real. The smallest increment in which the product may trade.
noFees Boolean. Shows whether trading the product incurs transaction fees. The default is false; that is, if NoFees is false, transaction fees will be incurred. If NoFees is true, no fees are incurred.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Company
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves the set of key-value attributes for a product.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the product is listed.
ProductId Integer. The ID of the product whose attributes the call returns.



The response returns an array of information about the key-value pair attributes associated with the product.

Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System returning the product attributes.
productId integer. The ID of the product whose attributes are being returned.
keyName string. The key portion of the key-value pair that describes the attribute.
keyValue string. The value portion of the key-value pair that describes the attribute.


Category: User
Permissions: Public
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an array of products and currencies available on the exchange. A product is an asset that is tradable or paid out.


  "OMSId": 1,
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System for which the array of available products and currencies will be returned.



The response returns an array of objects, one object for each product available on the Order Management System.

Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System that offers the product.
productId long integer. The ID of the product.
product string. “Nickname” or shortened name of the product. For example, NZD (New Zealand Dollar).
productFullName string. Full and official name of the product. For example, New Zealand Dollar.
productType integer. A number describing the nature of the product. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 NationalCurrency
2 CryptoCurrency
3 Contract
decimalPlaces integer. The number of decimal places in which the product is divided. The maximum is 8. For example, US Dollars are divided into 100 units, or 2 decimal places. Other products may be different. Burundi Francs use 0 decimal places and the Rial Omani uses 3.
tickSize real. The smallest increment in which the product can trade.
noFees Boolean. Shows whether trading the product incurs transaction fees. The default is false; that is, if NoFees is false, transaction fees will be incurred. If NoFees is true, no fees are incurred.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Company
Call Type: Synchronous

Removes a single key-value pair that describes an attribute of a single product.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1,
    "KeyName": "key",
    "KeyValue": "value"
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the product is available.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product whose key-value pair attribute will be removed.
KeyName string. The Key portion of the key-value pair attribute to be removed.
KeyValue string. The Value portion of the key-value pair attribute to be removed.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": ""

A successful response indicates only that the product attribute removal request was received by the server, not that a successful removal took place. To see if the product attribute was removed, use GetProductAttributes.

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful response returns true; an unsuccessful response (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful response returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful response returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful response returns 0. An unsuccessful response returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


These calls correspond roughly to the Instruments function of the Exchange Admin and Admin Guide.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Company
Call Type: Synchronous

Adds a single key-value pair attribute to a specific instrument available on the exchange.

TK Would like a sample attribute that can be added to an instrument.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "KeyName": "key",
    "KeyValue": "value"
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument is traded.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument to which you are adding the attribute.
KeyName string. The key portion of the key-value pair that forms the attribute.
KeyValue string. The value portion of the key-value pair that forms the attribute.



A successful response indicates only that the instrument attribute add request was received by the server, not that a successful addition took place. To see if the instrument attribute was added, use GetInstrumentAttributes.

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful response returns true; an unsuccessful response (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful response returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful response returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful response returns 0. An unsuccessful response returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: User
Permissions: Public
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves the details of a specific instrument from the Order Management System of the trading venue. An instrument is a pair of exchanged products (or fractions of them) such as US dollars and BitCoin.


  "OMSId": 1,
  "InstrumentId": 1 
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument is traded.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument.


    "omsId": 0,
    "instrumentId": 0,
    "symbol": null,
    "product1": 0,
    "product1Symbol": null,
    "product2": 0,
    "product2Symbol": null,
    "instrumentType": 0,
    "venueInstrumentId": 0,
    "venueId": 0,
    "sortIndex": 0,
    "sessionStatus": 0,
    "previousSessionStatus": 0,
    "sessionStatusDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "selfTradePrevention": false,
    "quantityIncrement": 0.0,
    "priceIncrement": 0.0
Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument is traded.
instrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument.
symbol string. Trading symbol of the instrument, for example BTCUSD.
product1 integer. The ID of the first product comprising the instrument.
product1Symbol string. The symbol for Product 1 on the trading venue. For example, BTC.
product2 integer. The ID of the second product comprising the instrument.
product2Symbol string. The symbol for Product 2 on the trading venue. For example, USD.
instrumentType integer. A number representing the type of the instrument. All instrument types currently are standard, an exchange of one product for another (or unknown, an error condition), but this may expand to new types in the future.
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Standard
venueInstrumentId integer A venue instrument is created at the exchange level as an instrument "template" for adding new instruments to the exchange. This is the ID of the venue instrument behind the instrument being requested.
venueId integer. The ID of the trading venue on which the instrument trades.
sortIndex integer. The numerical position in which to sort the returned list of instruments on a visual display. Since this call returns information about a single instrument, SortIndex should return 0.
sessionStatus integer. Is the market for this instrument currently open and operational? Returns one of:
0 Unknown
1 Running
2 Paused
3 Stopped
4 Starting
previousSessionStatus string. What was the previous session status for this instrument? One of:
0 Unknown
1 Running
2 Paused
3 Stopped
4 Starting
sessionStatusDateTime string. The time and date at which the session status was reported, in Microsoft Ticks format.
selfTradePrevention Boolean. An account that is trading with itself still incurs fees. If this instrument prevents an account from trading the instrument with itself, the value returns true; otherwise defaults to false.
quantityIncrement real. The smallest tradeable increment of the instrument. For example, for BTCUSD, the quantity increment might be 0.0005, but for ETHUSD, the quantity increment might be 50.
priceIncrement real. The smallest amount by which the instrument can rise or fall in the market.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Company
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves an array of instrument attributes.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument is traded.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument whose attributes will be returned.



The response returns an array, each element of which identifies the OMS, the instrument, and a single attribute value by name.

Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument is traded.
instrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument whose attributes are being returned.
keyName string. The name of the attribute that is returned in keyValue.


Category: User
Permissions: Public
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves a list of instruments available on the exchange. An instrument is a pair of exchanged products (or fractions of them) such as US dollars and BitCoin.


    "OMSId":  1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instruments are available.


        "omsId":0 ,
        "instrumentId": 0,
        "symbol": "",
        "product1": 0,
        "product1Symbol": "",
        "product2": 0,
        "product2Symbol": "",
        "instrumentType": 0,
        "venueInstrumentId": 0,
        "venueId":0,"sortIndex": 0,
        "sessionStatus": 0,
        "previousSessionStatus": 0,
        "sessionStatusDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "selfTradePrevention": false,
        "quantityIncrement": 0.0,
        "priceIncrement": 0.0

The response for GetInstruments is an array of objects listing all the instruments available on the Order Management System.

Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument is traded.
instrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument.
symbol string. Trading symbol of the instrument, for example BTCUSD.
product1 integer. The ID of the first product comprising the instrument.
product1Symbol string. The symbol for Product 1 on the trading venue. For example, BTC.
product2 integer. The ID of the second product comprising the instrument.
product2Symbol string. The symbol for Product 2 on the trading venue. For example, USD.
instrumentType integer. A number representing the type of the instrument. All instrument types currently are standard, an exchange of one product for another (or unknown, an error condition), but this may expand to new types in the future.
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Standard
venueInstrumentId integer A venue instrument is created at the exchange level as an instrument "template" for adding new instruments to the exchange. This is the ID of the venue instrument behind the instrument being requested.
venueId integer. The ID of the trading venue on which the instrument trades.
sortIndex integer. The numerical position in which to sort the returned list of instruments on a visual display. Since this call returns information about a single instrument, SortIndex should return 0.
sessionStatus integer. Is the market for this instrument currently open and operational? Returns one of:
0 Unknown
1 Running
2 Paused
3 Stopped
4 Starting
previousSessionStatus string. What was the previous session status for this instrument? One of:
0 Unknown
1 Running
2 Paused
3 Stopped
4 Starting
sessionStatusDateTime string. The time and date at which the session status was reported, in Microsoft Ticks format.
selfTradePrevention Boolean. An account that is trading with itself still incurs fees. If this instrument prevents an account from trading the instrument with itself, the value returns true; otherwise defaults to false.
quantityIncrement real. The smallest tradeable increment of the instrument. For example, for BTCUSD, the quantity increment might be 0.0005, but for ETHUSD, the quantity increment might be 50.
priceIncrement real. The amount by which the instrument can rise or fall in the market.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Company
Call Type: Synchronous

Removes a single attribute key-value pair from an instrument.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "KeyName": "key"

There is no need to specify the value of the attribute name.

Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the instrument is available.
InstrumentId integer. The ID of the instrument whose attribute you want to remove.
KeyName string. The name portion of the key-value attribute you want to remove.



A successful response indicates only that the instrument attribute remove request was received by the server, not that a successful removal took place. To see if the instrument attribute was removed, use GetInstrumentAttributes.

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful response returns true; an unsuccessful response (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful response returns null; the errormsg parameter for an unsuccessful response returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful response returns 0. An unsuccessful response returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


These calls correspond roughly to the Tickets function of the Exchange Admin and Admin Guide.

Deposit and Withdraw Templates

Templates provide a set of information about banking tasks during deposits and withdrawals in the form of specific key-value pairs. Each template has a name. There are different templates for different types of deposit and withdrawal, determined by the product or asset (BitCoin, Monero, US Dollar, etc.), the specific bank or other Account Provider, and the information that the Account Provider requires for the transaction.

Most templates are used for withdrawals.

Example 1 and 2 are two example templates.

Template Example 1

"TemplateformType": "Standard",
    "Full Name": "John Smith",
    "Language": "en",
    "Comment": "",
    "BankAddress": "123 Fourth St.",
    "BankAccountNumber": "12345678",
    "BankAccountName": "John Smith & Sons",
    "Swiftcode": "ABCDUSA1"

Template Example 2

"TemplateFormType": "TetherRPCWithdraw",
    "TemplateType": "TetherRPCWithdraw",
    "Comment": "TestWithdraw",
    "ExternalAddress": "ms6C3pKAAr8gRCcnVebs8VRkVrjcvqNYv3"

The content of the template depends on the Account Provider that you use for deposits and withdrawals. The Account Provider does not supply the template per se (they do, however, determine the fields that are in the template). The template is specific to each Account Provider.

To determine which withdrawal template types are available to you, call GetWithdrawTemplateTypes.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Accepts a withdraw ticket for fiat currency. Withdrawals of cryptocurrency are automatically accepted (or rejected) by the system.

Only a user with Operator permission can accept a withdraw ticket.

A user can withdraw two types of product, cryptocurrency and fiat (national) currency. The sequences of status that each type of withdraw ticket goes through are slightly different.


    "OMSId": 0,
    "TicketId": 0
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the withdraw ticket was created.
TicketId long integer. An ID supplied by the system when the ticket was created, and which identifies the ticket uniquely.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": null,
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": null

The response indicates that the system has received the AcceptWithdrawTicket Request, not that the withdraw ticket has been accepted. You can check the status of a withdraw ticket by using GetWithdrawTicket.

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the withdraw ticket acceptance request returns true; an unsuccessful receipt (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the withdraw ticket acceptance request returns null; the errormsg field for an unsuccessful request returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the withdraw ticket acceptance request returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Adds an attachment to a deposit ticket.

User with Trading permission can add an attachment only to their own deposit tickets; users with Operator permission can add an attachment to any deposit ticket.


    "base64Attachment": "",
    "attachmentId": 0,
    "submittedByUserId": 0, 
    "submittedByUserName": "",
    "uploadDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "uploadIP": "",
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "description": ""
Key Value
base64Attachment string. Any attachment file; PDF, spreadsheet, blob.
attachmentId long integer. The ID of the attachment. Assign 0 to this key. The system will assign an ID to the attachment and return it in the response when it receives the call.
submittedByUserId integer. The user ID of the user submitting the attachment.
submittedByUserName string. The user name of the user submitting the attachment; for example, jsmith.
uploadDate string. The date and time stamp showing when the attachment was uploaded, in Microsoft Ticks format. All date and time stamps are in UTC.
uploadIp string. The IP address from which the attachment was uploaded.
ticketNumber long integer. The number of the deposit ticket to which the attachment is being attached.
description string. A description of the attachment.


    "success": true,
    "attachmentid": 100000002

Unlike many responses, a true response in the success field indicates that the attachment was received and attached to the deposit ticket.

Key Value
success Boolean. A true value means that the attachment was received and attached to the deposit ticket specified in the Request. A false value indicates that it was not.
attachmentid long integer. The ID for the attachment, supplied by the system.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Adds an attachment to a withdraw ticket.

Users with Trading permission can add an attachment only to their own withdraw tickets; users with Operator permission can add an attachment to any withdraw ticket.


    "base64Attachment": "",
    "attachmentId": 0,
    "submittedByUserId": 0,
    "submittedByUserName": "",
    "uploadDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "uploadIP": "",
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "description": ""
Key Value
base64Attachment string. Any attachment file; PDF, spreadsheet, blob, or other format.
attachmentId long integer. The ID of the attachment. Assign a 0 value to this key. The system will assign an ID to the attachment and return it in the response when it receives this call.
submittedByUserId integer. The user ID of the user submitting the attachment.
submittedByUserName string. The user name of the user submitting the attachment; for example, Jsmith.
uploadDate string. The date and time stamp showing when the attachment was uploaded, in Microsoft Ticks format. All date and time stamps are in UTC.
uploadIp string. The IP address from which the attachment was uploaded.
ticketNumber long integer. The number of the withdraw ticket to which the attachment is being attached.
description string. A description of the attachment.


    "success": true,
    "attachmentid": 100000002

Unlike many responses, a true response in the success field indicates that the attachment was received and attached to the withdraw ticket.

Key Value
success Boolean. A true value means that the attachment was received and attached to the withdraw ticket specified in the Request. A false value indicates that it was not.
attachmentid long integer. The ID for the attachment, supplied by the system.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Cancels any single failed or resubmitted-failed withdraw ticket.

Only a user with Operator permission can cancel a failed withdraw ticket.


    "omsId": 0,
    "ticketId": 0
Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the failed withdraw ticket was created.
ticketId long integer. The ID of the specific ticket that must be canceled.


    "result": false,
    "errormsg": "Invalid Request",
    "errorcode": 100,
    "detail": "Invalid OMSId"

The response indicates that the system has received the CancelFailedWithdrawTicket Request, not that the failed withdraw ticket has been canceled. You can check the status of a withdraw ticket by using GetWithdrawTicket.

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the failed withdraw ticket cancellation request returns true; an unsuccessful receipt (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the failed withdraw ticket cancellation request returns null; the errormsg field for an unsuccessful request returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the failed withdraw ticket cancellation request returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: System
Permissions: Withdraw
Call Type: Synchronous

Cancels a pending withdrawal.

Only users with Withdraw permission can cancel their own pending withdrawals. An admin (a user with Operator permission) may cancel a withdraw, but is more likely to reject a withdraw.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "UserId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1,
    "RequestCode": "Request Code GUID"
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the original withdraw ticket was created.
UserId integer. The user ID of the user canceling the withdrawal.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account from which the withdraw was made.
RequestCode string. The globally unique ID (GUID) that identifies the specific withdraw that is being canceled.

You can obtain the RequestCode for a specific withdrawal by calling GetWithdraws with the account ID and looking for the withdrawCode value that corresponds to this pending withdrawal.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "Operation Failed",
    "errorcode": 101,
    "detail": "Withdraw Ticket not found for OmsId, AccountId, RequestCode"

The response indicates that the system has received the CancelWithdraw Request, not that the withdraw ticket has been canceled. You can check the status of a withdraw ticket by using GetWithdrawTicket.

Key Value
result Boolean. A successful receipt of the withdraw ticket cancellation request returns true; an unsuccessful receipt (an error condition) returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the withdraw ticket cancellation request returns null; the errormsg field for an unsuccessful request returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the withdraw ticket cancellation request returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Usually null.


Category: System
Permissions: Public
Call Type: Synchronous

Checks whether the user has clicked the confirmation link in an email. The email confirms whether the user issued the withdrawal request.


    "UserId": 1,
    "VerifyCode": "Verify Code GUID"
Key Value
UserId integer. The ID of the calling user.
VerifyCode string. The globally unique identifier (GUID) that identifies a specific withdrawal.


    "result": true
Key Value
result Boolean. Returns true if the user has clicked the link in the confirming email). Returns false if the withdrawal has not clicked the link.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Creates an Asset Manager wallet ticket, and returns the ticket number and the ticket status.

The Asset Manager wallet is a joint wallet for all Account Providers on the Exchange. Asset Manager wallet tickets are system-generated tickets that alert an admin (Operator) to error conditions that may occur between the Exchange and its Account Providers.

Only a user with Operator permission may create an Asset Manager wallet ticket.


    "assetManagerId": 0,
    "accountProviderId": 0,
    "assetId": 0,
    "ticketId": "",
    "TicketType": 0,
    "TicketStatus": 0,
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "assetManagerServiceId": "1",
    "startIndex": 0,
    "limit": 0
Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager to which the wallet is linked. Different Order Management Systems may have different Asset Manager IDs.
accountProviderId integer. The ID of the Account Provider that is linked to the Asset Manager.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) of the Exchange that caused the generation of a ticket. Usually this is because of some problem or issue.
ticketId string. A GUID (alphanumeric) assigned by the system to the ticket. When creating a ticket, leave this as an empty string.
ticketType integer. Describes the type of error or condition that triggered the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 LowBalance
2 HighBalance
3 Transfer
4 BalanceRequired
5 BalanceMismatch
6 WithdrawError
7 DepositError
8 AccountProviderError
ticketStatus integer. Describes the disposition of the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Open
2 Resolved
3 Rejected
4 Notification
ticketNumber integer. The number of this ticket on the Exchange. When creating a ticket, leave this value empty. The system will create a ticket number and send it in the Response.
assetManagerService Id string. The assetManagerServiceId is an alphanumeric string pre-configured for the specific Exchange. For current installations, this value is "1".
startIndex integer. The CreateAssetManagerWalletTicket call ignores the value for startIndex. You can safely set this value to 0.
limit integer. The CreateAssetManagerWalletTicket call ignores the value for limit. You can safely set this value to 0.


    "success": true,
    "ticketnumber": 100000002

The successful response to CreateAssetManagerWalletTicket is a Boolean true value and a ticket number to identify the ticket.

Key Value
success Boolean. Returns true if the Asset Manager wallet ticket is successfully created; false if the ticket is not successfully created.
ticketnumber long integer. The number of the ticket, created by the Exchange.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

CreateDepositTicket records a deposit ticket for deposits of fiat money (non-crypto national currencies, for example). Crypto-currencies, such as BitCoin or Monero are handled by a different deposit mechanism described in GetDepositInfo.

The ticketing mechanism of the Order Management System tracks deposits and withdrawals, interacting with the Asset Manager.


    "assetManagerId": 0,
    "accountId": 0,
    "assetId": 0,
    "assetName": null,
    "amount": 0.0,
    "omsId": 0,
    "requestCode": null,
    "requestIP": null,
    "requestUser": 0,
    "requestUserName": null,
    "operatorId": 0,
    "Status": 0,
    "feeAmt": 0.0,
    "updatedByUser": 0,
    "updatedByUserName": null,
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "depositInfo": "",
    "createdTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "lastUpdateTimeStamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "comments": null,
    "attachments": null
Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the system's asset manager module, usually 1.
accountId integer. The account receiving the deposit.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset being deposited. An asset is functionally the same as a product; you can obtain a list of products/assets available on the Exchange by using GetProducts.
assetName string. The short name of the asset being deposited. For example, USD (US Dollars) or BTC (BitCoin).
amount real. The quantity of the asset being deposited. This is not the monetary value of the asset. For example, 2.5 BitCoins is 2.5.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the deposit is being made, usually 1.
requestCode string. A requestCode is a globally unique ID assigned by the system. Leave the value for this string null when issuing the CreateDepositTicket call; the Response returns the value for the requestCode, which you may need for other calls.
requestIp string. The IP address from which the calling user makes the deposit ticket request.
requestUser integer. The user ID of the user making the deposit ticket request.
requestUserName string. The user name of the user making the deposit ticket request, for example, jsmith.
operatorId integer. The ID of the trading venue operator.
status integer. The current status of the deposit, stated as a number. A new deposit will always have a status of 0.
feeAmt real. The amount of any fee for the deposit.
updatedByUser integer. If the deposit ticket has been updated, this field contains the user ID of the user who updated the ticket. Because CreateDepositTicket creates the ticket, it is unlikely to have been updated yet; this value should be 0.
updatedByUserName string. If the deposit ticket has been updated, this field contains the name of the user who updated the ticket. Because CreateDepositTicket creates the ticket, it is unlikely to have been updated yet; this value should be an empty string (null).
ticketNumber long integer. A number assigned by the calling user to identify this deposit ticket, much as a purchase order identifies an order.
depositInfo object. Leave this string as empty: " ".
createdTimeStamp string. The time and date stamp for when the deposit ticket was created, in Microsoft Ticks format. All time and date stamps are given as UTC.
lastUpdateTimeStamp string. The time and date stamp for the last update to the deposit ticket after it was created. Because CreateDepositTicket creates the ticket, it is unlikely that it has been updated, and this string should be empty.
comments string. Any comments appended to the deposit ticket.
attachments string. Any attachments appended to the deposit ticket.


    "success": true,
    "requestcode": "866f21fe-3461-41d1-91aa-5689bc38503f",

The successful response to CreateDepositTicket is a Boolean true value and a request code to allow tracking the ticket. To view and confirm ticket contents, use the call GetDepositTicket.

String Value
success Boolean. Returns true if the system has created the deposit ticket successfully; otherwise returns false.
requestcode string. A globally-unique ID (GUID) that identifies this specific deposit ticket.

An unsuccessful response to CreateDepositTicket is a standard response object that includes an error code and error message, as explained in "Standard response objects and common error codes" in Background Information.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Withdraw
Call Type: Synchronous

Initiates the withdrawal of funds from an account. You can use CreateWithdrawTicket for both cryptocurrency and fiat (national) currencies. The call transfers funds to an external account through a third-party Account Provider accredited by the Exchange.

A user with Withdraw permission can create a withdraw ticket only for an account with which they're associated; a user with Operator permission can create a withdraw ticket for any account.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1,
    "Amount": 100.00,
    "TemplateForm": {},
    "TemplateType": "Template Form Type"

Part of the process of withdrawing an asset (product) is to specify the withdrawal template that sends the asset to the correct destination, usually an Account Provider. The content of templates varies from Account Provider to Account Provider. Get a list of templates available to you by calling GetWithdrawTemplateTypes. For more information on templates, see "Deposit and withdraw templates" at the beginning of the Tickets section.

Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System from which the withdrawal is being made.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account from which the asset is being withdrawn.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product (or asset) begin withdrawn; the terms are used interchangeably.
Amount real. The number of units or fractions of units of the asset being withdrawn (not the asset's monetary value). For example. 2.5 BitCoin or 2000.00 US Dollars.
TemplateForm object. The contents of the template form vary from Account Provider to Account Provider, depending on the asset being withdrawn and the identity of the Account Provider. See Example 1, below.
TemplateType string. The name of the withdrawal template that controls the destination of the asset being withdrawn. To get a list of withdrawal templates that are available to you, call GetWithdrawTemplateTypes.

Example 1

Example 1: a typical withdrawal template

    "TemplateType": "ToExternalBitCoinAddress",
    "Comment": "",
    "ExternalAddress": "54123214"

Example 1 shows a typical withdrawal template.


The Response

    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "Invalid Request",
    "errorcode": 100,
    "detail": "Insufficient Balance"

The response to CreateWithdrawTicket is a standard response object confirming receipt or non-receipt of the information, and does not confirm the ticket per se. To view and confirm the ticket was created properly, use the call GetWithdrawTicket.

Key Value
result Boolean. Field is true if the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System; otherwise false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg value for an unsuccessful call returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errocode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send. Often null.


Category: System
Permission: SUPERUSER
Call Type: Synchronous

Deposits funds into an account. This call is no longer used and is documented here only for completeness. This call has been replaced by CreateDepositTicket.


    "omsId": 0,
    "accountId": 0,
    "instrumentId": 0,
    "amount": 0.0,
    "depositInfo": null
Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System into which the deposit is being made.
accountId integer. The ID of the account receiving the deposit.
instrumentId integer. The ID of the product (not instrument) being deposited. The Cryptosx exchange differentiates between products and instruments (two products comprise an instrument, BitCoin and dollars, for example).
amount real. The unit and fractional amount of the deposit. For example, 2.5 BitCoin or 201.85 dollars.
depositInfo JSON string object. A JSON object describing a deposit form template. The template may vary from Account Provider to Account Provider. You can obtain a list of templates available to you (and their contents) by calling GetDepositRequestInfoTemplate (you must have Operator or Trading permissions).


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": ""
Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, result is true; otherwise it is false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send.


Category: User
Permissions: Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Obtains a list of deposits for the account.

Users with Trading and AccountReadOnly permission can return deposit transactions only from an account with which they are associated.

The owner of the trading venue determines how long to retain transaction history before archiving.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1,
    "Depth": 200
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the account transactions took place.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account whose transactions will be returned.
Depth integer. The count of deposit transactions to be returned. Defaults to 200.


    "transactionId": 0,
    "omsId": 0,
    "accountId": 0,
    "cr": 0.0,
    "dr": 0.0,
    "counterparty": 0,
    "transactionType": 0,
    "referenceId": 0,
    "referenceType": 0,
    "productId": 0,
    "balance": 0.0,
    "timeStamp": 0

The response returns an array of transaction objects.

Key Value
transactionId Integer. The ID of the transaction.
omsId Integer. The ID of the Order Management System under which the requested transactions took place.
accountId Integer. The single account under which the transactions took place.
cr real. Credit entry for the account on the order book. Funds entering an account.
dr real. Debit entry for the account on the order book. Funds leaving an account.
counterparty long integer. The corresponding party in a trade.
transactionType integer. A number representing the type of transaction:
1 Fee
2 Trade
3 Other
4 Reverse
5 Hold
6 Rebate
7 MarginAcquisition
8 MarginRelinquish
referenceId long integer. The ID of the action or event that triggered this transaction.
referenceType integer. A number representing the type of action or event that triggered this transaction. One of:
1 Trade
2 Deposit
3 Withdraw
4 Transfer
5 OrderHold
6 WithdrawHold
7 DepositHold
8 MarginHold
9 ManualHold
10 ManualEntry
11 MarginAcquisition
12 MarginRelinquish
13 MarginQuoteHold
productId integer. The ID of the product in which the deposit was made. Use GetProduct to return information about a product based on its ID.
balance real. The balance in the account after the transaction.
timeStamp long integer. Time at which the transaction took place, in POSIX format.


Category: User
Permissions: Trading, AccountReadOnly
Call Type: Synchronous

Obtains a list of withdrawals for an account.

Users with Trading and AccountReadOnly permission can return withdrawal transactions only from an account with which they are associated.

The owner of the trading venue determines how long to retain transaction history before archiving.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1,
    "Depth": 200
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the account transactions took place.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account whose transactions will be returned.
Depth integer. The count of withdrawal transactions to be returned. Defaults to 200.



The response returns an array of transaction objects.

Key Value
transactionId Integer. The ID of the transaction.
omsId Integer. The ID of the Order Management System under which the requested transactions took place.
accountId Integer. The single account under which the transactions took place.
cr real. Credit entry for the account on the order book. Funds entering an account.
dr real. Debit entry for the account on the order book. Funds leaving an account.
counterparty long integer. The corresponding party in a trade.
transactionType integer. A number representing the type of transaction:
1 Fee
2 Trade
3 Other
4 Reverse
5 Hold
6 Rebate
7 MarginAcquisition
8 MarginRelinquish
referenceId long integer. The ID of the action or event that triggered this transaction.
referenceType integer. A number representing the type of action or event that triggered this transaction. One of:
1 Trade
2 Deposit
3 Withdraw
4 Transfer
5 OrderHold
6 WithdrawHold
7 DepositHold
8 MarginHold
9 ManualHold
10 ManualEntry
11 MarginAcquisition
12 MarginRelinquish
13 MarginQuoteHold
productId integer. The ID of the product that was withdrawn. Use GetProduct to return information about a product based on its ID.
balance real. The balance in the account after the transaction.
timeStamp long integer. Time at which the transaction took place, in POSIX format.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an array of all Asset Manager wallet tickets that meet the criteria set in the Request.

The Asset Manager wallet is a joint wallet for all Account Providers on the Exchange. Only a user with Operator permission may call GetAllAssetManagerWalletTickets.


    "assetManagerId": 0,
    "accountProviderId": 0,
    "assetId": 0,
    "ticketId": "",
    "TicketType": 0,
    "TicketStatus": 0,
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "assetManagerServiceId": "1",
    "startIndex": 0,
    "limit": 0

In the Request, some fields are optional so that GetAllAssetManagerWalletTickets can return tickets that meet specific criteria.

Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager to which the wallet is linked. Different Order Management Systems may have different Asset Manager IDs.
accountProviderId integer. The ID of the Account Provider that is linked to the Asset Manager.
assetId integer. OPTIONAL The ID of the asset (product) on the exchange that caused the generation of the ticket. By setting the assetId value to 0, tickets for all assets are returned.
ticketId string. OPTIONAL A unique ID (alphanumeric) assigned by the system to the ticket. By leaving the ticketId value as null (empty string), tickets with any ID are returned.
ticketType integer. Describes the type of error or condition that triggered the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 LowBalance
2 HighBalance
3 Transfer
4 BalanceRequired
5 BalanceMismatch
6 WithdrawError
7 DepositError
8 AccountProviderError
ticketStatus integer. Describes the disposition of the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Open
2 Resolved
3 Rejected
4 Notification
ticketNumber integer. OPTIONAL The number of this ticket on the exchange. A value of 0 for ticketNumber returns tickets with all numbers.
assetManagerServiceId string. The assetManagerServiceId is an alphanumeric string pre-configured for the specific Exchange. For current installations, this value is "1".
startIndex integer. OPTIONAL The location in the series of Asset Manager wallet tickets at which to begin returning tickets. The most recent wallet ticket is 0; the count increments backwards.
limit integer. OPTIONAL The count of Asset Manager wallet tickets to return (starting at startIndex). For example, a value of 100 returns 100 wallet tickets beginning with the ticket at position startIndex. A value of 0 returns only the most recent wallet ticket.


        "assetManagerId": 0,
        "accountProviderId": 0,
        "assetId": 0,
        "ticketId": "",
        "lastUpdatedTime": 0,
        "lastUpdatedBy": 0,
        "ticketNumber": 0,
        "assetManagerServiceId": "1",
        "info": "",
        "TicketType": 0,
        "TicketStatus": 0

The Response is an array of wallet tickets meeting the criteria set in the Request.

Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager to which the wallet is linked.
accountProviderId integer. The ID of the Account Provider that is linked to the Asset Manager.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) to which the wallet ticket refers.
ticketId string. The unique ID (alphanumeric) assigned by the system to the ticket.
lastUpdatedTime long integer. The date and time stamp for the last time this wallet ticket was updated, in POSIX format. All dates and times are given as UTC.
lastUpdatedBy integer. The ID of the last user to update the wallet ticket (if any). Only a user with Operator permission can update an Asset Manager wallet ticket.
ticketNumber integer. The number of this ticket on the Exchange.
assetManagerService Id string. An alphanumeric string pre-configured for the specific Exchange. In current installations, always returns a value of "1".
info string. Any message added to the wallet ticket by the system.
ticketType integer. Describes the type of error or condition that triggered the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 LowBalance
2 HighBalance
3 Transfer
4 BalanceRequired
5 BalanceMismatch
6 WithdrawError
7 DepositError
8 AccountProviderError
ticketStatus integer. Describes the disposition of the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Open
2 Resolved
3 Rejected
4 Notification


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an array of all deposit tickets on the specified Order Management System. All deposit tickets from all accounts and all users are returned from the start of the Exchange to the present, subject only to the restrictions set by the StartIndex and Limit values.

Only a user with Operator permission can issue GetAllDepositTickets.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "OperatorId": 1,
    "StartIndex": 0,
    "Limit": 0

The values for OMSId and OperatorId are required; the key-value pairs StartIndex and Limit are optional. You can include StartIndex, Limit, or both.

Key Value
OMSId integer. REQUIRED The ID of the Order Management System on which the deposit tickets were created.
OperatorId integer. REQUIRED The user ID of the user with Operator permission who is issuing the GetAllDepositTickets call.
StartIndex integer. OPTIONAL The earliest location in the series of deposit tickets at which to begin returning tickets. Tickets are returned from that location forward (that is, from then toward now). The most recent deposit ticket is ticket 0. If you do not include a StartIndex key and value in your request, tickets from the beginning of the Exchange will be returned (subject to Limit.)
Limit integer. OPTIONAL The count of deposit tickets you want returned. For example, if you set the value of Limit to 50, a maximum of 50 deposit tickets will be returned. That maximum may be further restricted by the position of StartIndex. For example, if your StartIndex is only ten tickets back, and you include a Limit value of 50, you're still only going to get ten tickets.


        "assetManagerId": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "assetId": 0,
        "assetName": null,
        "amount": 0.0,
        "omsId": 0,
        "requestCode": "",
        "requestIP": "",
        "requestUser": 0,
        "requestUserName": "",
        "operatorId": 0,
        "Status": 0,
        "feeAmt": 0.0,
        "updatedByUser": 0,
        "updatedByUserName": "",
        "ticketNumber": 0,
        "depositInfo": {
            "Full Name": "John Smith",
            "language": "en",
            "Bank Name": "Rubber City Bank"
        "createdTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "lastUpdateTimeStamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "comments": null,
        "attachments": null

The Response returns an array of deposit tickets matching the criteria set in the Request.

Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager module that handled the deposit.
accountId integer. The ID of the account into which the deposit was made.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) deposited. This may be cryptocurrency or fiat (national) currency.
assetName string. The short name of the asset being deposited, for example USD (US Dollars), BTC (BitCoin), etc.
amount real. The unit quantity of asset being deposited. For example, 2.5 BitCoin or 2018.17 US Dollars.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System through which the asset was deposited.
requestCode string. A globally unique ID (GUID) that identifies the deposit ticket on the Exchange.
requestIP string. The IP address from which the deposit was received, for example
requestUser integer. The user ID of the user making the deposit.
requestUserName string. The user name of the user making the deposit, for example, jsmith.
operatorId integer. The user ID of the human admin (operator) who accepted, rejected or placed the ticket in the Pending status. Operators set the status of fiat currency deposits; cryptocurrency deposits are handled automatically.
Status integer. The current status of the deposit ticket. Some of these statuses are valid only for cryptocurrency deposits and some are valid for fiat currency deposits. Some of these statuses are used by Cryptosx internally, yet they may appear on returned Deposit Ticket information.

Deposit ticket statuses:
0 New (new ticket awaiting operator review)
1 AdminProcessing (An admin is looking at the ticket)
2 Accepted (An admin accepts the ticket)
3 Rejected (Admin rejects the ticket)
4 SystemProcessing (automatic processing; an unlikely status for a deposit)
5 FullyProcessed (the deposit has concluded)
6 Failed (the deposit failed for some reason)
7 Pending (Account Provider has set status to pending)
8 Confirmed (Account Provider confirms the deposit)
9 AmlProcessing (anti-money-laundering process underway)
10 AmlAccepted (anti-money-laundering process successful)
11 AmlRejected (deposit did not stand up to anti-money-laundering process)
12 AmlFailed (anti-money-laundering process failed/did not complete)
13 LimitsAccepted (deposit meets limits for fiat or crypto asset)
14 LimitsRejected (deposit does not meet limits for fiat or crypto asset)
feeAmt real. The fee assessed by the Exchange for making the deposit, if any. Such a fee normally is assessed in the asset being deposited.
updatedByUser integer. The user ID of the person who made the most recent update to the deposit ticket. This user should be an admin (Operator).
updatedByUserName string. The user name of the person (admin/Operator) who made the most recent update to the deposit ticket.
ticketNumber integer. Number of the ticket on the Exchange.
depositInfo object. A set of key-value pairs that holds information about the source of funds being deposited. This information was entered when the deposit ticket was created, as required by the Account Provider. It can vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.
createdTimeStamp string. The date and time that the deposit ticket was created, in Microsoft Ticks format. All dates and times are UTC.
lastupdateTimeStamp string. The date and time stamp that the deposit ticket last was updated, in Microsoft Ticks format. All dates and times are UTC.
comments string. Any comment appended to the deposit ticket.
attachments string. Any attachment to the deposit ticket.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an array of all templates available to the caller that describe a deposit form for a specific product.

An Account Provider may require specific deposit information. Deposit templates answer than need.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the product is traded.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product to be deposited.


        "Template": {
            "ProviderType": "BitcoinRpc",
            "Template": "{}",
            "ProcessInfo": "",
            "UseGetDepositWorkflow": true,
            "DepositWorkflow": "CryptoWallet"
        "result": true,
        "errormsg": null,
        "statuscode": 0

The Response is an array of information for templates appropriate to the product specified in the Request and available to the caller, along with fields that show whether the Response successfully returned the Template information. The key-value pairs of the inner Template object vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.

Template object

Key Value
ProviderType String. The type of asset handled by the Account Provider. Possible values are:

Internal Accounting
Template JSON object. The key-value pairs of Template vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.
ProcessInfo String. The ProcessInfo string varies with the Account Provider and the asset being deposited. In a generic deposit template, the ProcessingInfo key-value pair is empty; in other cases it is an address for processing the deposit.
UseGetDepositWorkflow Boolean. A true value causes the deposit to use the deposit workflow named in DepositWorkflow. A false value causes the deposit not to use that defined workflow.
DepositWorkflow String. A set of defined workflows for this template. The workflows are defined and named during the installation of the Exchange. Choices are:


Response fields

Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, returns true, otherwise returns false.
errormsg String. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call can return:

Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
statusCode integer. If result is false, statusCode can return:

32 Not Authorized
33 Asset_Manager_Not_Found

If no Account Provider is located, statusCode returns null.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an array of all withdrawal tickets from the specified Order Management System. All withdrawal tickets from all accounts and all users are returned from the start of the Exchange to the present, subject only to the restrictions set by the StartIndex and Limit values.

The user must have Operator permission to issue GetAllWithdrawTickets. A similar call, GetWithdrawTickets can be used with Operator or Trading permissions, and returns withdraw tickets from a single account.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "OperatorId": 1,
    "StartIndex": 0,
    "Limit": 1

The key-value pairs StartIndex and Limit are optional. The oldest ticket is ticket 0. This differs from other calls where the newest ticket or transaction is 0. The value of StartIndex is a pointer into the stream of withdrawal tickets, and the value of Limit shows how far into the past (towards ticket 0) to return tickets. For example, if there are 1500 current tickets (oldest ticket 0 through newest ticket 1499), StartIndex = 100, and Limit = 100; then GetAllWithdrawTickets would return ticket numbers 1399 through 1300.

Key Value
OMSId integer. REQUIRED The ID of the Order Management System where the withdraw tickets were created.
OperatorId integer. REQUIRED The ID of the admin (operator) requesting GetAllWithdrawTickets.
StartIndex integer. OPTIONAL The location in the series of withdrawal tickets at which to begin returning tickets. Tickets are returned from that location towards ticket 0 (the oldest ticket). If you do not include a StartIndex key and value in the request, all tickets will be returned (subject to the value of Limit.)
Limit integer. OPTIONAL The count of withdrawal tickets you want returned. For example, if you set the value of Limit to 50, a maximum of 50 withdrawal tickets will be returned. That maximum may be further restricted by the position of StartIndex. For example, if your StartIndex is only ten tickets from ticket 0, and you include a Limit value of 50, you're still only going to get ten tickets.


        "assetManagerId": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "assetId": 0,
        "assetName": "",
        "amount": 0.0,
        "templateForm": "{
            “TemplateType”: “TetherRPCWithdraw”,
            “Comment”: “TestWithdraw”,
            “ExternalAddress”: “ms6C3pKAAr8gRCcnVebs8VRkVrjcvqNYv3”, 
        "templateFormType": "TetherRPCWithdraw",
        "omsId": 0,
        "requestCode": "490b4fa3-53fc-44f4-bd29-7e16be86fba3",
        "requestIP": "",
        "requestUserId": 0,
        "requestUserName": "",
        "operatorId": 0,
        "Status": 0,
        "feeAmt": 0.0,
        "updatedByUser": 0,
        "updatedByUserName": "",
        "ticketNumber": 0,
        "createdTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "lastUpdateTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "Comments": "[
            "commentId": 0,
            "enteredBy": 0,
            "enteredDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "comment": "",
            "operatorId": 0,
            "omsId": 0,
            "ticketCode": "",
            "ticketId": 0
        "Attachments": "[
            "attachmentId": 0,
            "submittedByUserId": 0,
            "submittedByUserName": "",
            "uploadDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "uploadIP": "",
            "ticketNumber": 0
        "AuditLog": "[]"

GetAllWithdrawTickets returns an array of withdrawal ticket information. The sample Comments and Attachments objects are documented separately below.

Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager through which the withdrawal was made.
accountId integer. The ID of the account that made the withdrawal.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) that was withdrawn. Withdrawal fees (if any) are usually assessed in the same asset that was withdrawn.
assetName string. The short name of the asset. For example, BTC for BitCoin or USD for US Dollars.
amount real. The number of units or fractions of units of the asset that were withdrawn (not the asset's monetary value). For example, 2.5 BitCoin or 2018.00 US Dollars.
templateForm JSON string object. The contents of the template form vary from Account Provider to Account Provider depending on the asset being withdrawn and the identity of the Account Provider. The Response returns this information as a string. The fields shown here are just examples.
templateFormType string. The name of the template being used. Templates vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the withdrawal was made.
requestCode string. A globally unique identifier (GUID) that identifies this specific withdrawal.
requestIP string. The IP address from which the withdrawal was initiated.
requestUserId integer. The user ID of the user who submitted the withdrawal.
requestUserName string. The user name of the user who submitted the withdrawal. For example, jsmith.
operatorId integer. The ID of the administrator (operator) who processed the withdrawal. Withdrawals of cryptocurrency are handled automatically; withdrawals of fiat (national) currency are approved by a human operator.
Status integer. The current status of the withdrawal ticket. Some of these statuses are valid only for cryptocurrency withdrawals, which uses an automated withdrawal process, and some are valid for fiat currency withdrawals, which requires a human admin (operator). Some of these statuses are used by Cryptosx internally, yet they may appear on a returned Withdraw Ticket.

Withdraw ticket statuses:
0 New (awaiting operator review)
1 AdminProcessing (An admin is looking at the ticket)
2 Accepted (withdrawal will proceed)
3 Rejected (admin or automatic rejection)
4 SystemProcessing (automatic processing underway)
5 FullyProcessed (the withdrawal has concluded)
6 Failed (the withdrawal failed for some reason)
7 Pending (the admin has placed the withdrawal in pending status)
8 Pending2Fa (user must click 2-factor authentication confirmation link)
9 AutoAccepted (withdrawal will be automatically processed)
10 Delayed (waiting for funds to be allocated for the withdrawal)
11 UserCanceled (withdraw canceled by user or Superuser)
12 AdminCanceled (withdraw canceled by Superuser)
13 AmlProcessing (anti-money-laundering process underway)
14 AmlAccepted (anti-money-laundering process complete)
15 AmlRejected (withdrawal did not stand up to anti-money-laundering process)
16 AmlFailed (withdrawal did not complete anti-money-laundering process)
17 LimitsAccepted (withdrawal meets limits for fiat or crypto asset)
18 LimitsRejected (withdrawal does not meet limits for fiat or crypto asset)
19 Submitted (withdrawal sent to Account Provider; awaiting blockchain confirmation)
20 Confirmed (Account Provider confirms that withdrawal is on the blockchain)
21 ManuallyConfirmed (admin has sent withdrawal via wallet or admin function directly; marks ticket as FullyProcessed; debits account)
22 Confirmed2Fa (user has confirmed withdraw via 2-factor authentication.)
feeAmt real. The amount of any fee that was charged for the withdrawal. feeAmt is always denominated in the asset or product that was withdrawn.
updatedByUser integer. The user ID of the most recent user who may have updated the withdrawal ticket. This user is usually an admin (operator).
updatedByUserName string. The user name of the most recent user who may have updated the withdrawal ticket. This user is usually an admin (operator).
ticketNumber integer. The number of the ticket, as assigned by the system.
createdTimeStamp string. The time and date when the withdrawal ticket was created, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
lastUpdateTimeStamp string. The time and date when the withdrawal ticket was last updated, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
Comments array of JSON string objects. An array of key-value pairs appended as comments to the withdrawal ticket. See Comments example.
Attachments array of JSON string objects. An array of any attachments appended to the withdrawal ticket. See Attachments example.
AuditLog array of JSON string objects. Reserved for future use.

Comments Example

Comments Example

            "commentId": 0,
            "enteredBy": 0,
            "enteredDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "comment": "",
            "operatorId": 0,
            "omsId": 0,
            "ticketCode": "",
            "ticketId": 0

Comments appear as an array.

Key Value
commentId integer. The ID assigned to the comment by the system.
enteredBy integer. The ID of the user who entered the comment.
enteredDateTime string. The time and date that the comment was entered, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
comment string. The text of the comment.
operatorId integer. The ID of the admin (operator) making the comment.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the withdrawal ticket and comment were created. (They are unlikely to be different).
ticketCode string. A globally unique ID (GUID) assigned by the system and which identifies the ticket.
ticketId integer. The ID of the ticket as assigned by the system.

Attachments Example

Attachments Example

            "attachmentId": 0,
            "submittedByUserId": 0,
            "submittedByUserName": "",
            "uploadDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "uploadIP": "",
            "ticketNumber": 0

Any attachments appear as an array.

Key Value
attachmentId integer. The ID assigned to the attachment by the system.
submittedByUserId integer. The user ID of the person who added the attachment to the withdrawal ticket.
submittedByUserName integer. The user name of the person who submitted the attachment.
uploadDate string. The date and time that the attachment was uploaded, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
uploadIP string. The IP address from which the attachment was uploaded.
ticketNumber long integer. The number of the withdrawal ticket, as assigned by the system.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns the details about a single specific Asset Manager wallet ticket. The key-value pairs in the Request identify the ticket to return.


    "assetManagerId": 0,
    "accountProviderId": 0,
    "assetId": 0,
    "TicketType": 0,
    "TicketStatus": 0,
    "ticketId": "",
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "assetManagerServiceId": "1",
    "startIndex": 0,
    "limit": 0
Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager to which the wallet is linked. Different Order Management Systems may have different Asset Managers.
accountProviderId integer. The ID of the Account Provider that is linked to the Asset Manager for the asset identified in assetId.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) of the Exchange that caused the generation of a ticket.
ticketType integer. Describes the type of error or condition that triggered the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 LowBalance
2 HighBalance
3 Transfer
4 BalanceRequired
5 BalanceMismatch
6 WithdrawError
7 DepositError
8 AccountProviderError
ticketStatus integer. Describes the disposition of the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Open
2 Resolved
3 Rejected
4 Notification
ticketId string. A unique ID (alphanumeric) assigned by the system to the ticket.
ticketNumber integer. The number of this ticket on the Exchange.
assetManagerServiceId string. The assetManagerServiceId is an alphanumeric string pre-configured for the specific Exchange. For current installations, this value is "1".
startIndex integer. OPTIONAL The earliest location in the series of Asset Manager Wallet Tickets to begin searching for the one ticket you want returned. Tickets are searched from that location forward (that is, from then toward now, or from the past to the present). The most recent Asset Manager Wallet Ticket is ticket 0. Without a startIndex value, the system begins searching with the first Asset Manager Wallet Ticket on the Exchange.
limit integer. OPTIONAL The count of Asset Manager Wallet Tickets to search. For example, if you set limit to 50, the Exchange begins searching at startIndex and looks at the next 50 tickets (moving from the ticket identified by startIndex towards the 0th — most recent — ticket). Once 50 tickets have been searched (in this case), the search ceases and either the specified ticket is returned or no ticket is returned.


    "assetManagerId": 0,
    "accountProviderId": 0,
    "assetId": 0,
    "ticketId": "",
    "lastUpdatedTime": 0,
    "lastUpdatedBy": 0,
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "assetManagerServiceId": "1",
    "info": "",
    "TicketType": 0,
    "TicketStatus": 0

The response is a single Asset Manager Wallet Ticket. Depending on values you set for startIndex and limit, GetAssetManagerWalletTicket may return no ticket.

Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager to which the wallet is linked.
accountProviderId integer. The ID of the Account Provider that is linked to the Asset Manager and the asset named in assetId.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) of the Exchange that caused the generation of the ticket. Usually, this is because of some problem or issue.
ticketId string. A unit ID (alphanumeric) assigned by the system to the ticket.
lastUpdatedTime long integer. The date and time stamp of the last update to the ticket, in POSIX format. All dates and times are UTC.
lastUpdatedBy integer. The user ID of the last user to update the ticket (this usually will be an admin).
ticketNumber integer. The number assigned to this ticket by the system.
assetManagerServiceId string. The assetManagerServiceId is an alphanumeric string pre-configured for the specific Exchange. For current installations, this value always returns "1".
info string. Any information appended to the ticket by the system.
ticketType integer. Describes the type of error or condition that triggered the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 LowBalance
2 HighBalance
3 Transfer
4 BalanceRequired
5 BalanceMismatch
6 WithdrawError
7 DepositError
8 AccountProviderError
ticketStatus integer. Describes the disposition of the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Open
2 Resolved
3 Rejected
4 Notification


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Deposit
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves deposit key information so that the user can send cryptocurrency funds, and optionally generates new keys. The GetDepositInfo call is only for depositing cryptocurrency into an account.

Users with Deposit permission can deposit only to their own accounts; users with Operator permission can deposit to any account.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1,
    "AccountProviderId": 1,
    "GenerateNewKey": true,
    "DepositInfo": "{}"
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the deposit will be made.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account into which the deposit will be made.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product (asset) being deposited. GetDepositInfo is only for cryptocurrency deposits.
AccountProviderId integer. The ID of the Account Provider that handles this specific product (asset).
GenerateNewKey Boolean. If true, GetDepositInfo generates two new keys. If false, GetDepositInfo reports the last two keys used.
DepositInfo object. A JSON object describing a deposit form template. The template may vary from Account Provider to Account Provider. You can obtain a list of templates available to you (and their contents) by calling GetDepositRequestInfoTemplate (you must have Operator or Trading permission).


["DepositKey1", "DepositKey2"]

The Response is an array of two crypto deposit keys, each a long integer. If the key GenerateNewKey in the Request has a true value, the two crypto deposit keys will be new; if the key GenerateNewKey has a false value, these will be the last two keys that were generated.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns a single object describing a single deposit form template that is available to the caller and the caller's account, and appropriate to the product being deposited.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1,
    "TemplateType": "TrustPay"
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the product is traded.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product to be deposited.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account into which the deposit will be made.
TemplateType string. The name of the deposit template you want to return.


    "Template": {
        "Template": "{}",
        "ProcessInfo": "",
        "UseGetDepositWorkflow": true,
        "DepositWorkflow": "CryptoWallet"
    "result": true,
    "errormsg": null,
    "statuscode": 0

The Response is a single template appropriate to the product specified in the Request and available to the caller, along with fields that show whether the Response successfully returned the Template information. The key-value pairs of the inner Template object vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.

Template object

Key Value
ProviderType String. The type of asset handled by the Account Provider. Possible values are:

Internal Accounting
Template JSON object. The key-value pairs of Template vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.
ProcessInfo String. The ProcessInfo string varies with the Account Provider and the asset being deposited. In a generic deposit template, the ProcessingInfo key-value pair is empty; in other cases it is an address for processing the deposit.
UseGetDepositWorkflow Boolean. A true value causes the deposit to use the deposit workflow named in DepositWorkflow. A false value causes the deposit not to use that defined workflow.
DepositWorkflow String. A set of defined workflows for this template. The workflows are defined and named during the installation of the Exchange. Choices are:


Response fields

Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, returns true, otherwise returns false.
errormsg String. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call can return:

Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
statusCode integer. If result is false, statusCode can return:

32 Not Authorized
33 Asset_Manager_Not_Found

If no Account Provider is located, statusCode returns null.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an array of deposit objects with information about the deposits of a specific account.

Users with Trading permission can get deposit information only for their own accounts; users with Operator permission can get deposit information for any account.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the deposits were made.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account into which the deposits were made.


        "omsId": 0,
        "depositId": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "subAccountId": 0,
        "productId": 0,
        "amount": 0.0

The Response is an array of deposit objects.

Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which this deposit was made.
depositId integer. The ID of this deposit, assigned by the system.
accountId integer. The ID of the account into which this deposit was made.
subAccountId integer. Not currently used; reserved for future use. Defaults to 0.
productId integer. The ID of the product or asset (the two are synonymous) that was deposited.
amount real. The unit and fractional quantity of the product or asset that was deposited. For example 2.5 BitCoin or 2018.17 US Dollars.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns details about a single deposit ticket. A deposit ticket documents that a deposit was made or attempted.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1,
    "RequestCode": "Request Code GUID",
    "TicketId": 100000002
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the deposit ticket was created.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account into which the deposit was made.
RequestCode string. A globally unique ID (GUID) that identifies this specific deposit.
TicketId long integer. The ID of the specific deposit ticket, as assigned by the system.


    "assetManagerId": 0,
    "accountId": 0,
    "assetId": 0,
    "assetName": null,
    "amount": 0.0,
    "omsId": 0,
    "requestCode": null,
    "requestIP": null,
    "requestUser": 0,
    "requestUserName": null,
    "operatorId": 0,
    "Status": 0,
    "feeAmt": 0.0,
    "updatedByUser": 0,
    "updatedByUserName": null,
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "depositInfo": null,
    "createdTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "lastUpdateTimeStamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "comments": null,
    "attachments": null
Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager on which the deposit was made.
accountId integer. The ID of the account into which the deposit was made.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) that was deposited.
assetName string. The short name of the asset (product) that was deposited, for example BTC for BitCoin or USD for US Dollars.
amount real. The unit and fractional amount of the asset that was deposited, for example 2.5 BitCoin or 2018.17 US Dollars.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the deposit was made.
requestCode string. A globally unique alphanumeric string (GUID) assigned by the system that identifies this specific deposit.
requestIP string. The IP address from which the deposit request was made.
requestUser integer. The user ID of the user who made the deposit request.
requestUserName string. The user name of the user who made the deposit request, for example, jsmith.
operatorId integer. The user ID of the operator who managed the deposit request.
status integer. The current status of this deposit ticket. Some of these statuses are valid only for cryptocurrency deposits; some are only valid for deposits of fiat (national) currency; others are used by Cryptosx internally. Any of the statuses may appear on a deposit ticket.

Deposit ticket statuses
0 New (new ticket awaiting operator review)
1 AdminProcessing (an admin is looking at the ticket)
2 Accepted (an admin accepts the ticket)
3 Rejected (admin rejects the ticket)
4 SystemProcessing (automatic processing; an unlikely status for a deposit)
5 FullyProcessed (the deposit has concluded)
6 Failed (the deposit has failed for some reason)
7 Pending (Account Provider has set status to pending)
8 Confirmed (Account Provider confirms the deposit)
9 AmlProcessing (anti-money-laundering process underway)
10 AmlAccepted (anti-money-laundering process successful)
11 AmlRejected (deposit did not stand up to anti-money-laundering process)
12 AmlFailed (anti-money-laundering process failed/did not complete)
13 LimitsAccepted (deposit meets limits for fiat or crypto asset)
14 LimitsRejected (deposit does not meet limits for fiat or crypto asset)
feeAmt real. The fee assessed for making the deposit, if any. Deposit fees usually are assessed in the asset/product being deposited.
updatedByUser integer. The user ID of the last user to have updated the ticket (status, amount, etc.; this is usually an admin).
updatedByUserName string. The user name of the last user to have updated the ticket, for example, jsmith.
ticketNumber long integer. An ID number assigned by the system to identify the ticket (as opposed to identifying the deposit).
depositInfo string. A set of key-value pairs that holds information about the source of the funds being deposited. This information was entered when the deposit ticket was created, as required by the Account Provider. It can vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.
createdTimeStamp string. The date and time when the deposit ticket was created, in Microsoft Ticks format. All dates and times are UTC.
lastUpdateTimeStamp string. The date and time when the deposit ticket last was updated — usually by an admin changing its status — in Microsoft Ticks format. All dates and times are UTC.
comments string. Any comment appended to the deposit ticket.
attachments string. Any attachment to the deposit ticket.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns a single specific deposit ticket attachment based solely on the attachment ID.

A user with Trading permission can return an attachment only from a deposit made to that user's associated account; a user with Operator permission can return any attachment.


    "attachmentId": 0
Key Value
attachmentId integer. The ID of an attachment that is part of a deposit ticket associated with the account of the issuing user (if Trading permission) or any account or user (if Operator permission).


    "base64Attachment": null,
    "attachmentId": 0,
    "submittedByUserId": 0,
    "submittedByUserName": null,
    "uploadDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "uploadIP": null,
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "description": null
Key Value
base64Attachment string. Any attachment file; PDF, spreadsheet, blob.
attachmentId integer. The ID of the attachment. The system assigned the attachment ID when the attachment was uploaded.
submittedByUserId integer. The user ID of the submitting user.
submittedByUserName string. The user name of the submitting user, for example, Jsmith.
uploadDate string. The time and date that the attachment was uploaded, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
uploadIP string. The IP address from which the attachment was uploaded.
ticketNumber long integer. The ID number of the deposit ticket to which the attachment was linked.
description string. A description of the attachment.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an array of deposit ticket objects for a specific account. The call returns all tickets for a given account. Use GetDepositTicket to return a single ticket. Operators (only) can use GetAllDepositTickets to return a subset of tickets.

Users with Trading permission can return deposit ticket information only for accounts with which they're associated; users with Operator permission can return deposit ticket information for any account.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "OperatorId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the account operates whose tickets you want to return.
OperatorId integer. A user with Operator permission should put the Operator's ID here; a user with Trading permission should put the value 1 here.
AccountId integer. The account whose deposit tickets you want to return.


        "assetManagerId": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "assetId": 0,
        "assetName": null,
        "amount": 0.0,
        "omsId": 0,
        "requestCode": "",
        "requestIP": "",
        "requestUser": 0,
        "requestUserName": "",
        "operatorId": 0,
        "Status": 0,
        "feeAmt": 0.0,
        "updatedByUser": 0,
        "updatedByUserName": "",
        "ticketNumber": 0,
        "depositInfo": null,
        "createdTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "lastUpdateTimeStamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "comments": null,
        "attachments": null

The Response returns an array of deposit ticket information.

Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager module that handled the deposit.
accountId integer. The ID of the account into which the deposit was made.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) deposited. This may be cryptocurrency or fiat (national) currency.
assetName string. The short name of the asset being deposited, for example USD (US Dollars), BTC (BitCoin), etc.
amount real. The unit quantity and fractional quantity of the asset being deposited. For example, 2.5 BitCoin or 2018.17 US Dollars.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System through which the asset was deposited.
requestCode string. A globally unique ID (GUID) that identifies the deposit ticket on the Exchange.
requestIP string. The IP address from which the deposit was received, for example
requestUser integer. The user ID of the user making the deposit.
requestUserName string. The user name of the user making the deposit, for example, jsmith.
operatorId integer. The user ID of the human admin (operator) who accepted, rejected or placed the ticket in the Pending status. Operators set the status of fiat currency deposits; cryptocurrency deposits are handled automatically.
Status integer. The current status of the deposit ticket. Some of these statuses are valid only for cryptocurrency deposits and some are valid for fiat currency deposits. Some of these statuses are used by Cryptosx internally, yet they may appear on returned Deposit Ticket information.

Deposit ticket statuses:
0 New (new ticket awaiting operator review)
1 AdminProcessing (An admin is looking at the ticket)
2 Accepted (An admin accepts the ticket)
3 Rejected (Admin rejects the ticket)
4 SystemProcessing (automatic processing; an unlikely status for a deposit)
5 FullyProcessed (the deposit has concluded)
6 Failed (the deposit failed for some reason)
7 Pending (Account Provider has set status to pending)
8 Confirmed (Account Provider confirms the deposit)
9 AmlProcessing (anti-money-laundering process underway)
10 AmlAccepted (anti-money-laundering process successful)
11 AmlRejected (deposit did not stand up to anti-money-laundering process)
12 AmlFailed (anti-money-laundering process failed/did not complete)
13 LimitsAccepted (deposit meets limits for fiat or crypto asset)
14 LimitsRejected (deposit does not meet limits for fiat or crypto asset)
feeAmt real. The fee assessed by the Exchange for making the deposit, if any. Such a fee normally is assessed in the asset being deposited.
updatedByUser integer. The user ID of the person who made the most recent update to the deposit ticket. This user should be an admin (Operator).
updatedByUserName string. The user name of the person (admin/Operator) who made the most recent update to the deposit ticket.
ticketNumber integer. Number of the ticket on the Exchange.
depositInfo object. A set of key-value pairs that holds information about the source of funds being deposited. This information was entered when the deposit ticket was created, as required by the Account Provider. It can vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.
createdTimeStamp string. The date and time that the deposit ticket was created, in Microsoft Ticks format. All dates and times are UTC.
lastupdateTimeStamp string. The date and time stamp that the deposit ticket last was updated, in Microsoft Ticks format. All dates and times are UTC.
comments string. Any comment appended to the deposit ticket.
attachments string. Any attachment to the deposit ticket.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Withdraw
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns an array of objects, each of which describe a fee assessed on a specific product (asset).


    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the produce (asset) is traded.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product (asset) for which you want a list of fees.


        "OMSId": 1,
        "AccountId": 0,
        "FeeId": 47,
        "FeeAmt": 1,
        "FeeCalcType": "Percentage",
        "IsActive": false,
        "ProductId": 1

The Response is an array of objects, each describing a fee.

Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the product (asset) is traded.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account requesting the withdrawal fee information. Withdrawal fees may vary between accounts. The system "knows" the account of the requesting user.
FeeId integer. The ID of the fee reported in this object.
FeeAmt real. The fee assessed for this product. If FeeCalcType is Percentage, this value is the percentage of the fee. If the FeeCalcType is FlatRate, this value is the number of units and fractions of units of the product. The Exchange usually assesses withdrawal fees in the product being withdrawn.
FeeCalcType string. The way the fee is calculated, either as a flat rate (FlatRate) or as a percentage (Percentage) of the withdrawal.
IsActive Boolean. A true value signifies that this fee is active for this product; a false value that the fee is not active for this product.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product (asset) against which the fee is assessed.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Trading, Withdraw
Call Type: Synchronous

Gets an estimate of a fee for a withdrawal. The Products function of the Cryptosx Admin can set withdraw fees OMS-wide. You can also set a withdraw fee programmatically using SetOMSFee, but SetOMSFee is a System (not User) call with permission reserved to an exchange operator. Exchange-wide withdrawal fees cannot be overridden.

A user with Trading or Withdraw permissions can obtain withdrawal fee estimates only for products and accounts with which the user is associated; a user with Operator permission can obtain withdrawal fee estimates for any product or account.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1,
    "Amount": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System trading the product.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account making the withdrawal.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product intended to be withdrawn. Fees may vary with product.
Amount real. The amount of product intended to be withdrawn.


Key Value
FeeAmount real. The estimated amount of the fee for the indicated withdrawal.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns a list of withdrawals for a given account ID.

Users with Trading permission can return withdrawals only for an account with which they are associated; users with Operator permission can return withdrawals for any account.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the withdrawal was issued.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account for which withdrawal information will be returned.


        "amount": 0.0,
        "feeAmount": 0.0,
        "notionalValue": 0.0,
        "withdrawId": 0,
        "assetManagerId": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "assetId": 0,
        "templateForm": "{
            “TemplateType”: “TetherRPCWithdraw”,
            “Comment”: “TestWithdraw”,
            “ExternalAddress”: “ms6C3pKAAr8gRCcnVebs8VRkVrjcvqNYv3” 
        "templateFormType": "TetherRPCWithdraw",
        "omsId": 0,
        "TicketStatus": 0,
        "ticketNumber": 0,
        "WithdrawTransactionDetails": "",
        "withdrawType": "",
        "withdrawCode": "490b4fa3-53fc-44f4-bd29-7e16be86fba3",
        "AssetType": 0,
        "reaccepted": true,
        "notionalProductId": 0


The Response is an array of withdrawals made on the specified Order Management System for the specified account.

Key Value
amount real. The amount of product or fractions of product being withdrawn (not the dollar value, unless the products being withdrawn are dollars).
feeAmount real. The amount of withdrawal fee charged. Withdrawal fees usually are charged in the product being withdrawn.
notionalValue real. In some regions, withdrawals in cryptocurrency must first be converted to the local currency. Thus, the "notional value" of a withdrawal is the value of the cryptocurrency expressed in the local fiat currency.
withdrawId integer. The ID of this withdrawal, assigned by the system.
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager through which the withdrawal was made.
accountId integer. The ID of the account from which the withdrawal was made.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) being withdrawn.
templateform string. The contents of the withdrawal template (key-value pairs). Templates vary from Account Provider to Account Provider, depending on the asset being withdrawn and the identity of the Account Provider.
templateFormType string. The name of the withdrawal template. The template controls the destination of the asset being withdrawn. To get a list of withdrawal templates available to you, call GetWithdrawTemplateTypes.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the withdrawal occurred.
TicketStatus integer. The current status of the withdrawal ticket. Some of these statuses are valid only for cryptocurrency withdrawals (which uses an automated withdrawal process), and some are valid for fiat currency withdrawals (which requires a human admin operator). Some of these statuses are used by the Cryptosx Exchange internally, yet they may appear on a returned withdrawal ticket.

Withdraw ticket statuses:
0 New (awaiting operator review)
1 AdminProcessing (An admin is looking at the ticket)
2 Accepted (withdrawal will proceed)
3 Rejected (admin or automatic rejection)
4 SystemProcessing (automatic processing underway)
5 FullyProcessed (the withdrawal has concluded)
6 Failed (the withdrawal failed for some reason)
7 Pending (the admin has placed the withdrawal in pending status)
8 Pending2Fa (user must click 2-factor authentication confirmation link)
9 AutoAccepted (withdrawal will be automatically processed)
10 Delayed (waiting for funds to be allocated for the withdrawal)
11 UserCanceled (withdraw canceled by user or Superuser)
12 AdminCanceled (withdraw canceled by Superuser)
13 AmlProcessing (anti-money-laundering process underway)
14 AmlAccepted (anti-money-laundering process complete)
15 AmlRejected (withdrawal did not stand up to anti-money-laundering process)
16 AmlFailed (withdrawal did not complete anti-money-laundering process)
17 LimitsAccepted (withdrawal meets limits for fiat or crypto asset)
18 LimitsRejected (withdrawal does not meet limits for fiat or crypto asset)
19 Submitted (withdrawal sent to Account Provider; awaiting blockchain confirmation)
20 Confirmed (Account Provider confirms that withdrawal is on the blockchain)
21 ManuallyConfirmed (admin has sent withdrawal via wallet or admin function directly; marks ticket as FullyProcessed; debits account)
22 Confirmed2Fa (user has confirmed withdraw via 2-factor authentication.)
ticketNumber integer. The number of the ticket, as assigned by the system (different from the ID of the withdrawal).
withdrawTransactionDetails JSON string object. Dynamic information that changes from Account Provider to Account Provider. The values of withdrawTransactionDetails may (but do not have to) include key-value pairs for:
TxId transaction ID
withdrawType string. Shows whether the withdrawal is cryptocurrency or fiat (national) currency.
withdrawCode string. A GUID that uniquely identifies the withdrawal (as opposed to the ticket representing the withdrawal). The value for widrawCode is the same as requestCode as returned by GetWithdrawTicket and GetWithdrawTickets.
AssetType integer. Describes the nature of the product. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 NationalCurrency
2 CryptoCurrency
3 Contract
reaccepted Boolean. If a ticket was initially rejected, but later accepted for withdrawal, true shows that the ticket was re-accepted for processing after an initial rejection.
notionalProductId integer. In those regions where withdrawal of cryptocurrency must be expressed in terms of local fiat currency, the notionalProductId expresses that local currency.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Withdraw
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns the text of the specific withdrawal template. To find out what templates are available to you, call GetWithdrawTemplateTypes.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1,
    "TemplateType": "Template Name",
    "AccountId": 1,
    "AccountProviderId": 1

The system "knows" which Account Provider's withdrawal template to return based on the product ID and the template name you provide. There is usually only one Account Provider per product on an Exchange. AccountId and AccountProviderId therefore are optional key-value pairs.

Key Value
OMSId integer. REQUIRED The ID of the Order Management System on which the withdrawal will be made.
ProductId integer. REQUIRED The ID of the product (asset) about to be withdrawn.
TemplateType string. REQUIRED The name of the withdrawal template you want to return.
AccountId integer. OPTIONAL The ID of the account from which you plan to make the withrawal.
AccountProviderId integer. OPTIONAL The ID of the Account Provider you plan to use for the withdrawal.


    "Template": "",
    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "statuscode": 0

The Response returns the key-value pairs of the template, along with any error messages about the call. The text of the template will vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.

Key Value
Template string. The key-value pairs of the template inside a JSON string.
result Boolean. Returns true if the call is successfully received; otherwise false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg for an unsuccessful call returns one of:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorvode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
statuscode integer. If result is false, statuscode can return:
32 Not Authorized
33 AssetManager_Not_Found

If no Account Provider is located, statuscode returns null.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Withdraw
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns a list of template names that are appropriate to the product (asset) named in the Request. To obtain the key-value pairs of the template itself, call GetWithdrawTemplate with the template name you obtain here.

Users with Withdraw permission can get a withdraw template type suitable only for their accounts and permitted products. Users with Operator permission can get template types suitable for any account and product.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "ProductId": 1

The system "knows" what Account Provider templates are suitable to your account and product permissions.

Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System from which you plan to make the withdrawal.
ProductId integer. The ID of the product (asset) that you plan to withdraw.


    "TemplateTypes": [
    "result": false,
    "errormsg": "",
    "statuscode": 0 
Key Value
TemplateTypes array of strings. An array of the names of the templates that are appropriate to the withdrawal of your asset, account, and Order Management System. If the call was unsuccessful, TemplateTypes may return an empty array.
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, returns true; otherwise returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call can return:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
statuscode integer. If result is false, statuscode can return:
32 Not Authorized
33 Asset_Manager_Not_Found

If not account provider is located, statuscode returns null.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns a single withdrawal ticket that matches all values in the Request. No optional fields; partial matches are not returned.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1,
    "RequestCode": "1d3d01eb-9e7b-47e0-9056-db420bf157ee"
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System through which the withdrawal was made.
AccountId integer. The ID of the Account from which the withdrawal was made.
RequestCode string. The GUID assigned by the system to the withdraw ticket on creation. The call GetWithdrawTickets can return a set of RequestCode values to allow you to zero-in on an unknown ticket RequestCode.


  "assetManagerId": 0,
  "accountId": 0,
  "assetId": 0,
  "assetName": "",
  "amount": 0.0,
  "templateForm": "{
     “TemplateType”: “TetherRPCWithdraw”,
     “Comment”: “TestWithdraw”,
     “ExternalAddress”: “ms6C3pKAAr8gRCcnVebs8VRkVrjcvqNYv3”, 
   "templateFormType": "ThetherRPCWithdraw",
   "omsId": 0,
   "requestCode": "490b4fa3-53fc-44f4-bd29-7e16be86fba3",
   "requestIP": "",
   "requestUserId": 0,
   "requestUserName": "",
   "operatorId": 0,
   "Status": 0,
   "feeAmt": 0.0,
   "updatedByUser": 0,
   "updatedByUserName": "",
   "ticketNumber": 0,
   "createdTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
   "lastUpdateTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
   "Comments": "[
        "commentId": 0,
        "enteredBy": 0,
        "enteredDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "comment": "",
        "operatorId": 0,
        "omsId": 0,
        "ticketCode": "",
        "ticketId": 0
    "Attachments": "[
         "attachmentId": 0,
         "submittedByUserId": 0,
         "submittedByUserName": "",
         "uploadDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
         "uploadIP": "",
         "ticketNumber": 0
    "AuditLog": "[]"
Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager through which the withdrawal was made.
accountId integer. The ID of the account that made the withdrawal.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) that was withdrawn. Withdrawal fees (if any) are usually assessed in the same asset that was withdrawn.
assetName string. The short name of the asset. For example, BTC for BitCoin or USD for US Dollars.
amount real. The number of units or fractions of units of the asset that were withdrawn (not the asset's monetary value). For example, 2.5 BitCoin or 2018.00 US Dollars.
templateForm JSON string object. The contents of the template form vary from Account Provider to Account Provider depending on the asset being withdrawn and the identity of the Account Provider. The Response returns this information as a string, not an object.
templateFormType string. The name of the template being used. Templates vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the withdrawal was made.
requestCode string. A globally unique identifier (GUID) that identifies this specific withdrawal.
requestIP string. The IP address from which the withdrawal was initiated.
requestUserId integer. The user ID of the user who submitted the withdrawal.
requestUserName string. The user name of the user who submitted the withdrawal. For example, jsmith.
operatorId integer. The ID of the administrator (operator) who processed the withdrawal. Withdrawals of cryptocurrency are handled automatically; withdrawals of fiat (national) currency are approved by a human operator.
Status integer. The current status of the withdrawal ticket. Some of these statuses are valid only for cryptocurrency withdrawals, which uses an automated withdrawal process, and some are valid for fiat currency withdrawals, which requires a human admin (operator). Some of these statuses are used by Cryptosx internally, yet they may appear on a returned Withdraw Ticket.

Withdraw ticket statuses:
0 New (awaiting operator review)
1 AdminProcessing (An admin is looking at the ticket)
2 Accepted (withdrawal will proceed)
3 Rejected (admin or automatic rejection)
4 SystemProcessing (automatic processing underway)
5 FullyProcessed (the withdrawal has concluded)
6 Failed (the withdrawal failed for some reason)
7 Pending (the admin has placed the withdrawal in pending status)
8 Pending2Fa (user must click 2-factor authentication confirmation link)
9 AutoAccepted (withdrawal will be automatically processed)
10 Delayed (waiting for funds to be allocated for the withdrawal)
11 UserCanceled (withdraw canceled by user or Superuser)
12 AdminCanceled (withdraw canceled by Superuser)
13 AmlProcessing (anti-money-laundering process underway)
14 AmlAccepted (anti-money-laundering process complete)
15 AmlRejected (withdrawal did not stand up to anti-money-laundering process)
16 AmlFailed (withdrawal did not complete anti-money-laundering process)
17 LimitsAccepted (withdrawal meets limits for fiat or crypto asset)
18 LimitsRejected (withdrawal does not meet limits for fiat or crypto asset)
19 Submitted (withdrawal sent to Account Provider; awaiting blockchain confirmation)
20 Confirmed (Account Provider confirms that withdrawal is on the blockchain)
21 ManuallyConfirmed (admin has sent withdrawal via wallet or admin function directly; marks ticket as FullyProcessed; debits account)
22 Confirmed2Fa (user has confirmed withdraw via 2-factor authentication.)
feeAmt real. The amount of any fee that was charged for the withdrawal. feeAmt is always denominated in the asset or product that was withdrawn.
updatedByUser integer. The user ID of the most recent user who may have updated the withdrawal ticket. This user is usually an admin (operator).
updatedByUserName string. The user name of the most recent user who may have updated the withdrawal ticket. This user is usually an admin (operator).
ticketNumber integer. The number of the ticket, as assigned by the system.
createdTimeStamp string. The time and date when the withdrawal ticket was created, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
lastUpdateTimeStamp string. The time and date when the withdrawal ticket was last updated, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
Comments array of JSON string objects. An array of key-value pairs appended as comments to the withdrawal ticket. See Comments example.
Attachments array of JSON string objects. An array of any attachments appended to the withdrawal ticket. See Attachments example.
AuditLog array of JSON string objects. Reserved for future use.

Comments Example

Comments Example

            "commentId": 0,
            "enteredBy": 0,
            "enteredDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "comment": "",
            "operatorId": 0,
            "omsId": 0,
            "ticketCode": "",
            "ticketId": 0

Comments appear as an array.

Key Value
commentId integer. The ID assigned to the comment by the system.
enteredBy integer. The ID of the user who entered the comment.
enteredDateTime string. The time and date that the comment was entered, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
comment string. The text of the comment.
operatorId integer. The ID of the admin (operator) making the comment.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the withdrawal ticket and comment were created. (They are unlikely to be different).
ticketCode string. A globally unique ID (GUID) assigned by the system that identifies the ticket.
ticketId integer. The ID of the ticket as assigned by the system.

Attachments Example

Attachments Example

            "attachmentId": 0,
            "submittedByUserId": 0,
            "submittedByUserName": "",
            "uploadDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "uploadIP": "",
            "ticketNumber": 0

Any attachments appear as an array.

Key Value
attachmentId integer. The ID assigned to the attachment by the system.
submittedByUserId integer. The user ID of the person who added the attachment to the withdrawal ticket.
submittedByUserName integer. The user name of the person who submitted the attachment.
uploadDate string. The date and time that the attachment was uploaded, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
uploadIP string. The IP address from which the attachment was uploaded.
ticketNumber long integer. The number of the withdrawal ticket, as assigned by the system.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves an attachment from a withdrawal ticket.


    "attachmentId": 0
Key Value
attachmentId integer. The ID of the specific attachment you want to retrieve. You can use the call GetWithdrawTicket to return any attachments appended to a specific ticket and learn the attachmentId if you don't already have it.


    "base64Attachment": "",
    "attachmentId": 0,
    "submittedByUserId": 0,
    "submittedByUserName": "",
    "uploadDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "uploadIP": "",
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "description": ""
Key Value
base64Attachment string. The attachment file. May be PDF, spreadsheet, blob, or other.
attachmentId integer. The ID assigned to the attachment by the system. Echoes the ID in the Request.
submittedByUserId integer. The user ID of the person who added the attachment to the withdrawal ticket.
submittedByUserName string. The user name of the person who submitted the attachment.
uploadDate string. The date and time that the attachment was uploaded, in Microsoft Ticks format. All dates and times are UTC.
uploadIP string. The IP address from which the attachment was uploaded.
ticketNumber long integer. The number of the withdrawal ticket, as assigned by the system.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Returns a limited array of withdrawal tickets from the specified Order Management System and account.

GetWithdrawTickets is usable with Operator and Trading permissions. It returns tickets from a single account. A similar call, GetAllWithdrawTickets, can be used only with Operator permission and returns tickets from all accounts.


    "OMSId": 1,
    "AccountId": 1,
    "StartIndex": 0,
    "Limit": 200

The key-value pairs StartIndex and Limit are optional. The oldest ticket is ticket 0. This differs from other calls where the newest ticket is ticket 0. The value of StartIndex is a pointer into the stream of withdrawal tickets, and the value of Limit shows how far into the past (towards ticket 0) to return tickets. For example, if there are 1500 current tickets (oldest ticket 0 through newest ticket 1499), StartIndex = 100, and Limit = 100; then GetWithdrawTickets would return ticket numbers 1399 through 1300.

Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the withdrawal tickets reside.
AccountId integer. The ID of the account from which the withdrawals were made. A user with Operator permission can return withdrawal tickets for any account; a user with Trading permission can return withdrawal tickets only for an account with which that user is associated.
StartIndex integer. OPTIONAL A pointer into the stream of withdrawal tickets. The oldest ticket is ticket 0. The default value for StartIndex is 0.
Limit integer. OPTIONAL The number of withdrawal tickets to return, beginning at the ticket marked by StartIndex. The default value for Limit is 200.


        "assetManagerId": 0,
        "accountId": 0,
        "assetId": 0,
        "assetName": "",
        "amount": 0.0,
        "templateForm": "{
            “TemplateType”: “TetherRPCWithdraw”,
            “Comment”: “TestWithdraw”,
            “ExternalAddress”: “ms6C3pKAAr8gRCcnVebs8VRkVrjcvqNYv3”, 
        "templateFormType": "ThetherRPCWithdraw",
        "omsId": 0,
        "requestCode": "490b4fa3-53fc-44f4-bd29-7e16be86fba3",
        "requestIP": "",
        "requestUserId": 0,
        "requestUserName": "",
        "operatorId": 0,
        "Status": 0,
        "feeAmt": 0.0,
        "updatedByUser": 0,
        "updatedByUserName": "",
        "ticketNumber": 0,
        "createdTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "lastUpdateTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "Comments": "[
                "commentId": 0,
                "enteredBy": 0,
                "enteredDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                "comment": "",
                "operatorId": 0,
                "omsId": 0,
                "ticketCode": "",
                "ticketId": 0
        "Attachments": "[
                "attachmentId": 0,
                "submittedByUserId": 0,
                "submittedByUserName": "",
                "uploadDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                "uploadIP": "",
                "ticketNumber": 0
        "AuditLog": "[]"

The Response is an array of detail information about the withdrawal.

Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager through which the withdrawal was made.
accountId integer. The ID of the account that made the withdrawal.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) that was withdrawn. Withdrawal fees (if any) are usually assessed in the same asset that was withdrawn.
assetName string. The short name of the asset. For example, BTC for BitCoin or USD for US Dollars.
amount real. The number of units or fractions of units of the asset that were withdrawn (not the asset's monetary value). For example, 2.5 BitCoin or 2018.00 US Dollars.
templateForm JSON string object. The contents of the template form vary from Account Provider to Account Provider depending on the asset being withdrawn and the identity of the Account Provider. The Response returns this information as a string.
templateFormType string. The name of the template being used. Templates vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the withdrawal was made.
requestCode string. A globally unique identifier (GUID) that identifies this specific withdrawal.
requestIP string. The IP address from which the withdrawal was initiated.
requestUserId integer. The user ID of the user who submitted the withdrawal.
requestUserName string. The user name of the user who submitted the withdrawal. For example, jsmith.
operatorId integer. The ID of the administrator (operator) who processed the withdrawal. Withdrawals of cryptocurrency are handled automatically; withdrawals of fiat (national) currency are approved by a human operator.
Status integer. The current status of the withdrawal ticket. Some of these statuses are valid only for cryptocurrency withdrawals, which uses an automated withdrawal process, and some are valid for fiat currency withdrawals, which requires a human admin (operator). Some of these statuses are used by Cryptosx internally, yet they may appear on a returned Withdraw Ticket.

Withdraw ticket statuses:
0 New (awaiting operator review)
1 AdminProcessing (An admin is looking at the ticket)
2 Accepted (withdrawal will proceed)
3 Rejected (admin or automatic rejection)
4 SystemProcessing (automatic processing underway)
5 FullyProcessed (the withdrawal has concluded)
6 Failed (the withdrawal failed for some reason)
7 Pending (the admin has placed the withdrawal in pending status)
8 Pending2Fa (user must click 2-factor authentication confirmation link)
9 AutoAccepted (withdrawal will be automatically processed)
10 Delayed (waiting for funds to be allocated for the withdrawal)
11 UserCanceled (withdraw canceled by user or Superuser)
12 AdminCanceled (withdraw canceled by Superuser)
13 AmlProcessing (anti-money-laundering process underway)
14 AmlAccepted (anti-money-laundering process complete)
15 AmlRejected (withdrawal did not stand up to anti-money-laundering process)
16 AmlFailed (withdrawal did not complete anti-money-laundering process)
17 LimitsAccepted (withdrawal meets limits for fiat or crypto asset)
18 LimitsRejected (withdrawal does not meet limits for fiat or crypto asset)
19 Submitted (withdrawal sent to Account Provider; awaiting blockchain confirmation)
20 Confirmed (Account Provider confirms that withdrawal is on the blockchain)
21 ManuallyConfirmed (admin has sent withdrawal via wallet or admin function directly; marks ticket as FullyProcessed; debits account)
22 Confirmed2Fa (user has confirmed withdraw via 2-factor authentication.)
feeAmt real. The amount of any fee that was charged for the withdrawal. feeAmt is always denominated in the asset or product that was withdrawn.
updatedByUser integer. The user ID of the most recent user who may have updated the withdrawal ticket. This user is usually an admin (operator).
updatedByUserName string. The user name of the most recent user who may have updated the withdrawal ticket. This user is usually an admin (operator).
ticketNumber integer. The number of the ticket, as assigned by the system.
createdTimeStamp string. The time and date when the withdrawal ticket was created, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
lastUpdateTimeStamp string. The time and date when the withdrawal ticket was last updated, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
Comments array of JSON string objects. An array of key-value pairs appended as comments to the withdrawal ticket. See Comments example.
Attachments array of JSON string objects. An array of any attachments appended to the withdrawal ticket. See Attachments example.
AuditLog array of JSON string objects. Reserved for future use.

Comments Example

Comments Example

            "commentId": 0,
            "enteredBy": 0,
            "enteredDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "comment": "",
            "operatorId": 0,
            "omsId": 0,
            "ticketCode": "",
            "ticketId": 0

Comments appear as an array.

Key Value
commentId integer. The ID assigned to the comment by the system.
enteredBy integer. The ID of the user who entered the comment.
enteredDateTime string. The time and date that the comment was entered, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
comment string. The text of the comment.
operatorId integer. The ID of the admin (operator) making the comment.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the withdrawal ticket and comment were created. (They are unlikely to be different).
ticketCode string. A globally unique ID (GUID) assigned by the system that identifies the ticket.
ticketId integer. The ID of the ticket as assigned by the system.

Attachments Example

Attachments Example


Any attachments appear as an array.

Key Value
attachmentId integer. The ID assigned to the attachment by the system.
submittedByUserId integer. The user ID of the person who added the attachment to the withdrawal ticket.
submittedByUserName integer. The user name of the person who submitted the attachment.
uploadDate string. The date and time that the attachment was uploaded, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
uploadIP string. The IP address from which the attachment was uploaded.
ticketNumber long integer. The number of the withdrawal ticket, as assigned by the system.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Allows a user with Operator permission to mark a single deposit ticket as fully processed (closed).


    "OMSId": 0,
    "TicketId": 0
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System through which the deposit is being made.
TicketId integer. The ID of the deposit ticket, as assigned by the system. You can obtain a value for TicketId from both the GetDepositTickets and GetAllDepositTickets calls, where it is named TicketNumber.


    "result": false,
    "errormsg": null,
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": null

The Response is a standard response object.

Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, result is true; otherwise it is false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Allows a user with Operator permission to mark a single withdrawal ticket as cancelled, terminating the withdrawal.


    "OMSId": 0,
    "TicketId": 0
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System through which the deposit is being made.
TicketId integer. The ID of the withdrawal ticket, as assigned by the system. You can obtain a value for TicketId from both the GetWithdrawTickets and GetAllWithdrawTickets calls, where it is named TicketNumber.


    "result": false,
    "errormsg": null,
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": null

The Response is a standard response object.

Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, result is true; otherwise it is false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Allows a user with Operator permission to mark a single withdrawal ticket as confirmed. Confirmed ordinarily means that the user has clicked the confirmation link in an email; the email confirms whether the user issued the withdrawal request. By marking the ticket as confirmed, the operator can manually make the confirmation.


    "OMSId": 0,
    "TicketId": 0
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System through which the deposit is being made.
TicketId integer. The ID of the withdrawal ticket, as assigned by the system. You can obtain a value for TicketId from both the GetWithdrawTickets and GetAllWithdrawTickets calls, where it is named TicketNumber.


    "result": false,
    "errormsg": null,
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": null

The Response is a standard response object.

Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, result is true; otherwise it is false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Allows a user with Operator permission to mark a single withdrawal ticket as fully processed (closed).


    "OMSId": 0,
    "TicketId": 0
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System through which the deposit is being made.
TicketId integer. The ID of the withdrawal ticket, as assigned by the system. You can obtain a value for TicketId from both the GetWithdrawTickets and GetAllWithdrawTickets calls, where it is named TicketNumber.


    "result": false,
    "errormsg": null,
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": null

The Response is a standard response object.

Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, result is true; otherwise it is false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Allows a user with Operator permission to resubmit a failed withdrawal ticket to the approval queue. A withdrawal ticket may fail for several generic reasons — often it is a typo on the withdrawal request. A user with Operator permission can update a ticket and correct that kind of problem.


    "OMSId": 0,
    "TicketId": 0
Key Value
OMSId integer. The ID of the Order Management System through which the deposit is being made.
TicketId integer. The ID of the withdrawal ticket, as assigned by the system. You can obtain a value for TicketId from both the GetWithdrawTickets and GetAllWithdrawTickets calls, where it is named TicketNumber.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "Invalid Request",
    "errorcode": 100,
    "detail": "Invalid OMSId"

The Response is a standard response object.

Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, result is true; otherwise it is false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Creates a comment and attaches that comment to a specific deposit ticket.


    "commentId": 0,
    "enteredBy": 0,
    "enteredDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "comment": "",
    "operatorId": 0,
    "omsId": 0,
    "ticketCode": "43d1a9f0-8dc3-46f9-b457-297c800d8c9c",
    "ticketId": 0
Key Value
commentId integer. The ID of this specific comment. In the Request, set this to 0. The Response supplies the system-assigned value for commentId.
enteredBy integer. The user ID of the user making the comment. If an operator (admin) is making the request, this should be the generic user ID of the admin (not the operator ID).
enteredDateTime string. The date and time that the comment was created, in Microsoft Ticks format and UTC time.
comment string. The comment string itself.
operatorId integer. The ID of an operator (admin) making the comment. The value for operatorId should be available programmatically from the ticket being commented.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the deposit is being made.
ticketCode string. A GUID (globally unique identifier) that identifies the deposit ticket to which the comment is attached. The value for ticketCode should be available programmatically from the ticket being commented.
ticketId integer. An ID assigned by the system to the ticket. You can obtain this value from the calls CreateDepositTicket, GetAllDepositTickets, GetDepositTicket, and GetDepositTickets. In all these calls, the key is named ticketNumber.


    "success": true,
    "commentid": 10000002
Key Value
success Boolean. A true value means that the comment has been successfully attached to the deposit ticket; false means that it has not been attached.
commentId integer. The ID assigned by the system to this specific comment.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Trading
Call Type: Synchronous

Creates a comment and attaches that comment to a specific withdrawal ticket.


    "commentId": 0,
    "enteredBy": 0,
    "enteredDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "comment": "",
    "operatorId": 0,
    "omsId": 0,
    "ticketCode": "43d1a9f0-8dc3-46f9-b457-297c800d8c9c",
    "ticketId": 0
Key Value
commentId integer. The ID of this specific comment. In the Request, set this to 0. The Response supplies the system-assigned value for commentId.
enteredBy integer. The user ID of the user making the comment. If an operator (admin) is making the request, this should be the generic user ID of the admin (not the operator ID).
enteredDateTime string. The date and time that the comment was created, in Microsoft Ticks format and UTC time.
comment string. The comment string itself.
operatorId integer. The ID of an operator (admin) making the comment. The value for operatorId should be available programmatically from the ticket being commented.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the withdrawal is being made.
ticketCode string. A GUID (globally unique identifier) that identifies the withdrawal ticket to which the comment is attached. The value for ticketCode should be available programmatically from the ticket being commented.
ticketId integer. An ID assigned by the system to the ticket. You can obtain this value from the calls GetWithdrawTicket, GetAllWithdrawTickets, and GetWithdrawTickets. In all these calls, the key is named ticketNumber.


    "success": true,
    "commentid": 10000002
Key Value
success Boolean. A true value means that the comment has been successfully attached to the withdrawal ticket; false means that it has not been attached.
commentId integer. The ID assigned by the system to this specific comment.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Changes the data in, and updates, a single Asset Manager wallet ticket.

Only a user with Operator permission can update an Asset Manager wallet ticket.


    "assetManagerId": 0,
    "accountProviderId": 0,
    "assetId": 0,
    "ticketId": "",
    "TicketType": 0,
    "TicketStatus": 0,
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "assetManagerServiceId": "1",
    "startIndex": 0,
    "limit": 0
Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager to which the wallet is linked. Different Order Management Systems may have different Asset Manager IDs.
accountProviderId integer. The ID of the Account Provider that is linked to the Asset Manager.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) of the Exchange that caused the generation of a ticket.
ticketId string. A GUID (alphanumeric) assigned by the system to the ticket.
ticketType integer. Describes the type of error or condition that triggered the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 LowBalance
2 HighBalance
3 Transfer
4 BalanceRequired
5 BalanceMismatch
6 WithdrawError
7 DepositError
8 AccountProviderError
ticketStatus integer. Describes the disposition of the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Open
2 Resolved
3 Rejected
4 Notification
ticketNumber integer. The number of this ticket on the Exchange.
assetManagerService Id string. The assetManagerServiceId is an alphanumeric string pre-configured for the specific Exchange. For current installations, this value is "1".
startIndex integer. The UpdateAssetManagerWalletTicket call ignores the value for startIndex. You can safely set this value to 0.
limit integer. The UpdateAssetManagerWalletTicket call ignores the value for limit. You can safely set this value to 0.


    "accountProviderId": 0,
    "assetId": 0,
    "ticketType": 0,
    "ticketStatus": 0,
    "ticketId": null,
    "ticketNumber": 0
Key Value
accountProviderId integer. The ID of the Account Provider associated with the creation of the ticket (for example, the error condition that the ticket represents).
assetId integer. The ID of the asset associated with the ticket.
ticketType integer. Describes the type of error or condition that triggered the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 LowBalance
2 HighBalance
3 Transfer
4 BalanceRequired
5 BalanceMismatch
6 WithdrawError
7 DepositError
8 AccountProviderError
ticketStatus integer. Describes the disposition of the ticket. One of:
0 Unknown (an error condition)
1 Open
2 Resolved
3 Rejected
4 Notification
ticketId string. The unique ID (alphanumeric) assigned by the system to the ticket.
ticketNumber integer. The number of this ticket on the exchange.


Category: System
Permission: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Updates the details of a deposit ticket for deposits of fiat currency (non-crypto national currencies, for example).


    "assetManagerId": 0,
    "accountId": 0,
    "assetId": 0,
    "assetName": null,
    "amount": 0.0,
    "omsId": 0,
    "requestCode": null,
    "requestIP": null,
    "requestUser": 0,
    "requestUserName": null,
    "operatorId": 0,
    "Status": 0,
    "feeAmt": 0.0,
    "updatedByUser": 0,
    "updatedByUserName": null,
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "depositInfo": null,
    "createdTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "lastUpdateTimeStamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "comments": null,
    "attachments": null
Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the system's asset manager module, usually 1.
accountId integer. The account receiving the deposit.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset being deposited. An asset is functionally the same as a product; you can obtain a list of products/assets available on the Exchange by using GetProducts.
assetName string. The short name of the asset being deposited. For example, USD (US Dollars) or BTC (BitCoin).
amount real. The quantity of the asset being deposited. This is not the monetary value of the asset. For example, 2.5 BitCoins is 2.5.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the deposit is being made, usually 1.
requestCode string. A requestCode is a globally unique ID assigned by the system. It identifies the deposit (as opposed to the deposit ticket).
requestIp string. The IP address from which the calling user made the deposit ticket request.
requestUser integer. The user ID of the user making the deposit ticket request.
requestUserName string. The user name of the user making the deposit ticket request, for example, jsmith.
operatorId integer. The ID of the trading venue operator. A deposit ticket can be updated only by a user with Operator permission.
status integer. The current status of this deposit ticket. Some of these statuses are valid only for cryptocurrency deposits; some are only valid for deposits of fiat (national) currency; others are used by Cryptosx internally. Any of the statuses may appear on a deposit ticket.

Deposit ticket statuses
0 New (new ticket awaiting operator review)
1 AdminProcessing (an admin is looking at the ticket)
2 Accepted (an admin accepts the ticket)
3 Rejected (admin rejects the ticket)
4 SystemProcessing (automatic processing; an unlikely status for a deposit)
5 FullyProcessed (the deposit has concluded)
6 Failed (the deposit has failed for some reason)
7 Pending (Account Provider has set status to pending)
8 Confirmed (Account Provider confirms the deposit)
9 AmlProcessing (anti-money-laundering process underway)
10 AmlAccepted (anti-money-laundering process successful)
11 AmlRejected (deposit did not stand up to anti-money-laundering process)
12 AmlFailed (anti-money-laundering process failed/did not complete)
13 LimitsAccepted (deposit meets limits for fiat or crypto asset)
14 LimitsRejected (deposit does not meet limits for fiat or crypto asset)
feeAmt real. The amount of any fee for the deposit.
updatedByUser integer. Contains the user ID of the user who updates the ticket.
updatedByUserName string. Contains the name of the user who updates the ticket.
ticketNumber long integer. A number assigned by the system to identify the ticket (as opposed to identifying the deposit).
depositInfo object. A set of key-value pairs that holds information about the source of the funds being deposited. This information was entered when the deposit ticket was created, as required by the Account Provider. It can vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.
createdTimeStamp string. The time and date stamp for when the deposit ticket was created, in Microsoft Ticks format. All time and date stamps are given as UTC.
lastUpdateTimeStamp string. The time and date stamp for the last update to the deposit ticket after it was created.
comments string. Any comments appended to the deposit ticket.
attachments string. Any attachments appended to the deposit ticket.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "",
    "errorcode": 0,
    "detail": ""
Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, result is true; otherwise it is false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send.


Category: System
Permission: Operator
Call Type: Synchronous

Updates the contents of a single withdrawal ticket as identified by the value for requestCode. The requestCode is the same value reported by GetWithdraws (where it is called withdrawCode). All other values of the withdrawal ticket can be changed by a user with Operator permission.

The values for Comments and Attachments are arrays. The values for Comments and Attachments can be added to using:

You cannot delete a comment or an attachment.


    "assetManagerId": 0,
    "accountId": 0,
    "assetId": 0,
    "assetName": "",
    "amount": 0.0,
    "templateForm": "{
            “TemplateType”: “TetherRPCWithdraw”,
            “Comment”: “TestWithdraw”,
            “ExternalAddress”: “ms6C3pKAAr8gRCcnVebs8VRkVrjcvqNYv3”, 
    "templateFormType": “TetherRPCWithdraw”,
    "omsId": 0,
    "requestCode": "490b4fa3-53fc-44f4-bd29-7e16be86fba3",
    "requestIP": "",
    "requestUserId": 0,
    "requestUserName": "",
    "operatorId": 0,
    "Status": 0,
    "feeAmt": 0.0,
    "updatedByUser": 0,
    "updatedByUserName": "",
    "ticketNumber": 0,
    "createdTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "lastUpdateTimestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "Comments": "[
            "commentId": 0,
            "enteredBy": 0,
            "enteredDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "comment": "",
            "operatorId": 0,
            "omsId": 0,
            "ticketCode": "",
            "ticketId": 0
    "Attachments": "[
            "attachmentId": 0,
            "submittedByUserId": 0,
            "submittedByUserName": "",
            "uploadDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "uploadIP": "",
            "ticketNumber": 0
    "AuditLog": "[]"

The sample Comments and Attachments objects are documented separately below.

Key Value
assetManagerId integer. The ID of the Asset Manager through which the withdrawal was made.
accountId integer. The ID of the account from which the withdrawal was made.
assetId integer. The ID of the asset (product) that was withdrawn. Withdrawal fees (if any) are usually assessed in the same asset that was withdrawn.
assetName string. The short name of the asset. For example, BTC for BitCoin or USD for US Dollars.
amount real. The number of units or fractions of units of the asset that were withdrawn (not the asset's monetary value). For example, 2.5 BitCoin or 2018.00 US Dollars.
templateForm JSON string object. The contents of the template form vary from Account Provider to Account Provider depending on the asset being withdrawn and the identity of the Account Provider. The fields shown here are just examples.
templateFormType string. The name of the template being used. Templates vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the withdrawal was made.
requestCode string. A globally unique identifier (GUID) that identifies this specific withdrawal (as opposed to the ticket).
requestIP string. The IP address from which the withdrawal was initiated.
requestUserId integer. The user ID of the user who submitted the withdrawal request.
requestUserName string. The user name of the user who submitted the withdrawal request. For example, jsmith.
operatorId integer. The ID of the administrator (operator) who processed the withdrawal. Withdrawals of cryptocurrency are handled automatically; withdrawals of fiat (national) currency are approved by a human operator. Only a user with Operator permission can issue the UpdateWithdrawTicket call.
Status integer. The current status of the withdrawal ticket. Some of these statuses are valid only for cryptocurrency withdrawals, which uses an automated withdrawal process, and some are valid for fiat currency withdrawals, which requires a human admin (operator). Some of these statuses are used by Cryptosx internally, yet they may appear on a returned Withdraw Ticket.

Withdraw ticket statuses:
0 New (awaiting operator review)
1 AdminProcessing (An admin is looking at the ticket)
2 Accepted (withdrawal will proceed)
3 Rejected (admin or automatic rejection)
4 SystemProcessing (automatic processing underway)
5 FullyProcessed (the withdrawal has concluded)
6 Failed (the withdrawal failed for some reason)
7 Pending (the admin has placed the withdrawal in pending status)
8 Pending2Fa (user must click 2-factor authentication confirmation link)
9 AutoAccepted (withdrawal will be automatically processed)
10 Delayed (waiting for funds to be allocated for the withdrawal)
11 UserCanceled (withdraw canceled by user or Superuser)
12 AdminCanceled (withdraw canceled by Superuser)
13 AmlProcessing (anti-money-laundering process underway)
14 AmlAccepted (anti-money-laundering process complete)
15 AmlRejected (withdrawal did not stand up to anti-money-laundering process)
16 AmlFailed (withdrawal did not complete anti-money-laundering process)
17 LimitsAccepted (withdrawal meets limits for fiat or crypto asset)
18 LimitsRejected (withdrawal does not meet limits for fiat or crypto asset)
19 Submitted (withdrawal sent to Account Provider; awaiting blockchain confirmation)
20 Confirmed (Account Provider confirms that withdrawal is on the blockchain)
21 ManuallyConfirmed (admin has sent withdrawal via wallet or admin function directly; marks ticket as FullyProcessed; debits account)
22 Confirmed2Fa (user has confirmed withdraw via 2-factor authentication.)
feeAmt real. The amount of any fee that was charged for the withdrawal. feeAmt is always denominated in the asset or product that was withdrawn.
updatedByUser integer. The user ID of the most recent user who has updated the withdrawal ticket.
updatedByUserName string. The user name of the most recent user who has updated the withdrawal ticket.
ticketNumber integer. An ID number that identifies the ticket (as opposed to identifying the withdrawal).
createdTimeStamp string. The time and date when the withdrawal ticket was created, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
lastUpdateTimeStamp string. The time and date when the withdrawal ticket was last updated, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
Comments array of JSON string objects. An array of key-value pairs appended as comments to the withdrawal ticket. See Comments example.
Attachments array of JSON string objects. An array of any attachments appended to the withdrawal ticket. See Attachments example.
AuditLog array of JSON string objects. Reserved for future use.

Comments Example

Comments Example

"Comments": "[
            "commentId": 0,
            "enteredBy": 0,
            "enteredDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "comment": "",
            "operatorId": 0,
            "omsId": 0,
            "ticketCode": "",
            "ticketId": 0

Comments appear as an array.

Key Value
commentId integer. The ID assigned to the comment by the system.
enteredBy integer. The ID of the user who entered the comment.
enteredDateTime string. The time and date that the comment was entered, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
comment string. The text of the comment.
operatorId integer. The ID of the admin (operator) making the comment.
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the withdrawal ticket and comment were created. (They are unlikely to be different).
ticketCode string. A globally unique ID (GUID) assigned by the system and which identifies the ticket.
ticketId integer. The ID of the ticket as assigned by the system.

Attachments Example

Attachments Example

            "attachmentId": 0,
            "submittedByUserId": 0,
            "submittedByUserName": "",
            "uploadDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "uploadIP": "",
            "ticketNumber": 0

Any attachments appear as an array.

Key Value
attachmentId integer. The ID assigned to the attachment by the system.
submittedByUserId integer. The user ID of the person who added the attachment to the withdrawal ticket.
submittedByUserName integer. The user name of the person who submitted the attachment.
uploadDate string. The date and time that the attachment was uploaded, in Microsoft Ticks format. All times and dates are UTC.
uploadIP string. The IP address from which the attachment was uploaded.
ticketNumber long integer. The number of the withdrawal ticket, as assigned by the system.


    "errormsg":"Invalid Request",
    "detail":"Invalid OMSId or OperatorId"
Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, result is true; otherwise it is false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call returns one of the following messages:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Response (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errorcode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send.


Category: System
Permissions: Operator, Withdraw
Call Type: Synchronous

Executes a withdrawal of a product. This call is no longer used and is documented here only for completeness. This call has been replaced by CreateWithdrawTicket.


    "omsId": 0,
    "accountId": 0,
    "productId": 0,
    "amount": 0.0,
    "templateForm": "",
    "templateFormType": ""
Key Value
omsId integer. The ID of the Order Management System from which the withdrawal is to be made.
accountId integer. The ID of the account from which the withdrawal is to be made.
productId integer. The ID of the product (asset) being withdrawn.
amount real. The unit and fractional quantity of the withdrawal; for example 2.5 BitCoin or 2018.17 US Dollars.
templateForm object. The contents of the template form vary from Account Provider to Account Provider, depending on the asset being withdraw and the identity of the Account Provider.
templateFormType string. The name of the template being used for the withdrawal. Templates vary from Account Provider to Account Provider.


    "result": true,
    "errormsg": "Operation Not Supported",
    "errorcode": 106,
    "detail": ""
Key Value
result Boolean. If the call has been successfully received by the Order Management System, returns true, otherwise returns false.
errormsg string. A successful receipt of the call returns null. The errormsg key for an unsuccessful call can return:
Not Authorized (errorcode 20)
Invalid Request (errorcode 100)
Operation Failed (errorcode 101)
Server Error (errocode 102)
Resource Not Found (errorcode 104)
Operation Not Supported (errorcode 106)
errorcode integer. A successful receipt of the call returns 0. An unsuccessful receipt of the call returns one of the errorcodes shown in the errormsg list.
detail string. Message text that the system may send.


These are User-category calls that don't fit well into the Admin Guide organization.


Category: User
Permissions: Operator, Level1MarketData
Call Type: Synchronous

Gets the earliest ticker reading of the trading day.

Users with Level1MarketData permission can obtain the earliest tick time only for an instrument they have permission to trade; users with Operator permission can get earliest tick time for any instrument.


    "InstrumentId": 1,
    "OMSId": 1
Key Value
InstrumentId integer. The ID of an instrument on the Order Management System for which the earliest ticker time is being requested.
OMSId integer The ID of the Order Management System that will return the earliest ticker time of the day.


    1501603632000 \\DateTime - UTC - Milliseconds since 1/1/1970 

Despite the array brackets, the response returns a single value.

Key Value
1501603632000 long integer Time of the earliest ticker tick, in POSIX format and UTC.


Category: User
Permissions: Public
Call Type: Synchronous

Used to keep a connection alive.


{ }

Ping requires no payload.



Response is PONG.